The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 105 - Zareth (VI): Dragoon


The boss was huge, but it's bulky frame and literal flaming muscles were not to be underestimated. However the dwarf falling from the sky and yelling out his name on the other hand was a rather comical sight, that is until the lance on his hand gained the apparition of a flaming dragon and smashed into the arm of the boss, causing massive cracks across the appendage.

My armor vibrated and in turn to so did the blood in my body. In the same motion both Zareth and I turned to look at each other. It was obvious that he felt the same thing as me, it made me realize something, he really was just like me. A disciple of an elemental dragon.

Looking at me had taken his attention from the fight, which in turn cost him as the demon swung it's massive tail into the Dwarf's ċhėst, throwing his short form away and smashing it into the wall besides me. I was startled by the sudden turn of events, but it didn't stop me from acting, I had to buy him time to get back up to his feet.

This boss is probably my second toughest fight, with my first being the altercation with my sister that for some reason I still don't remember. However there was no time like the present to let loose, and I have every intention of doing so. Sky changed her form to her magic staff form, as I prepared to throw all of my heaviest hits at the boss.


The stellar glare skill took a lot of energy from Skye, and that's to be expected, the power of magic is on a whole other level than the skills of a bow. And since I've been mainly using Skye during my battle with the statues, plus the [MTEOR SHOWER] skill I've used, her energy is sure to hit the bottom the moment I used her magic staff skill. But I had no choice but to go all out, also this should cause it enough damage for me to slowly pick it apart and I had a plan for that.

A power wave of silver starlight energy blasted out from the top of the staff, the power within the spell was so powerful that all of the seats between me and the boss was ripped out of their sculpted bases and sent flying into the air, and pelting into the body of the boss. But all these were just superficial damages, as the main damage came when the silver wave slayed into the boss's body.

The fifteen meter tall and god knows how many pounds boss was thrown off his feet, with a massive furrow etched into it's torso. He flew across the air and landed on the bleachers on the other side, a massive wound on his stone ċhėst, that at the moment was bleeding lava, profusely. Skye returned back to her elephant form and she was hunched besides me, breathing really hard as her legs weren't even strong enough to support her body anymore. I patted her head as I pulled the Thalasio Spathi from my back, and just in time too as Zareth came to stand besides me while we focused on the boss that was slowly and shakily getting to his feet.

"My name is Zareth."

"I know."

"I'm of the fire element dragon, my class is Dragoon. What about you?" This conversation was beyond awkward, but it was a conversation none the less, and I guess there wasn't really anything wrong with indulging the dwarf.

"Wind element, class.....Ventus Draconis Vindex."

I didn't say anything as I spread my wings and shot towards the boss, gliding down across the bleachers towards the center of the Arena where his massive legs were splayed every which way. This thing was too big for us to fight head on, and a transformation here would be nothing short of a bad idea, and it would definitely bring this entire underground arena crashing down on our heads. For a massive bodied dragon, being buried by tons of rock and dust might not be too bad, however when you consider the fact that we're under and located on some part of a volcanic mountain, then that idea goes right out the window.

I sliced the sea sword into his ankles, digging a furrow into it as it seemed to snap and cut apart blood vessels that I'm not even sure exists. The boss screamed out in pain, but it's problem was only just beginning as there was another flash of light and Zareth was once again falling from the sky, unlike last time where there was one massive dragon construct appearing around his spear, this time there were dozens, and they seduced into the already wounded ċhėst of the boss with loud and very jarring impacts.


The boss smashed his hands on the ground in anger as the entire arena rumbled, I had already given myself a bit of distance from the boss, but even then, flying in the air did not spare from the intense shaking the area of was going through as massive spikes of earth surged out of the earth moving towards me and Zareth with the boss at it's epicenter.


Zareth shouted as another energy contract of a dragon, or rather this time it's wings appeared and covered him, completely defending him from the ȧssault of the earth spikes and keeping him safe from any sort of damage. As for me, I'm not that lucky. I swerved left and right, narrowly evading the spikes that came for me, as twisted in the air and made sharp banks with an agility even I didn't know I have. I held the sea sword tight as I flew towards the boss, and this time I was putting every skill I have in my arsenal to bear, except of course for my Armor's transformation skill. And come to think of it, my Armor has a skill that I haven't used in a while, but like they say, no time like the present.


Air body could be said to be my Armor's defensive/evasive skill. I would be immune to every physical damage for the next two hundred seconds, plus I would also be invisible. But coupled with the other skills I just activated, the invisibility option was canceled and what was left behind was for all intents and purposes a storm cloud.

I didn't hesitate as I shot towards the boss, my speed and attacking power raised to an all time high as I went round the boss, slicing and stabbing with wanton abandon, trying to bring it down. The spikes disappeared, and rather one massive one surged out of the ground and stabbed into my body, dispersing the clouds that made up my form. But as if to throw shade at the boss, a massive system message appeared above my head.


The boss seeing as he couldn't do anything to me, wanted to turn his attention to Zareth, who at the moment seemed to be the bigger threat. But there was no way I was going to let that happen, I had to buy him time. If we were close to the sea or Skye could use more than one (STELLAR FLARE), this fight would have ended quite a while ago. But there was no need worrying about what might be, I just had to take care of what 'is' right now.


Skills effects could be stacked, and at the moment my fifteen second [STORM DANCE] duration was already over, and my [AIR BODY] invisibility was back on. But I had to make the next few dozen hits counts, so I layered it with my [STEALTH FLIGHT] Skill, and immediately except for myself moving, I couldn't even hear a sound, and I doubt any single person would be able to find me.

I went straight for the eye of the demon, without standing on ceremony, I stabbed my sword into it's fiery glowing red eyeball, and rapidly pulled back to get some space from frantic and in pain boss. It clutched it's eye for a moment, but at the moment something worse was happening to it, as the temperature around and within it's body rapidly dropped, and ice started spreading from it's punctured eyeball.

I widened my eyes in surprise before remembering the sea swords ability to carry ice magic effects with all it's strikes, and there was a chance for it to freeze and opponent after a certain amount of strikes. I didn't expect it would happen to this extent, as the entire boss was frozen solid. It was at that point Zareth released the now completely red spear in his hand, as an aura of blazing draconic power filled the arena.



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