
Jessie and I are sitting outside on the little porch swing, talking about making preparations need for our dad's and Eric's packs to try to get everything in order. So they can have some resemblance of peace and stability and their life's.

When we see the warriors come back form there Mission without Zek, Jessie quickly stands up and says, where is Zek? Why is he not with you?

Zek stayed behind to talk to the faye Queen. He will be back later tonight or in the morning.

Jessie smiled at the warrior and said, thank you for your help. I appreciate it very much. You all may go see your family till Zek gets back.

The guys say their thanks and leave.

Once Jessie has the herbs in her hand, we go back inside to her workroom so she can make the potion I need to help with M.

30 minutes later.

Jesse gives me the potion; it does not smell very good at all, and It keeps making me want to gag every time I try to drink it. Fuck, this shit smells nasty as hell, but I know I have to drink it, so I grabbed my nose and gag one more time, and then I quickly chug it as fast as I can. I am still in the process of not throwing up when my sister screams out in pain and doubles over, holding her stomach crying.

I run over to her and drop to my knees and hold her and say, what's happening to you? What's wrong, Jessie?

All Jessie can say between cries is "Zek." She lets out another blood-curdling scream and falls to the ground.

I instantly know what has happened, so I call, Ray, through the mind link. When ray answers me, I yell GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW. As soon as he walks into the room, I grabbed him by his throat and slammed him up against the wall. Why in the fuck did you leave Zek by himself? What in the hell is wrong with your stupid ass?

Ray tries to talk, but due to my grip around his throat, he cannot make a sound, and he's starting to turn blue, so I quickly loosen my grip so he can answer my questions.

Zek told us that we have to get back so we could give Jessie the herbs before they went bad.

You're going to have to be in charge of the pack, for now, Jessie can not do it. I have to go to my dad's and Eric's pack to give them a game plan. I am going to take my sister with me so I can help her. When we get back, we will come up with an idea then for this pack as well, ok.

Yes, Alpha.

And Ray, the only reason your alive right now is because I need you, but if Jessie desids she holds you responsible, then I will kill you myself without a second thought about it.

With a quick nod, he walks out of the room. Once he was gone, I pick Jessie up and carry her to my room, where I lay her down gently on the bed, trying not hurt her more as I cover her up with a thin blanket, and then I start packing of our trip.

After I packed everything I call the Warriors that came with us two months ago from my dad's and Eric's pack ask them to get ready, we're going home as everyone walks off I call out to Waylon.

Can you get our bags so I can carry Jessie to the car please I know when Eric died, it hurt extremely bad when someone else touched me? It felt like my skin was on fire, and for some reason, Jessie is the only one that did not burn me, so I'm hoping it will be the same for her because I don't want to put my sister through the same pain.

Yes, Alpha, I will get everything now and meet you in the car, and do you want me to ride with you on the way back?

That be great, thank you.

Once I get outside I lay Jessie down in the backseat of the SUV I am going to be driving and just have Waylon ride with us so Jessie can sleep comfortably in the backseat. I divided everyone else up into six cars so that I have 3 SUVs in front of us and three behind us. The night is bright, and pretty with the moon shining down, it looks like it lighting our way home.

Once I am in the diver seat I look back to check on Jessie she looks pale and sweaty her cheeks and eyes are swollen and red from her crying. It breaks my heart to see my sister have to go through this pain. I know it all too well, and I would never wish this on anyone I look back at the road and take off.

I've been driving for about 4 hours now. The roads are still clear, but when I go around a curve in the street, a dark figure appears right in the middle of the fucking road. I slam on the brakes but end up causing us to flip upside down several times, causing us to land in the middle of the woods away from the road. I'm pretty sure I hit my head because everything is fuzzy. I'm having a hard time focusing and every time I blink my eyes times trying to get my vision back I see dark figures getting closer to us, so I think I'm seeing shit because when I opened my eyes one more time, and there are a lot of dark feet surrounding our SUV. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to focus enough to get out of the SUV and end up grabbing one of the figures by the throat and ripping it out.

I am attacking the second one when I see their fucking demons! Will dame it.

I kill him quickly about that time I hear the other warriors coming through the woods and start fighting off the demons. We have been fighting for a good 10 minutes when Jessie screams my name I instantly snap my head her direction to see two of the demons trying to drag her off. I run in her direction, but as soon as I get in arms link, I get hit in the back of the head, and everything goes fucking black again!!!

The next thing I know, I hear my sister crying. When I tried to open my eyes, the lights blind the hell out of me and makes my fucking head hurt, but when I finally can open my eyes, I see Jessie hanging from metal cables by her wrist so tight it is cutting into her skin. She has blood trailing down her arms, and her hair is all matted up and sticky from the blood, and she covered with cuts and bruises all over her body her clothes are almost non-existing because they have been torn so severely.

I quickly look away from her to look around the room to see where we are, the one thing I know for sure it is fucking hot in here. I am literally pouring sweat. I see everything made out of black rocks; it looks like it came straight from a volcano. In the middle of the room, there's a fire pit made out of the same Black Rock, and behind that is a wall full of all different kinds of torture devices. I haven't even seen in my life, but I know deep in my heart that's what the fuck they are.

I look back at the door when I hear someone coming in some beast looking thing walks up to me. It has slick black skin with orange cracks all through its body. It seems like it could be its veins with long zig-zag horns sticking out of its head. The beast stops right in front of me, and I have to look up at it, and, to be honest, it is scary as fuck, especially when it smiled at me with a mouthful sharpest ass teeth. It would be so much fucking better if I could stand up and not strapped down to the bloody chair.

The beast finally speaks up and says," my name is Kinwoork. I will be your torture for the day. If you have any questions, please shut the fuck up and keep them to yourself. He then walks away to the torture wall.

I think to myself, ok that just happened, so what the fuck is really going on here? I have a bad feeling about this, and Mariah agrees with me; she also reminds me to close the bond between Jessie and me. So she will not fell my pain, but I can still help take away some of her pain and help heal her.

When Kinwoork comes back, he has what looks to be a fire poker in his hand it so fucking hot it still has an orange-red tint to. He goes to Jessie, and she looks pale as he walks up to her. Jessie looks over at me and says I am sorry for everything I ever did to you, Nikki and I know that I deserve this and more.

No, you fucking don't, and I forgave you a long time ago Jessie I will get us out of here, I promise I yelled at her.

Jessie just smiled at me with tears running down her face, and she looked back at kinwoork, waiting for whatever he was going to do.

That stupid fucker says," awe how sweet you think you can really save her. He then shoved the poker in her stomach. Jessie screened so loud it hurt my ears and broke my heart at the same time. I used all the magic I could to pull to take the pain away from her. I then slowly started healing her, trying not to make it so apparent that he would take long in hurting her because I need him to think that she week so he will leave her alone because I can take anything, but she can't.

After he did this a couple more times before he got a hot knife and ran it down her face, Jessie is crying, and she screams every time he does something to her. But I know it is just half of what it really feels like because I feel the other half when I pull it away from her he ends up torturing her for what seems like hours before Kinwoord deem she's had enough. At one point, my fire magic kicks in, and I start melting the restraints Kinwoork threatens to do more imaginative things to my sister that should not ever be done to anyone, so I didn't do that anymore.

Then it's my turn Kinwoork has three more demons come and hung me up by my arms like they have Jessie. He then goes to the fire Pitt and heats the Poker again to start his twisted game with me as he stabs me in between my ribs. I know he's punctured my lung. I am not going to lie that shit hurts terrible, but I don't make a sound, but I got to say the fire is a new type of torture for me, one I was definitely not prepared for.

I guess Kinwoork was not happy that I did not scream or cry because he threw the poker away and went and got a bucket full of coal that he puts under me so that my feet are in it and for some fucking reason, it still had flames coming off of it. It's so fucking hot that the lower part of my legs to my knees is a chard color black from where it has burnt me so bad, and the up half of my legs are dripping skin like It water run down my body, but I still don't make a sound. I use my fire to help block the pain out, but this time I make sure to hold it inside my body, I also make sure my bond with Jessie is closed tight, so she does not feel any pain.

After that, he gets bored and moves the bucket, and the stupid fuckers then drag me into a room that looks like a meat locker. They hang me back up and strip me down to nothing but my bra and my panties. The assholes then leave me in here for what seems like for fucking ever!!!!

I really don't know how long I have been in here, but I think my body is in shock because it is so fucking cold in here it feels hotter than the fire did. I am literally starting to turn blue from being in here so long. My teeth won't stop chatting; I feel like they're going to break from my mouth, closing so hard. I even bet if I was to cry a tear, it probably freezes to my face before it fall. Kinwoork finally comes back in with what looks like a baseball bat in his hand, but the upper half of it has spikes all over it. He has a sinister smile on his face when he swings the bat; it's so fucking hard it breaks every rib on my right side my body. I start swinging from side to side; he grabs my arm to still my body to keep me from moving. The next time he's swung the bat, he hits my left side, but this time the fucking bat shocks me. My body instantly locks up so tight it feels like my bones are going to break.

After a while, my body finally relaxes about that time I hear Jesse cry out and can feel her pain through our bond. I tell Mariah I'm tired of this shit I'm ready to get out of here what about you. Mariah says," yes, but I'm not really mad; I just feel tired."

I tell her to think about what they did to Jessie and what they are still doing now. What they said they would do to her and think about what they did to Eric. Do you want Jessie to suffer the same fate as Zek and Eric did?

That does the Trick Mariah is fucking pissed. I look at Kinwoork and tell him you better run. The voice that comes out of my mouth does not even sound like me, to be honest kind of scares me a little bit. But apparently, Kinwoork is not stupid because he gets really pale. Which is kind of hard to do and all? He then Halls ass and runs out of the room.

In no time I have my metal wires snapped, and I am standing in my wolf. I teleport to Jesse and bite into the cords around her wrist, snapping them in half. I send my powers to our bond to heal her all the way I also trigger mine and Jessie fire magic. Its burns so hot that we are literally melting everything around us. I lay down so she can get on my back when I smell her. I have never been so fucking mad in my life!! Them stupid mother fuckers were having fun with my sister. When I was locked up in that dame freezer, I can smell them all over her!

At that point I hit a new level in my powers I shift into a fucking dragon!

When I look at Jessie, she now has wings that look like feathers that are dark blue. She has what the fuck just happened look on her face, and my eyes are saying ow shit!! I shake my head and tell her though the bond to get back on my back she fucking flies up there. What the hell is going on? Someone has been lying to us; that's for dame sure.

I am so fucking big I can't even stand all the way up anymore. I go to the door, but I can't fit through it. I teleport to the hallway, which just so happens to be full of demons, so I have a snack.

This really makes them go crazy and attack us with all kinds of magic and fire spells; some have a blue fire while others have red or orange. I not sure what it really matters, but ow will there are demons all lined up with different kinds of weapons from swords to spears, and one guy even has a Scythe to like what the fuck does he think he's death of something? These dumb fucks raped my sister, and they think it's going to be easy to kill me, uh not. When I get closer to the line, I see the want be death throw some black looking ball at me due to my curiosity I watch as it lands at my feet as it stats to smock and do so kind weird dance I laugh like a madwoman that apparently I am now all the while I'm eating anyone dumb enough to get close to me. To top it all of the funny thing is it doesn't even tuchus for some reason, so then they all pull out sords, and stat tries to stab me and shit, so I just burn the rest of stupid fucks. All the while, Jessie is freaking out on my back. Yes, I eat whatever mother fuckers did not cook all the way down the hallway "HAHAHA" bitch's, so now what. Once I get out of the never-ending Hallway, we end in what looks like a throne room with a shit load of grads all-around some Damon king standing there looking pissed off But oh well, who cares anyway.

So just to prove that Ima the badass I know I am I start to attack anyone and everyone I can get my hands on that is in till the stupid king dose some weird shit that holds me in place as he walks up to us and says Nikki and Jessie stop this right now. I am your grandfather and the king of the underworld, and I will not tolerate this Behavior".

I lower my head, so I eye level with him. Then I use the bond between Jessie and me to speak to him, say," kiss my fucking ass. No one ever touches my sister and fucking lives. I will kill them all and you if I have to. Now get the fuck out of my way before I make you"!

The king is taken back by this and says, what are you talking about what happened to you, Jessie "?

When they took Nikki to the freezer, two demons come and there and did a thing to me that was not of my own free will and Know that My mate just died too and how painful it would be for me. On top of that, I didn't want no one touching me ever, but my mate"!

I thought that I was mad ow how wrong I was!

I am so sorry I did not know your mate died. I also did not know what was happening to either of you". He then sets everyone on fire, but me and Jessie he sends the Demons that did this to the dungeon and says," why did you not help your sister soon Nikki? You could have escaped anytime you should have saved her sooner.

Ow hell no fuck you. The great divine poisoned me. I did not have all of my strength and not mention we were in a fucking car wreck dumbass before we were kidnapped. I also was fighting when I got knocked out. I then got brought here and was tortured for hours, but I still use my bond to block my pain from her. I also withdrew her pain into my body so she wouldn't feel it so that she only had half of the real pain. I also healed her, as well. I protected her the best I could under the circumstances so you can go to hell mother fucker. You are the king you should have protected us, seeing as we are supposably your granddaughters!

Let's just say he was not very happy he actually sent us to our room. So me and Jessie used our Faye Magic being childish little brats that we are and locked all the doors and windows, and put a dome shield around us. So nobody can get into us, and we fall into a very well deserved deep sleep.

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