The Truth Within me book one

3 Your Going To Get I

I look up and there is this sexy boy staring at me.

Nikki that's our mate"! M says

I think ow god I have to get out of here. I wait about five more minutes before I get up and head to the bathroom, I make sure not to acknowledge anyone and to not act nervous or suspicious I also take my time getting there.

Once I am in the bathroom I start freaking out and trying to figure out how the hell I am going to get out of here. There is only one way out of here and I am not very happy about running into my mate on the way out of here.

I am going to have to use my invisibility spell, the only problem with it is I am not sure how long it will work. I am still not at my full strength due to not having enough blood and food as well as not really sleeping.

M can you help me?

I can but do we really have to hide from our mate.

YES, we do I know you want to meet him and stay here, but you know Zek will kill him if we stay here. I really want to stay too but maybe one day we can come back ok.

I take a deep breath and clear my mind and then I focus on pulling the extra energy I need.

Once I am ready I say" invisible me ut -omnis -a visit me" { make me invisible to all that can see me.]

Once I am done I walk out of the bathroom back to the main entrance. I wait for someone to exit before I go out the door making sure not to touch anyone on the way out.

Just as I am about to start my Harley the dame spell wears off and out of no were someone put's there big hand on my mouth and around my waist and starts pulling my off my bike.

M what do you think?

we can take him, kick his ass and let's get out of here, please.

So I let him pull me all the way of the bike so my feet are on even ground. I focus on my energy and grab the hand that's on my mouth and the one around my waist. I spread my legs and twist at the same time to throw him over my shoulder to the ground in on quick move I kick him in the ribs and step back.

When he gets up and comes back at me again I am ready for him, I throw a left hook and catch him in the jaw. I then kick him in the left knee as soon as I connect I heard a loud crunch he screams out and yells "BITCH"! So I knock his feet out from under him making him fall on his ass. I jump back and say" I bet that hurts"! HAHAHA

As I start to walk backward he jumps up and grabs me by the throat and fucking body slams me into the ground. A gusset of air leaves my lungs instantly as I am trying to get much need air the mother fucker returns the favor by kicking me in the ribs. He then follows up by a good ow right hook to the left side of my face I see star's instant.

AS he picks me up his smart ass says I bet that hurts! and then he throws me over his shoulder.

I use this time to stop seeing stars and focus on how to get out of this shit. He set's me down by his car and walks to the back of the trunk. As soon as he not looking I jump up and run for it, I don't make it very far before he starts following me.

So I turn around and run at him as fast as I can, I wait till I am almost on him before I jump up and kick him in the center of his chest. It sends him flying up and over the car and across the road where he finally stops as he hits a brick building.

To be honest it's kind of funny he looks like a cartoon character flying into the building with all of the debris and bricks falling on him like that.

I run back to my Harley and take off as soon as I look back I see my mate and some girl running outside with shocked looks on there faces. It's hilarious that I shocked my mate I bet he thought I was some weak little girl, but now he knows better and now he is also going to chase me too!

So now I am not only running from Zek and his guys but now my mate and his stupid pack after me too. Now, what am I really going to do, and where in the hell is my mother at? I really think I need that help now dame it.

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