After I reassure Renee that I'll do anything to find my mate. She has us go to her workroom to do the spell. The room is an open floor plan, right across from the door is a big window. Next to that is a large bookshelf with hundreds of books on it, on the other side of the room are more shelves with every kind of herbs the are. All of the labeled in order to find what you're looking for, in the middle of the room is a great big table full of more books and other things.

Renee walks over to the table and grabs the book that is laying there open and starts reading it. She then gets some herbs and mixes it with the tea, she then says are you sure about this Eric?

I don't take any time to think about my answer. Yes, I'm ready.

Renne says ok then let's get this show on the road. I walk over to her and pick up the cup of tea it smells awful, but I'm a big boy and drink the dame thing anyways. As soon as it starts to hit my stomach I regret drinking it. Nate is yelling and in pain as well. Renee grabs my hand and pulls the silver blade across it which instantly sets it on fire. Blood is pouring out of my hand like a river, She then hands me a cloth and goes back to reading her book once she done she grabs the map and pours my blood on it.

All of a sudden Renee stats chanting and the room drops to 10 degrees and it's freezing. That is saying a lot for a wolf to be cold. The wind is blowing so hard the windows and the shelves are rattling like they are about to come apart.

Chasity has a look of Terror all on her face. The fear coming off of her is so strong I could smell it across the room.

I think to myself what have I done? Nate smartass says," this was a bright idea huh? Jack ass!

Just as fast as it started it is over Renee looks up and smiles and hands the map to me, After that we say our good-byes and leave.

Once we are in the car I hand Chastity the map and say, "check the map and see where she is.

Chasity takes a few minutes when she finally says," got it, she's in Corsicana at some motel it's about 45 minutes from here. Once we get to the motel I follow my mates sent up to the top floor at the end of the hall. I look at the door to see what the room number is once I got I quickly walk back to where I saw a maid exiting another room.

I look at the girl to see what her name tag says and say is there any way you can go to my room and cleaning it for me".

Yes, that's fine. What room you in sir"?

I'm in room 209 at the end of the hall".

Once she walks of I grabbed Chasity's s hand so we can hide behind the ice machine and wait. As soon as my mate opens the door me and Chasity run in the room. Chasity then proceeded to push the maid out and locks the door. She then turns around and says sorry about that by the way, my name is Chasity she then turns back around to look out the window.

I walk up to my mate and say I'm Eric mori and I really would like if you would set your pretty ass down and talk to me for five fucking minutes, please!!

The look of fear and anger cross her face as she stands there looking at me like she wants to kill me. After what seems like forever she says I thought me leaving your ass in the wind you would have got the point. I don't want to talk to you. by the way, my name is Nikki.

I am not trying to be mean but you're in real danger from a pack called the venom and there Alpha Zek. So like I said can we talk? If not I'm throwing your ass over my shoulder and you're coming with me, the choice is all your sweetheart.

Nikki looks at the door then back at me like she weighing her options on what to do, when she finally says fine we can talk but after that, I am out of here and you better not follow me either got it.

Nate lets out a small whimper and asks why does she not want us?

I have no answer for him, all I can do is just stand there and look at my mate dumb fonded.

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