The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Song Gua found a letter of authorization among the bald man's daily necessities.

Party A: Miss Butterfly.

Party B: Wangba Guild.

The content of the commission was that Miss Butterfly had lost something and needed to find it back.

The letter of authorization was very long, with all the clichés.

At the end was an A4 paper with a manuscript drawn in pencil.

The drawing was a black scale with dense symbols like words on it.

There was also a mark of the Eye of Horus at the bottom of the scale.

This was what Miss Butterfly wanted to find.

"This thing... looks like a thousand-year-old artifact that can help a certain king return to the underworld?"

It just looks like it, this is not the world where you play cards to save the world.

"Reward... 8 million! You pay so much for something? This balance must be something extraordinary!"

Song Gua had never heard of the Wangba Guild. It was probably one of those small guilds that pop up every day like mushrooms after rain.

Could it be that Miss Butterfly is an outsider and was fooled by the Wangba Guild?

Small guilds are just grass-roots teams, and Song Gua had a bold idea.

"If I can find that balance and take this commission to get the balance, can I do that?"

Song Gua had this idea because it was mentioned in the commission that this balance was most likely in the hands of a student from Yunshan No. 5 Middle School.

Yunshan No. 5 Middle School.

This is my school!

Isn't it convenient to find things in my school?

The clones chattered.

"Small guilds like Wangba Guild have chaotic management. It's worth a try to pretend to be them to complete the commission and earn the balance!"

"It won't be difficult for him at all."

"Why would such a large commission be in the hands of such a small guild? There must be something fishy."

"It doesn't matter if Chen Dong is there, as long as there is money to be made!"

"There are risks. What if the other party doesn't pay when the goods are delivered? What if you stab them in the back?"

"Yes, you have to consider this danger."

Song Gua smiled and said with a hint of meaning: "Don't consider it."

One clone advised, "Don't be arrogant, old thief, stay steady, and you can develop!"

"You just need to do this kind of dangerous thing, I'm very steady."

The silence of the clones was deafening.

"Song Gua! Be a human being!"

Song Gua took out a tent from his backpack.

"Okay, you go to the nearby level 5 leveling area to continue leveling, I'm going to sleep."

The clones were not happy.

"We need to rest too!"

"Although I have an iron rod, I am not made of iron!"

"Who will hang him on the street lamp?"

Song Gua criticized seriously.

"You are so young, what's wrong with staying up all night? You can still sleep at this level?"

After saying that, Song Gua went into the tent and fell asleep.

The poor clones had to continue to level up in groups.

The next morning, Song Gua woke up with the fragrance of the soil.

After stretching comfortably, he greeted the other self in the tent.

"I'm here."

"Well, I'm new here. Should I kowtow to the original old thief or stick my butt up first?"

Song Gua has been accustomed to seeing another self sitting next to him when he wakes up in the morning.

This is the newly born clone.

Suddenly, Song Gua noticed that this guy has Lv7 on his head!

Song Gua was shocked.

"Fuck! How come you are born at a higher level than me? Really!"

The new clone pointed at Song Gua's head.

"You are also Lv7, the same as us."

Song Gua heard the faint sound of fighting outside. The clones stayed up all night and were still fighting.

The attributes of wild monsters at night doubled, making it harder to fight, so the efficiency of monster hunting at night was greatly reduced.

Even so, after this night, Song Gua also relied on the experience feedback from the clones to upgrade two levels.

"The newly born clone will be the same level as me at that time? The clone's ability turns out to have this additional effect, then what is your profession?"

The new clone shrugged.

"I don't have a profession. I'm a casual player and can only learn general skills."

"Ah, this... a blank God of War."

"Why don't you take me to the Professional Temple to change my profession?"

"It costs money to enter that place."

"It's a small amount of money."

"One per day, it's not a small amount of money."

"I have an idea."

The two said in unison: "Free purchase."

Song Gua laughed.

"We really have a tacit understanding."

The new clone also laughed.


Song Gua thought about it.

"I won't go for now. I'll go and do something when the number of newcomers accumulates."

Today is still a day to watch the dancing videos of young ladies.

No, it's a day of hard leveling.

Song Gua didn't go to the Swamp of Sorrows to avoid running into Zhao Can, Hua Xiangrong and others.

He went straight to the level 10 leveling area.

Some wild monsters here can already fly, and the difficulty of fighting has increased significantly.

But the experience gain is also greater, especially for killing above the level.

There are much fewer people in the level 10 leveling area. Going deeper, you can monopolize the area like the Swamp of Sorrows.

Let the clones who are less than level 5 fight the level 10 wild monsters. At first, they can only adopt a group fight policy.

10 clones fighting one can always grind it to death.

The seal resistance of the wild monster is very weak. Each group is assigned one or two control sequences, and it can be controlled to death directly.

Once the kill is successful, the experience gained from so many kills is enough to upgrade the level 0 clones by two levels!

The clones are the same as Song Gua, with a 2.0 growth. Once upgraded, it means an increase of 20 attributes, so the strength is obviously improved.

Slowly persisting in this way, by noon, the efficiency of killing monsters began to rise.

Song Gua's level also reached level 8.

In the afternoon, more and more clones reached level 5, and they all put on the level 5 blank equipment that was swiped out yesterday.

The clones designated as the main force, such as the Fire Warrior, the Rhythm Mage, and the Night Shadow Assassin, can even defeat level 10 wild monsters with two or three people.

The combat efficiency is further improved.

The level is higher, but the upgrade speed has not slowed down at all.

After nightfall, accompanied by a holy light falling on the top, Song Gua broke through to level 10!

At this time, 59 people in the clone team reached level 5.

The Fire Warrior, the Rhythm Mage, and the Night Shadow Assassin have reached level 7, and their upgrade speed is far ahead of their peers.

Song Gua enjoys the full experience of the clone, and his upgrade speed is amazing. No one among the fresh graduates can match it.

"Almost done, I can go to break the dungeon record and get the gold medal for job transfer!"

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