The night shadow assassin followed Zhao Can and others and heard their conversation.

Then he repeated it in his mouth.

So Song Gua and all the clones knew that these people imagined that they had some treasures because they were leveling up faster than them.

As for what the bald man came back for, that's needless to say.

Naturally, he was planning to kill people and rob them.

Then Song Gua would not be polite.

If all these people came back, Song Gua would definitely run away.

But now only one person came back, what a coward.

Among the 200 clones, there are 185 combat professions, and 19 of them are control sequence professions.

Because of the bald man's high resistance, each person can only control him for less than one second, and the more powerful ones can only control him for more than one second.

But there are so many people, one after another, to make up for the cooling time of the skills.

The bald man was constantly covered by control skills such as thorns, ice crystal cages, dizzy poison mist, chaotic flames, etc.

He could only take a few steps with difficulty between each control.

"Damn, why are there so many people..."

In the darkness, the bald man saw a series of figures approaching.

Song Gua's voice came again.

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, leave your backpack, if you don't leave your backpack, leave your life!"

The bald man looked at the person who spoke and sneered.

"A level 5 rookie wants to explode my resources? Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself!"

The one who came over at this time was Song Gua's real body.

The one who just squatted by the fire was just a clone of the logistics department.

If the bald man had been more careful and noticed that Song Gua's level was not right, and left, Song Gua would have let him go.

But he was a rough man.

He had dirty thoughts.

Then don't blame Song Gua for self-defense.

Although the bald man didn't understand the situation, he still used a skill of perseverance in the gap of control.

This is also a profession in the amulet sequence, a very common skill, the effect is to temporarily improve the double defense.

"Hahaha, so your trainers are a group of level 1 and 2 newcomers? With so many people, no wonder you can be promoted to level 5. Who are you, kid? How come there are so many newcomers willing to help you?"

Song Gua stood on a high place and looked down at him.

"This is not a problem you should consider, output group, go!"

The fire warrior wearing a red mask, with flames from both hands, soared into the air like Iron Man.

"Fire rain pours down!"

The fire warrior is an S-level profession, born with 5 skills, one from common to rare.

This fire rain is of rare quality.

It is equivalent to opening the big move right away.

A large vortex of flames, like the Milky Way, spun and fell from the sky, drowning the bald man.

The swirling flames were judged as multiple attacks, scorching him in turn, and the burning state was attached layer by layer.

Other professions with long-range output capabilities also began to use their skills.

The arrows of the archer, the magic bullets of the mage, the holy light punishment of the priest, the bricks of the gangster...

The melee professions are eager to try, but they are afraid of being accidentally injured by their teammates, so they have to endure.

Teammates cannot be immune to damage in the wild.

Besides, you can't form a team of 200 people at once.

Although the fight was very lively, the clones were dumbfounded when they saw the damage numbers.





The health value will recover naturally.

The health recovery speed is a basic attribute, which is affected by the physical attributes.

Especially the professions in the amulet sequence are more prominent in this regard.

In other words, the damage caused by the clones is not enough for him to heal himself.

"No! We can't break the defense!"

"Although many ants can kill elephants, this is Garen with a berserker! We will be exhausted to death by him!"

"We can't kill him, we can't kill him at all."

Level gap, equipment gap.

As a result, even if the fire warrior took action, the skills only looked cooler, but actually did not cause any damage to the bald man.

The bald man laughed.

"A group of people who don't even wear basic equipment want to ambush me? You are dumbfounded! When the mana of these control professions runs out, I will kill you one by one!"

Song Gua took out a bunch of small magic potions from his backpack and distributed them to the dozen clones in the control sequence.

These were all dropped by wild monsters during the leveling in the afternoon.

The bald man sneered.

"There will be a time when magic potions run out! How many can you bring?!"

Song Gua clenched his fist and walked towards the bald man.

"Enough control

Until you die."

"Just you? Level 5, so what? You're no different from these level 1 or 2 trash!"

Song Gua stretched out a finger and shook it.

"That's a little different, clone, lend me your strength!"

Song Gua activated his professional talent, the power of unity!

Behind Song Gua, five level 0 clones fell to the ground with their feet weak.

"Well~~I can't do it~~I'm weak, weak, weak..."

"I feel like my body is hollowed out."

"This weak state is so thorough, and it lasts for a full hour? No wonder they say this is a useless profession. "

Although these five clones are level 0, as long as the job transfer is successful, they will have initial attributes linked to the profession.

After superimposing the attributes of the five clones, Song Gua's strength and agility directly exceeded 100 in the four dimensions!

He can now use the skills of these five clones and also has the talents of the five clone professions, but the skills and talents can only play a part of the effect.

These are not important.

Song Gua borrowed strength for another talent of the bonder-simple and unpretentious, turning ordinary attack damage into real damage!

"A serious punch!"

More than 100 agility is already faster than this clumsy knight.

Plus the bald man was always controlled, he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, and could only take a solid punch from Song Gua.

"Funny! Are you tickling me?"


The bald man's eyes were wide open.

"This is impossible! "

Song Gua retracted his fist, and without saying anything, he called out the next skill.

Eight-section punch: The attack of this skill is regarded as a normal attack. Eight consecutive punches, the basic damage is 90%. If the previous punch hits the target, the next punch will cause an additional 10% damage, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds.






Eight consecutive punches, each punch really hurts!

The bald man has been controlled all the time, and he can't use some blocking and interrupting skills.

Two skills, this guy's health bar is at the bottom.

"Spare my life! Spare my life! If you hit me again, I will die!"

Song Gua raised his eyebrows.

"No way, you look very healthy."

"We are professionals! It has been digitized! If the body structure is destroyed, you will die, and if the blood volume is emptied, you will die!"

"Really? I don't believe it. ”

“You don’t… Shit! You’re killing people, do you know that? Aren’t you afraid? !”

Song Gua laughed.

“Afraid? This is a world where the strong prey on the weak. Whoever is afraid is a weakling!”

No more nonsense with this guy. After the skill’s backswing ended, Song Gua used the next skill.

Wind Fist: Immediately causes two normal attacks, after which the attack speed is increased by 50% for 30 seconds, with a cooldown of 2 minutes.

The initial skills of the bonder are all very suitable for the talent.

Treating skills as normal attacks and increasing attack speed are all maximizing the benefits of the “simple and unpretentious” talent.

After two old punches, the bald man closed his eyes unwillingly.

“Hua La La…”

When a professional dies, all the equipment on his body and the items in his backpack will fall out.

“Wow! Brothers, this wave has yielded a lot!”

“It’s still faster to kill and rob!”

“Hurry up and pack up your things and run away. Be careful that Zhao Can and others come to check the situation! ”

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