Why did you run for me? You do I know I am your mate right"?

YES, I do and I'll tell you about it later. Just get to the point. I don't have time for this third-degree right now"!!!

I'm taking back by how rude she is. But I can tell she scared of something. I just don't know what.

Ok then I say," let's get to the point then you are in danger! Nikki, Zek knows where you are and that I'm your mate. I got a letter from him this morning telling me all about it and that if I'm lucky I would get to see you before he takes you forever, I just want to help you.

I look up to see that Nikki has a look of terror on her face. She's getting more scared by the minute and I can smell a touch of anger coming off of her as well.

She finally Whispers under her breath and says," that's how he keeps finding me"!!

What did you just say, Nikki? What do you mean that's how he keeps finding you?

Nikki cursed under her breath and says, "I know all about them and Zek. I have been on the run from him for about a year now. I ran into him one night at the bar I was working at. He waited until I got off of work and attacked me. I have a scar on my shoulder where he tried to mark me. But my wolf knew he was not are mate. So she rejected the mating to him. Now you telling me all of this just added more stress on me" UGH"!!!

After a few minutes she says," so why is he after you and your pack Eric"?

I say," I can explain everything to you, but you have to give me a little time. It's kind of a long story.

She shakes her head and says," sure go ahead with it".

It all started a hundred years ago with my grandmother Liliana. She was the alpha daughter. Their pack was called the Divine Moon pack.

She just turned 18 and was looking for her mate so she and her beta Stacy went to the next town over, Stacy found her mate first he was a vampire named Aaron. One afternoon Stacy called and asked my grandmother to meet her at her job. When my grandmother got there she seen Stacy talking to two men has walked up to her my grandmother smelt vampires. Stacy introduced one as the alpha Zaiden and the other one as bate Aaron, also telling her that he is her mate.

A few months after my grandmother moved in she found out she was pregnant. Her and Zaiden decided to wait for her to be marked. In order to be mated to a vampire, you must be turned into a hybrid if not your body would reject the mating bond.

The night before Liliana was due to give birth Zaiden and Aaron went about 8 hours from their home and in order to get blood for her transformation after she had the baby, they end up being attack by the divine moon pack Zaiden was killed. Aaron was hurt but still was to make it back to the pack. When my grandmother felt her mate die she went into labor giving birth to a son named Zek.

After Aaron finally told Liliana everything that had happened, she made him promise to take the pack and her son and run to keep them safe.

Liliana give Zek a kiss on his little head and then hand him to Stacy. After that Aaron stayed behind long enough to help her come up with the perfect plan. She remembered that a she-wolf died giving birth last night, tells Aaron to go get the baby and bring him up to her. Why he was doing that she came up with the rest of her plan.

A few minutes later Aaron came back with the stillborn child. She says I need you to carry me and the baby a couple of miles from the territory when we get there you are going to leave me there and go get the mother of this child and put her in Stacy's room. Then you are going to set the house on fire and get the hell out of here and never look back. Take care of the pack and my son, she gives him a huge and says good-bye never seeing each other again.

3 hours later her father found her in the woods holding the stillborn child half Frozen to death. When he asked what happened she told him that vampires kidnapped her and Stacy when they tried to escape, one of them killed Stacy and end up catching the house on fire. That all she could do was run till she could not make it any further than here.

10yr's later she meet her Second

Chance Mate. He was the alpha of a neighboring pack, they were together for 2 years when she got pregnant with my father Tyler, she passed away while giving birth to him. 20 years later my dad took over the pack one-day Zek came and said that they were brothers and he wanted to get to know him. My dad did not believe him, he really thought he was lying just to get the pack.

What my dad did not know. Is that Zek had his own pack the Venom pack. It was his Birthright and he sincerely wanted to have his family. But as time went on my dad try to kill Zek multiple times. So in return, Zek killed my mom and dad in order to take the pack over, But I just turned 18 so I got the pack then 3 days later Zek comes to me with a truce and want us to be family I turned him down for killing my parents so now He is after me and my pack.

So here we are now what do you think Nikki?

Nikki looked up with so much sadness and fear in her eyes. I could tell she had a million questions she wanted to ask. But the only one that came out of her mouth. I could not believe she said.

So what your saying is the only reason you want to be my mate is to save your pack. So you can keep it away from Zek"?

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