The Truth Within me book one

26 Underworld part 2


One year later.

God, I hate this fucking place. I yelled as I go flying back and land on the floor with a loud bang. That shit fucking hurts. I look at Kinwoork and flip his hoe ass off. I am leaning a new blocking technique this ass wipe is teaching me to levitate and block while I am under attack And still attack my opponent at the same time. Miss Nikki is laughing her ass at me like she is really going to kill me. So that does not help while I am supposed to be attacking kinwoork at the same time. I yelled I give up; you both can go to hell bitches. I am so ready to go home, Nikki, why can we go now! My sister just looks at me like I lost my mind and walked off.

Really what the fuck Nikki I yelled at her ow well, I will just figure out how to leave this hell hole myself self, so we have been here for a year in human years but like 3,650 years here in the underworld. I am so fucking over this shit I understand why we had to come, and I am good with that and the time here has helped me heal over Zek's death a lot faster then if we were is in the human world but come on fuck all we do is train the first couple years we got our ass kicked like all the time. But then me and Nikki figured out how to combined are power's, and we stop getting our ass kicked and now Its time to go home!!!

I am heading to see our grandfather when one of the warriors say we are under attack." Dame it " I mind link Nikki and tell her to get ready. I run to my room and put on my new armor its a one-piece black leather suit with blue lines running down the sides. It has a metal plate that runs from my shoulders all the way around to my back, but it's so light that you would never know it there. Once I am ready, I go to Nikki's room, she has the same suit, but her's has purple lines. We take off running outside and let me tell you I have never seen anything like this.

The air is full of thick dark smoke; the ground is covered in ashes, so is the sky from all the fires that have been set around this Village. Demons are screaming and running with their children trying to escape the war that is going on; I saw a woman run by carrying her newborn baby; she was covered in blood and third-degree burns. Demons are lying dead on the ground with there women and children crying over them.

Everyone who can fight is, but when I hear that same woman cry out I ran to her creatures are surrounding her crawling on the ground they are an orange-red color their skin looks like it's been burned off all you can you see is their muscles with spikes running down their spines. They have no eyes and razor-sharp teeth with long tongues with slobber running off of them with big ass Sharp claws on their feet I think to myself fuck how in the hell am I supposed to kill these bastards!

I noticed that when they're saliva touches your skin, it melts off of your body so that it would be a No-No to let them touch me I bring up my mental Shield to protect myself sword I also transform into my demon form. I think it's badass I grow 12 feet tall and have blue feathered wings I also grow two small black horns, and my fire magic ignite. Once I have done this, I stand in front of the woman and her baby. One of them dame creatures raise its hand back and slash me across my thigh mother fucker does that shit hurt my leg instantly feels like it's on fire and it has some green slimy stuff leaking from the cut, but the creature cry's out in pain as well from my fire so I have an idea. I push my fire magic down my sword and start cutting wherever I can on the creatures they instantly cry out in pain and move around the only fucking problem is I'm unable to kill them. All that happens is they move in around me, trying to circling me in but not too close to where I can reach them. The woman forgot so they focus on trying to get me, and then all at on time, these mother fuckers attack me. I end up getting Knox down on the ground, but before I have time to get up, one of the nasty creature's tongues wrapped around my ankle. I think "fuck" I use my sword to cut his tongue off and throw fire magic at the same time right in its face causing It lets out a horrifying scream and falls over. After that, I started throwing my fire at there faces and killing them by the time I am done; the woman is long gone; hopefully, some were safe. I ran back to Nikki side; she looks over at me and says, "where the hell have you been? I got my ass hand to me. When I felt your pain, I could not focus on the fight in front of me grandpa had to save my ass thanks a lot for that by the way"!

I laughed so loud and so hard it took my breath away Nikki gave me a go-to-hell look but ow well miss I don't need anybody's help with life will live.

We keep fighting for over an hour before Nikki gets pissed off and transforms into her Dragon and starts eating people and burning them alive after that we quickly win the war. Grandpa's mad though he said she couldn't keep eating people you never know what's going to make her sick! When we get back inside, grandpa is still yelling at us for me getting hurt and Nikki for getting distracted and eating people. He says," demons don't eat other demons, Nikki, you have to stop that now there has never been a death of a demon until you got here. Demons don't die, but now they do when you eat them"! Well, that explains a lot and why he so mad too.

Ow well, they should not fuck with me, and I would not eat them. Nikki then stuck her tongue out and walked off. Grandpa yells your going home tomorrow. I can't keep letting you do this anymore, Nikki!!

She looks back and say's that was my plan the whole time I was here was to eat people so you'd let me go home"!

Grandpa says," smart-ass" and then walks off as well. The whole fucking time I'm laughing my ass off and happy as hell that we're finally going home, I'm tired of this bullshit anyway. I quickly run after Nikki and jump on her back and give her a big hug and tell her thank you so much! I love you. I'm ready to go home!!!!

Nikki just shakes me off her back and laughed she walks back to her room.

When I get back to my room I started feeling Disney the nauseous at the same time I'm having a hard time breathing and my leg is killing me, dame, it fucking hurts even to pull my suit off but once I mang I put on some sleeping shorts and a muscle shirt and lay down. I look down at my leg and see this is still leaking that green slime shit, but also along the cuts look red and angry, it's real swollen all over and further down around my ankle the skin is starting to heal back but it's real blister and pussy looking. I mind link Nikki and tell her to get grandpa and a doctor I don't feel right at all, and about that time I blacked the fuck out again. I wake up to grandpa saying I don't have much time that they have to get the Venom out of my system, or I'll die. Well, isn't that nice I finally get to go home, and now I'm going to die?

Guess who shows up! Yep, you guessed it the great bitch, and she says," it's not time for you to die. Tell Nikki to transform fully into her vampire side and draw the Venom from your leg, but she must spit it out as soon as she is done.

Thank you, but now you can fuck off and leave us alone, after that she disappears.

Nikki, the great bitch, said to use your vampire side to get the prison out and don't swoll.

"Omg," The look on Nikki face scares the hell out of me, but she does not say a word; she just closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. I watch her transform in front of me. Nikki's hair turns a deep dark purple; it is almost black, and her eyes turn a midnight blue, and when her skin turns so white, she looks dead, followed by the most sinister look on her face. I think to my ow fuck a duck what in the hell have I done now that mother fucking bitch I am going to kill her if I live through this shit. I have never seen her vampire side before, but to be honest, I don't think I really ever want to again. Nikki bites into my leg so hard I scream out in pain. I swear it like a fucking shark is biting me instead of my sister! I hear Nikki laugh why she's biting me she shakes her head and bites down harder. I think to myself, you dame bitch that hurts, but after about 5 minutes Nikki, let's go and spits everything back out, and then the world once again goes black.

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