
What in the hell is all of this yelling about?

I think to myself when Chris comes running into my office with a folded piece of paper in his hand.

Chris is my beta he is 5"8 and 250 bl with brown hair and eyes. The look on his face is one despair as he hands me the note in his hand.

Chris, what is this?

I found this just outside of the border, It's from the Venom and has your name on it. He rushes out.

I look down at the note in my hand and my heart stops.

For it is told that your mate will be beautiful with ocean blue eyes and deep purple hair and sun-kissed skin so soft that it feels like silk. For my witch has seen it and maybe you will get to see her before I find her and keep her for myself.

Once I have her I will do the most unimaginable things to your sweet little mate that your mind could never even understand.

Yours truly Zek

I look up to Chris and say" Get everyone ready we have to find her now.

Chris shakes his head and walks out of the office.

My wolf Nate is going crazy and won't stop yelling at me to find our mate.

I know Nate now be quite I can't think with you yelling at me.

So let me tell you who I am Eric mori. I am 19 years old. I am the new Alpha of my pack I am 6"2 and 270 lb, I have short black hair and honey color eyes.

So as I was saying I'm sitting here trying to convince Nate to clam down. When my sister comes in yelling at me to take her to work.

Why does everyone feels the need to fucking yell at me today I ask Nate who just laughs at me?

Now she's in all of 5"3 and 120 lb with long brown hair with golden eyes. She is also my Beta's mate and has the attitude of an Alpha.

Chasity can you please stop yelling at me and give me time to calm down.

She just walks out not saying a dame thing. Little brat Nate says, I just laughed it off and get up to take her to work.

One's we are in the car she Chasity is oddly quite I look over and ask her what's wrong?

Chasity looks over at me and rows her eyes and says" nothing just leave me alone!"

Dame, it Chasity what's wrong? I know you and something up.

I just feel like something is going to happen today, but I am not sure what it is. I just know it's something Important and my wolf knows what it is, but she won't tell me shit and I don't know why. It's driving me crazy! " UGH"

At this point, all I can do is stare at her and think about what in hell is going to happen today?

We finally pull up to the Diner Chasity works at with our aunt. Once inside, Chasity goes to walk off when I grabbed her arm and ask what is that smell.

She looks at me like I am crazy and says" its cinnamon dummy!

NO Chasity it smells like chocolate and vanilla, and Nate is going crazy I can barely keep in control. About that time Nate takes over and says" MATE!

OW SHIT Chasity says under her breath.

I look around the dinner when I finally see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She has deep dark purple hair and the brightest blue eyes. She at lees 6 ft tall with sun-kissed skin, but the look on her face when she sees me is of fear and not happens. My heart drops why would my mate be scared of me?

She quickly looks back down at her plate and actually act's like I am not even there. After a few minutes, she gets up and heads to the bathroom. I am about to follow her when Chasity lightly puts her hand on my arm and says Not yet bother."

I look down at her and I am about to ask why when the next thing I know one of Zek's scum walks in.

Before I even have time to process what just happened he walks up to us with a smug ass smile on his face. The fucker says" Were ow were is that little mate of yours? I know she here, and I am not leaving without her. So make things easier for yourself by just telling me where the little bitch is.

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