The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 104 - Zareth (V): Dungeon: Stone Princess Boss 2

After my body smashed through the exit, I was thrown roughly on the ground, with my body digging a furrow into it. I ached allover and I had half a mind to just lay down right where I was and go to sleep. But I was still in a fight, and even if I had all bones broken, I still had to preserver and push through. I shakily got back up to my feet, and just in time to see the current bane of my existence walk through the destroyed exit, there seemed to be more cracks on her skin, but it didn't mean she was down and out for the count.

"You've lasted longer than most. The last person who came through here somehow slipped past us, so I'm a little pissed of. But never the less it's not something you have to worry about, you'll be dead soon anyway." The boss said to me as she walked towards me, her stone hair strangely waving around like it was being blown by wind.

"You seem so sure of your victory, I'm not dead yet, and quite frankly I'm just getting started." I said to her as I finally got back up to an upright position.

She raised and eyebrow at me, but didn't say anything, waving her hand a bit, the broken pieces of her gold sword coalesced into a golden spear in her hand that she pointed straight at me. That was cute, but she was not the only one who has decided to get serious in this fight as I now used both hands to hold the Sea sword. I spread my legs bringing my center of balance down and I raised the sword to shoulder level, making sure it was pointing straight at her, I took a deep breath and then….



The ground beneath my feet exploded into a shower of dust and rubble as I flew towards her, moving so fast it was almost at the speed of sound. I ignored the ache in my shoulders and wings as I stabbed at her, my sword trailing a silver green and blue arc through the air as it made it's way towards her ċhėst.


She parried, but this was just the beginning as I sent the sword upwards in a half crescent slash. She moved the underside of her spear I'm an attempt to block, but it was just a feint. Just before the sea sword would meet her spear, I flipped it and pushed forward, and as easily as a knife through buŧŧer, the sea sword sank into her ċhėst, scrapping across the spear that couldn't protect her in time. I twisted the sword inside of her and roughly dragged it out eliciting a cry of pain from her as i ducked down, evading and overhead swing from her spear. I made half a rotation, spinning with my sword still sizzling with lightning and sending it straight for her legs, however a pillar of earth rose up and blocked the strike, buying a little time for her to move backwards.

She didn't hesitate to make another move, and judging by the ugly look on her well sculpted face, she was pissed. She waved the spear in her hands, then raised it up, before bringing it smashing down on the ground, yelling in the process as she called out the name of her skill.


If it was an earthquake, you would expect the world to shake and the ground beneath your feet to be unstable, all of those things happened, along with an extremely concussive blast that threw me of my feet and brought me slamming down onto stone tiles that were rapidly dislodge from my back and wings digging furrows into it.

There wasn't a serious amount of pain though, this was an AOE skill no doubt, but it's meant to push enemies back rather than cause any heavy damage, not unless of course it gets to a higher level. But the main thing was that there was now a significant amount of space between the two of us. She might have thought that this was a good idea given that she was injured, but for a guy who's main weapon was a bow, this was a nail on the coffin.

I dragged myself back to my feet and grabbed Skye in my hands and also strung and released an arrow in the same motion. She wasn't expecting that, so the arrow slid into her ċhėst with a loud cracking sound. There wasn't that much damage, but that probably had to be my sixth wind marked arrow, they would only get faster from here on out.

*Twang!* *Crack!* *Twang!!* *Crack!!* *Twang!!!* *Crack!!!*

Her defense was extremely good(obviously, she's made from earth), but right now she was filled with so many chips and cracks on her sculpted frame, that it looked as if only a simple gust of wind would be able to blow her away into oblivion. I had one wind marked arrow left, and she was on her last legs. Whatever I had to do, I had to make this count.

"You're stronger than I expected, I respect your courage."

I raised an eyebrow at her words, but I didn't say anything. Maybe she was trying to stall so that I wouldn't put the proverbial nail in the coffin, but unluckily for her she was dealing with me. I won't hesitate once I've decided to kill, that might be a little bloodthirsty, but meh! I'm on the clock.

"One last strike to decide who wins this fight one La....."


*bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!*

[SYSTEM ALERT: You have cleared the first level of this dungeon!/ + 5% EXP ADVANCEMENTS]

The statue fell apart, and where it once stood was a memory/skill disk, and a glowing yellow gem that had metal around it's edges. I moved towards it, not at all sure what I was dealing with, but having a vague idea too. These were probably the loot drop from the boss, there should be some sort of story or lore to be heard, but at the moment nothing was forthcoming, and honestly I'm not really interested in any such thing. I have enough quests as it is, I just want to clear this dungeon and get out of here.

I picked up the skill disks and the metal crystal gem hybrid, throwing them into my inventory with even inspecting them. That was just a force of habit, I don't count my eggs before they hatch, which means until I'm don't this dungeon, the rewards can wait. I pulled out a healing pill from my inventory, funny enough that's only one I had, and I don't even remember where I got it from. I already had ridiculous healing factor, but seeing as this dungeon was no child's play, I needed to be at 100%.

I felt the bones in my wings and shoulders pop into place as I turned around and inspected where I was. It was some sort of hallway, apart from the stone tiles and the 10 centimeter depression on t he ground within a radius of 10 meters; the aftermath of that quake skill, the hallway was in pristine condition. And just like the statue and ballroom that I just left behind, everything was carved from the rocks itself.

I moved forward, retrieving my sword from the ground whilst I held Skye firmly. I sheathed the sword and strung and arrow, keeping my attention at high alert as I moved down the hall. On both sides were craved out windows, but seeing as we were deep under a volcano, I would say it was just there for aesthetic purposes. There was nothing in the hall, even till I reached the end where an open doorway was waiting for me, I wasn't attacked by anything, but even then I couldn't keep my nerves calm.

I shrugged and went through the doorway, but the moment I did, it closed behind me and I found myself in a short passage suffused with the red glow of lava and buffeted by heat. The passage was just two meters, but the moment I took a step forward to get to the other side, my ears rang out loud as the roars of a beast reached me. I turned around to look at the door closed behind me, completely unwilling to go face whatever was on the other side, but it seems there really is no other way out but forward.

I moved forward, and the stone door in front of me; covered with veins of lava slid to the side. I stepped right through and came up into what looked like a throne room, or maybe an arena. I was standing within countless carved stone seats, much like the bleachers in real life stadiums. And right below me was a ferocious fight currently taking place between a fifteen meter tall monster of lava and stone and a dwarf, a dwarf that had just jumped into the air with a blazing lance and was now falling down, with his lance pointed right at the head of the monster.


What the hell?

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