The old man was very angry.

"Why did Brother Wang take so long?"

Zhao Can and others waited in the woods for a long time, and a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

Hua Xiangrong was startled, "What happened?"

Zhao Can shook his head.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Song Gua is only level 5, and Brother Wang is level 16, and his equipment is much better than Song Gua. What could go wrong?

He must have really found something good from Song Gua and ran away."

Hua Xiangrong covered her mouth, "Then Song Gua must be..."

Zhao Can showed a playful smile, "Why, are you heartbroken?"

Hua Xiangrong showed a disdainful look, "I'm not familiar with him, why should I feel sorry for him."

"Not good!"

At this time, a training team member behind Zhao Can exclaimed.

"What happened?"

"Brother Wang is dead!"

"How do you know?"

"We have been in a team state. If a teammate dies, there will be a prompt in the team channel!"


Hua Xiangrong was confused again.

"Song Gua killed him?"

Zhao Can still didn't want to believe it, and said, "Let's go and see!"

The group hurried to the shore of the swamp. There was neither Song Gua nor the bald man, and there was not even a trace of fighting.

Just kidding, two hundred people cleaning up the traces at the scene together can turn over a layer of grass in a minute.

Song Gua hijacked the goods and ran away, so of course he had to clean up his traces.

Although the official professional law enforcement department could not control the killing of each other in the wild, Song Gua still did not want to leave any handle for people to catch.

"It must be that Song Gua who killed Brother Wang!"

"We want to avenge Brother Wang!"

"Student Hua, he is your classmate, right?"

Hua Xiangrong nodded and frowned slightly, "If you want to take revenge, don't go to school, so as not to cause trouble for me, I know where his home is."

Zhao Can poured a basin of cold water on them.

"Song Gua killed someone and didn't leave any traces and evidence. There must be someone helping him. You'd better not go and die. What do you mean by revenge for Brother Wang? Isn't it just that you suspect that Song Gua has an experience-enhancing item on him?"

Several people were exposed and coughed awkwardly.

Zhao Can looked at the dark swamp and said to himself: "Who is helping or sponsoring a useless profession? Does this person have a problem with his vision, or is he interested in Song Gua?"

Even if Zhao Can racked his brains, he could not have thought that Song Gua was actually a lone wolf.

After dealing with the bald man, Song Gua and several clones put all the dropped items into their backpacks.

Then, Song Gua put away all the clones, went into the woods alone, and quickly slipped away.

Friends who often kill people know that except for psychopaths, people feel uncomfortable after killing people.

But Song Gua didn't feel anything.

He and his clones came to this world just to make a big deal, so this little wave is nothing and not worth mentioning.

In addition, the battle just now was digitized, and only the damage numbers were seen, and there was no bloody scene, so it had no impact.

The battle between professionals will also be bloody and brutal, with broken limbs flying everywhere.

It was just that the guy just now was wearing heavy armor and his double defense was too high, so it was difficult to do this.

The bald guy was killed, and he suffered a loss of real damage.

All the way, Song Gua left clones along the way, asking them to hide and keep sentry to prevent anyone from following.

He stopped only after running two or three kilometers away.

The sentries along the way reported that no one was following, so he was relieved and began to count the gains this time.

"The dead bald guy came out to help Zhao Can level up, but he didn't bring too many useful things with him."

Federal currency * 20,000, I don't know if it was Zhao Can's training fee.

White bone heavy armor set, head, upper body, lower body, and feet, four pieces, Lv15, excellent quality.

This is the equipment that the bald guy just wore, plus a bone-quenching sword and a fine iron shield.

Song Gua learned in the textbook that this is a Lv15 copy, the output of the burial ground.

Several Lv10 excellent quality red and blue potions, worth a little money.

A bunch of Lv5 blank equipment, probably obtained during training.

Two ordinary quality return scrolls.

"Return scrolls are still useful. When you get tired of experience, go back and rest."

With limited funds, Song Gua didn't buy this kind of must-have item when going out of the city. It's much cheaper to take a bus back than to use scrolls.

The clones complained.

"You are tired of chicken!"

Professionals gain experience continuously for more than a certain period of time.

or number, it will enter the state of experience fatigue and cannot continue to gain experience.

The existence of this mechanism allows professionals to take a breather during their growth process, otherwise everyone will soak in the wild and will not stop until they reach the maximum level.

There is also a high-quality, first-level amulet sequence skill book in the bald man's backpack.

Skill books are good things.

The way for professionals to obtain skills, in addition to automatic comprehension when changing jobs, can only rely on skill books to learn.

Skill books are also used to upgrade skills.

Skill books are divided into three categories.

General skills, such as "sprint", "strong jump", "heavy attack", "self-destruction", etc., are not limited to sequences and professions, and all professionals can learn them, but the quality is the lowest white.

Sequence skills, all professions under the corresponding sequence can learn.

Exclusive skills, skills that can only be mastered by this profession.

"Brothers in the amulet sequence, take it and use it."

Song Gua summoned all the clones belonging to the amulet sequence.

There are too many monks and too little meat, and a group of meat shields began to compete with muscles.

The items dropped by the bald man were almost cleared, and the remaining items were the daily necessities he brought with him when he went out for training.

The overall harvest was quite meager.

After all, he was only level 16 and didn't have much accumulation.

"What is this?"

When Song Gua casually discarded the bald man's daily necessities, he was attracted by one of the items.

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