We run outside to help my mate when I see that guy from earlier grab her off her bike. But

before we can get to her she has already kicked his ass and is on her way out of town.

I look at Chasity and say" what the hell just happened? I did not even see her come outside, did you.

No, I did not and to be honest I have no idea what that was. but your mate is badass bro.

We look at each other and run to my car. Once inside I hit the gas and hope like hell I can catch her, Just as we start to close the destinations on her she takes the off-road route to lose us and it works like a fucking charm. Dame it I have never in my life seen a Harley that fast ! she had to have custom-built that bike because we are losing her.

About that time Nate decides to start fucking growling at me.

Why are you growling at me now?

Because you lost our mate and your dumb ass can't even find her knowing she in danger. that's why stupid!

What the hell do you what me to do? I am looking ever were for her so stop your shit so I can focus on finding her and not arguing with you.

It's been two hours since we last saw her and I am pissed the fuck off Chasity decides to speak after being quiet all this time.

Take the next exit on the left and then go up 3 blocks.

Where are we going Chasity I don't have time for this bull shit right now?

The little brat shakes her head and says's" I think my friend can help us. She is a very powerful witch.

Fuck I guess we are going to see a witch. After about 20 minutes we pull up to a peach and orange house. It really more like a rundown shack to be honest.

What the hell Chasity? I thought that we were going to your friend's house.

We are at her house she put an illusion spell on the house. Her name is Renee. Now come on and let's get this over with brother.

Once we get out of the car Chasity says's" ow, by the way, make sure you follow the same path I do, if not you may or may not get lost and I not really sure we can find you again.

Ok it's official my sister has lost her ever-loving mind but way not. I get it now if you don't mind can we get going, please. I follow her up to the front door were she knocked three times then steps back and waits.

When a woman answers the door that I am assuming is Renee she has a smile for my sister. She about 5"6 with dark brown hair with blonde high light's in it. Her eyes are a pretty green that brings out her dark skin and her white dress.

Once she sees me through her smile drops and she looks pissed. You know my rules Chasity, so what has you bring someone new to my house?

This is my brother Eric. I am sorry for not calling you first, but we really need your help.

I guess you're forgiven this time girl. Now, what is going on that you ended up at my door?

My brother's mate is in danger. Zek is after her, he's using his witch to find her. We really need to find her before he does can you please help us?

Renee finally lets us in as we follow her into the house. I tell Chasity I am not too sure about this at all and Nate is going crazy with the magic that he feels coming off of her, and to be honest it's really freaking us out.

Chasity just rows her eyes at me and says" let's just see if she can help us ok.

Renee takes us into the living room, her house is actually really nice its a two-story with great big rugs that give it an antique feeling, there are also pictures sitting on the fireplace that is in middle of the room.

Once we set down on a big yellow fluffy couch Renee say's I will be right back she then walks off to the kitchen.

After about five minutes she comes back out with a tray that has various items on it, like a teapot and cup's as well as some herbs. But what really got my attention is the little silver dagger with dark red rubs along the handle that was also in her right hand.

Uh, What's the dagger for Renee?

I am about to explain everything to you. But first, you need to know in order for the tracking spell to work, two things must take place first. One you have to only have the best intentions for your mate in order for it to work, two you have to be willing to do the spell because the herbs I have to use will suppress your wolf.

Hold the fuck up you want to suppress my wolf? Are you crazy? I yelled at Renee but what really got to me is she does not look surprised at all about my reaction.

That is why I said you have to be willing to do it. Renee just shakes her head and sighs under her breathe.

I am sorry I yelled at you. I just was not expecting that at all. but if you will forgive me and finish explaining I will shut up now.

I will have you drink the herbs I was telling you about, then I will need a small amount of your blood. Once that's done I will then proceed to complete the spell, once I am finished with the spell you will be able to find your mate any were in the world.

Bro I know it's a lot to ask but I also know you want here safe. I promise it's safe for you and Nate. I have done this spell be for when we lost Chris last year. So now the only question is what are you willing to do for your mate?

Fuck I guess we doing this Nate sorry man but we have to find her. Nate says" just do what you have to for her.

I look back at Renee and say" Ok all I really want is to know she is safe. Even if I have to do some crazy-ass spell to make sure of it then that's what I am going to do.

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