The Truth Within me book one

23 What are you doing


Three months ago.

I wake up, and it's two days later Jessie and Nikki are both gone, and I miss my chances to bond with Nikki, for some reason, I feel okay with it. I searched everywhere for them couldn't find them anywhere when I went into Jessie's workroom there was a letter lying in the middle of the floor.

Zek, I am so sorry for betraying you, please forgive me. I had no choice I am bounded to Nikki, and I always have been everything you did to her was like you were doing it to me, but please don't blame your self I could not tell you. Also, the reason you feel different is that you were compelled by magic. I have even always cared about you and always will. But Nikki was not meant to be your mate. I have seen your mate, and you just have to be patient. I will be back soon; you'll see things will be different this time. But for me to come back to you, I need you to choose your path. If you keep chasing after Nikki, then you will lose your self and your mate or embrace your new life and stop with all this craziness. So you can wait for your real mate to have ultimate happiness; the choice is yours.

I hope that you choose your mate.

All way's Jessie

Three months later.

I have changed a lot, but I am still working on being a better person. As I am talking to one of my warriors, I get a note form Jessie that says she on her way here, and she needs me to meet her at the border to talk to her.

My wolf is so happy to get Jessie back finally, after everything I did to Nikki he never agreed with it. I still remember the first day he talked to me it was two months ago he told me I am proud of you Zek for changing and being a better person now we can have our mate. He then went on to say to me that the night Jessie Put a Spell on everyone he was the only one awake and that Jessie loves him and would always protect him and never hurt him also ever since she was a child he would spend hours and hours with her..Jessie even knows our real name. I was very shocked by this news because I can't even remember my fucking name my wolf has blocked it from me and said I do not deserve to know what it is it does not take very long to get to Jessie. Once I reach the border and see Jessie waiting for me, I feel my heart drop she looks like the walking dead with blood and chunks of flesh in her hair and on her clothes and black soot all over her I'm not even sure I want to know about that one.

What in the bloody hell happened to you, Jessie?

A lot and it's going to take a while to explain everything.

We were attacked and my parents we killed as well as Eric Nikki lost her fucking mind and went on a five day killing spry so ya there's that can I just show you ow and by the way Nikki is my twin sister I never know I had.

Ow sweetheart come here that's all it took for her to run in my arms and finally brack down crying.

After she explains everything to me and shows me what happened, we get Nick and take her down to the cells. I'm concerned about this. I do not like it at all, but Jessie keeps me; it's for the best me that it will be okay. Once we were there, and we have Nikki in the cell, she puts a boundary spell on it, so Nikki can't get out of the room, and only me and Jessie are allowed inside the cell.

I need you to make a binding spell with me.

What are you talking about, Jessie?

I need you to swear by your blood. You will never harm my sister or me ever in any kind of way, Zek ever again.

I look at her for a minute, and I think to myself, this is my chance to make everything up to them; I have to do this. Ok, what do you need me to do?

Jessie cuts her palm, and I do the same when our hands touch the blood and Magic bind together purple flames come from both of our hands. The flames burn the hell out of me.

Zek, if you brack this, you and your pack will die, and the same goes for Nikki and me.

I'm going to give you a little bit of my magic so you can do the same with Nikki when she wakes up because I'm going to need her to trust you. I don't have very much strength left, and I'm going to need to rest for a while.

Jessie then proceeds to push magic into a little clear glass bottle with a wooden cork on top of it on the inside you can see small purple flame swirling and dancing. As soon as she done Jessie collapsed, I barely have time to grab her and to pick her up, Bridal style. Once I have a good grab on her, I take her up to her old bedroom and lay her down and kiss her forehead and tell her I promise I will look after you and your sister from now.

I walk out the door and head back to the cells to check on Nikki. I did not expect to find that she is already awake and was terrorizing everyone in the cells or how in the bloody hell she has my guards running for their life and my prisoners screaming in so much pain. Nikki is in her wolf forum roaring so loud the entire building is shaking. All she cares about is trying to break the dame door down and to kill everyone in sight.

At this point, I now understand why Jessie insisted on putting Nicki in this dame cell. I let my wolf take over and walk up to the door. Once there, he lowers his head and says," my queen, I'm here to protect you; there is no danger. Jessie is safe and sleeping; she also put a binding spell on this cell to defend you and to protect everyone around you right now. If you would please calm down and shift back, I'll be more than glad to explain everything to you.

Mariah lets out a mean ass growl and then shifts back to let Nikki take over. Nikki looks around confused trying to figure out what is going on and say was it all a dream Zek was I just dreaming? Did any of that happen? Please tell me it was just a terrible dream"! Nikki now has tears running down her face. She's hyperventilating with her hands on the bar's begging me for it to all be a lie.

In all the time that I had Nikki here, I have never seen her so broken! It kills me that she finally broke. I think she's maybe Beyond repair.

Nikki come here you are safe. I'm not going to hurt you let me see your hand.

Nikki hesitantly sticks her hand through the bar for me to take. I will never harm you or anyone you love nor will anybody and my pack ever harm you again. Do you swear that you will never hurt my pack or me?

Nicki looks at me like I have lost my fucking mind. She then looked at me and said," if I agree to this, you promised to tell me the truth about everything? Is Jessie's my sister or not, and if everyone else I loved is dead"?

I can't believe this is my Fierce Nikki begging me to know the truth about something so heartbreaking yes if you agree to everything. I will tell you the truth but know this if you or myself break this it will be our death. This truce will be magically bonded between us.

I will never break the truce.

I take Nikik's hand and cut across it with the little dagger Jessie gave me. I repeat the process on my hand and open the bottle Jessie gave me to use and poor her magic on my hand. I then close my hand over hers.

Once everything is done Nicki looks at the purple flame still burning on her hand and says is this Jessie's magic? It is the same color I dreamed about, and why do you have Jessie's Magic In A Bottle?

Yes, this is Jesse's magic; she gave it to me after she brought you here. She's upstairs asleep right now, and yes, Jessie is your sister. As much as I hate to say it, yes, everyone you love did die.

Why are you so kind to Jessie and me? Now after everything you did to me? Why do you care now"?

I felt like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. The only way I can think to explain it is as if I was possessed before like someone was controlling me, and now they're not. I'm so sorry for everything I did to you, and I wish I could take it back.

Nikki looks at me in my eyes as she reaches up and takes her hand and puts it on the side of my face I can see all the questions in her eyes as she's watching me and says I believe you Zek and I forgive you. I can feel your soul; you're a different person now. Your wolf has always been kind and good, but your vampire side was not well until now anyway.

I smile at Nikki, and I can feel one of the cracks in my heart start to heal Its a very odd feeling, is there anything you need? No one can come in the cell but me and Jessie. But I'll be more than glad to bring anything you need.

Two months later.

It has become a peaceful kind of calm around here. Jessie finally woke up, and we let Nikki out of her cell she doing a lot better and has more control over herself now. She still loses control now and then, but, rarely, it happens now.

I found out who my mate was, and we have fully mated and bonded. I could not believe it when Jessie told me who my mate was. I was utterly shocked, and I never saw it coming.


It's the third day after Jessie woke up and we're sitting in her room talking. I look over and ask are you ever going to tell me who my mate is?

She smiles at me. I said yes I think I will answer your question and snaps her fingers, lays her hand on mine. I instantly feel the spark coming from her hand as she smiles and says I have been your mate all alone. I have known since I was 13 years old you were just too blind by hatred to see. Why do you think that I always did what you asked of me? Except whenever I left with Nikki.? why do you think I left your wolf awake to protect you and the pack when I left from here? Why I loved your wolf so much all these years?

I got to admit I should have seen that one was coming a mile away. But I never did, but the more I think about it now, the more I could see and feel the love coming off of her. I don't understand why I could never see it before today.

"End of flashback "

Nikki accepted the fact that me and Jessie are happy together. She just threatened to slice me in Tiny bits and pieces and eat me If I ever hurt her sister besides that we're good.

But I can still see the pain and her eyes every time she looks at us. She longs to have Eric back in her life. She misses him so fucking much I wish there were a way to bring him back to her.

Jessie told me the Great Divine would not even speak with her at all. So now she calls her the Great bitch, which I think is a sign of disrespect on top of that Nikki says if she ever sees her again, she's going to slaughter her. So let's hope neither one of them sees her again!

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