The Truth Within me book one

24 It was all ways a part of the plan

The Great Divine

I know that I may seem like a bitch and cruel, but I am not all I want is to protect everyone in the world, but the only way to explain is to start from the beginning.

I am the Gate Keeper of ever world in my dimension. There is also a Council with one of every Supernatural leader on it, but in the end, I have the final say all though I do take their advisement in every matter.

When a soul is born, it starts here with one member of the council gives that soul their power. It just depends on what race of Supernatural soul is born to be, and when a soul dies, it comes back here for a trial to see if they are to be reborn or to be sent to the Abby's for all times with no Escape ever. There is a third option where they are in prison here and earn their way back to rebirth.

There are six different Supernatural species.

The first is the dragons. The king of dragons is The warrior king Damon.

The second is the wolves. The Queen of the wolves is the moon, Goddess Davina.

The third is vampires. The king is of vampires is The God of Darkness Dom.

The fourth is faye. The Queen of faye was Lisa, but now is Nova of eternal life.

The fifth is Demons. The King of demons is Lazer.

The sixth is witches. The Queen of witches is Renee.

So when a half faye and half-demon mated to a half-werewolf and witch, I knew what had to be done. I'd blessed Lisa with Nikki and Jessie's live Force. I then started sending Visions to Lisa to have her do what needs to be done to save her children and the word as we no it.

When they were 18, I started sending visions to Jessie to help guide them down the right path until their 21st birthday when they came to train with me.

I never showed them the vision of when they would wake up I knew that Nikki and Jessie would lose their parents along with Nikki lose her mate. That's why pushed so hard for Nikki to accept Eric before training. If they knew that everyone would die, the girls would not have left, so I had no choice because I need them to be trained, it is part of their Destiny.

What they do not know is I have Lisa Rick and Eric with me now.

I have made Lisa the new GateKeeper of souls.

I have made Rick my lead Warrior.

They cannot go back to the human world, but as far as Eric goes, I am training him with the strongest Elite Warriors. We are helping him learn how to harness and control his newfound powers. Eric's bond to Nikki is still there I just dampened it and made it feel as if it was broke. I am teaching Eric how to draw on her powers as well, showing him how to help her through their bond. When Eric has completed his training and Nikki has harnessed her full potential, I will send Eric back to the human world so they can be together again.

So as I was saying before, I know I seem mean and cruel at times, but it is my job to help each person to be accomplished their on destiny, and sometimes that means losing the people you love to make you stronger and able to do things you never thought you could.

Then sometimes, the people you love are the ones you need to lend you the strength to accomplish what needs to be done.

To make Nikki and Jessie stronger and more ruthless, I need them to lose everything they love in three days Jessie's mate will die so they can go through all levels of training.

The second one will be in the Underworld with the king of demons.

The Third will be in the ancient land with the moon Goddess.

The Fourth will be with God of Darkness, the vampire King

in the dark land.

The fifth will be with the Queen of Faye in the Underhill.

The sixth will be with the Dragon King in the lands of fire.

The Seventh will be with the Queen of witches in the human world.

When they are finished, the real war will start. We'll see who wins in the End. No one else knows that for every light there is Darkness. There are all ways two of a kind one good one bad. For every world it as a mirror world.

It is like this and every single world except for the underworld.

Demons were born out of Darkness so they cannot be persuaded for light or Dark. It just depends on the demon individually on what side they waiver to.

Three days later.

I sent Jessie a vision of a unique herb that Nikki needs an order to help control her wolf also, how to make the potion she would need for Nikki as well. I told her to send Zek and 5 Warriors to go and get it because it would not be safe for her and that she needs to stay with Nikki.

Jessie has Zek, and his Warriors go to the woods that are in a very discreet location close to the Faye land.

When Zek gets there, I have arranged for him to be ambushed, and he will only have a short time to find the Herb that Jessie needs.

3 hours last.

They are in the forest looking everywhere for the herb, but due to the enormous trees and all of the green Vines and different colored flowers throughout the wood, they are having a tough time. They are slowly getting closer to the Faye border, and the closer they get, the more different colored flowers they found. Zek even considers a couple of purple flowers on the way, but they weren't the exact shape and color Jessie said she needs.

Zek accidentally steps across the border when he finds the herb he needed. He quickly grabbed a handful and sticks them in his to-go bag once Zek steps back across the border, he hands the bag to one of his Warriors. Zek says, let's go home, but before they can leave, they're surrounded by Faye Warriors. The head Warrior walks up to Zek with long blond hair and bright green eyes with golden and White armor; with a Sinister look on his face and says, way have you trespassed on faye land?

Zek bowed his head and said I apologize for trespassing. I was simply looking for a herb for my mate; she is a Faye as will. She needs a unique herb for her sister, who is in great need. Please forgive me I didn't mean to disrespect you or your land, and I didn't even realize that I stepped over the border.

I am Lucian. I can see you have a kind heart to come this way for your mate, but I am not the one you have to ask for forgiveness. You must go with me and asked our Queen if she will forgive you.

I understand, and I will go with you to ask for forgiveness.

Lucian put his hand lightly on Zek shoulder and says," I will grant you this one favor. I will let you send your warriors home with the herbs for your mate.

Thank you very much, Lucian. But may I ask why you are doing this"?

I know who your mate is; she is my niece. So I would do this for them, but you most quickly tell your warriors to leave now before it's too late.

Zek nods his head one time, and the Warriors leave. Lucian says something under his breath, and they appear in the castle before the Queen.

The Queen walks down towards Zek and say's," why have you trespassed on our lands, and what do you want?

Zek quickly explains to the Queen what had happened. The Queen just stares at him for a minute. Then she nodded her head one time; the next thing Zek heard was the sound of a sword flying through the air, and then pure darkness is all he sees.

Zek is now laying in the middle of the sand where I'm standing over him, waiting for him to wake up.

Zek looks up at me and say's, "where am I? Why am I here"?

I explain to him that he is in my world and that I am the Great Divine and that I m going to take him to where Eric is. So that they can train together until it's time for them to go home.

So you're the great bitch what I have done to be punished? Nevermind, don't answer that question! But why now?

Think to myself, you ungrateful ass!

I should punish you for your disrespect, but I will let it slide this one time. Though you better not ever disrespect me like that again, or you will regret the day you ever took your first breath!! To answer your questions, no, your not being punished. It's just that for Jessie and Nikki to be able to access their full powers, they must lose everything they love. Once you and Eric have trained, I will send you both home.

I guess I don't have any say in this, so when do we start?

Now come on, and let's go I say as I help Zek off the ground.

The first thing Eric does is walk up to Zek and punches him in the face and starts beating the holy Hell out of Zek.

I have several of my Warriors to separate them once they have done so, I say," you are not here to fight. Zek did not have control over what he did to Nikki; the Dark Divine possessed his vampire half; he had no choice in what happened. I have helped him free himself from her now. That is why he is here to learn to control his powers better and to learn how to be a better Warrior. You both are family; you are meant to be one. From this day forward, what you do will affect your mates life".

Now I just hope Jessie and Nikki will do as they were told by this point. I believe if the girls can figure out how to get in my world. They would come and Slaughter me just as Nikki threatens to do every single day.

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