The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 103 - Zareth (IV): Dungeon: Stone Princess Boss

*Cough! Cough!!*

I waved my hand amidst the thick cloud of dust, but that was not enough to completely extricate myself from the haze of brown and grey dust that came about as a result of the ceiling caving in. So I flapped my wings, the sundae of them beating against each other filled the ballroom as I used the control I have over wind to push the dust away from, moving everything to the other side of the room.

There was a massive boulder the size of a plane in front of me, it was not in one whole form as it was broken into numerous partitions, and had subsequently crushed the rest of the statues underneath it's extreme mass. It was quite fun to look at, though to be honest I still had this chill underneath my spine that reminded me how close to death I had actually come. If it wasn't for my quick thinking, and ridiculous amount of luck, I would probably be respawning back on my ship.

I turned around, expecting to see the exit open, only for something to smash into my stomach with an intense speed, and together we were pushed back until my back smashed against the boulder behind me with a loud crack. It took the air out of my lungs and threw Sky out of my gasp. But my horror was not over as I felt the person who hit me, slamming their hard fist into my side, over and over again, so much so that I couldn't count how many cracks I might have received on my ribs.

I shot my knee upwards slamming it into the ċhėst of my ȧssailant as I bent down and wrapped my hands around their surprisingly small frame. Then I moved forward a bit, and the heaved, lifting the person off their feet and over my head as I delivered a suplex and finally extricated myself from the person. My ȧssailant hit the ground with a loud thud, and I quickly scrambled up to my feet, only to open my eyes in shock and surprise a I realized the person who attacked me. Was actually a statue, and not just any statue, the same one that had bit me in the first place.

[BOSS: Five Year Old Stone Princess Statue (First Form)/ Grade: Mortal/ Level: 40]

Of all the statues that could have been the boss, why did it have to be the one I hated the most. But if it thinks because it was made to look like a five year old girl I would pull my punches, then it's got another thing coming, I'm going to ruin it.

The statue quickly turned over and shot towards me, sliding over the ground as it attempted to sweep my legs out from under me. I jumped watching her slide under me, only to receive a pillar of earth to the ċhėst. I was thrown backwards thankfully the exit was no more than fifteen feet away, so I didn't build much a momentum before my back slammed against it, but never the less it still hurt like a bitch.

The statue was already in front of me, throwing a right hook to my abdomen, but I moved forward, hooked my hand under it's elbow and pulled and then turned, changing positions with the statue as I slammed its back against the exit door, and then quickly followed it with a knees strike that hit under her jaw and sent her slamming back against the exit door. I move back a bit, to give myself some breathing room, and just in time too as Sky ran over to me in her elephant form.

"You're not like the others are you?" I absent mindedly asked the statue as I observed it.

"Yeah I know, I'm a lot more DANGEROUS!" she yelled back in respond, flinging her hands at me, and at the same time creating a massive fist of earth and smashing it towards me.

The fact that she could speak almost didn't let me react on time, so I relied mostly on my instincts to wrap my wings around my body and bring my head down to my ċhėst. I was expecting to get thrown off my feet again, but the stone fist only left a dull impact, and I looked up see a thick shield of air in front of me. It was an amazing sight, as it felt like thousands upon thousands of tiny wisps of air had gathered together to form a shield, but it was really had to maintain as I felt a headache already coming on from the strain of compressing air to such a level.

It would be wise if I could pay more attention to my ability to control the wind element in the future, it just save my ȧss. But never the less the fight wasn't over. Skye turned back into a bow and fell right back into my hands. In one smooth motion I pulled out an arrow and shot it at the statue, she dodged and ran towards me, creating a massive Warhammer of earth and swinging it for my face.

I shot at arrow at it, smashing it apart and just as I quickly struck another and threw my feet forwards. Only the handle of the hammer was left, but it was enough for her to use and defend herself against my kick. It pushed her back a bit and gave me a chance to release the arrow I had just strung. It whizzed through the air and slammed into her ċhėst with an explosive Bang, throwing back wards and slamming her against the exit door again. I noticed a crack on it then.

Then all of a sudden her body grew larger, changing from a simple five year old girl with a teddy bear in hand, to a full grown woman who was now holding a sword made of gold. The change was sudden without any sort of prerequisite or warning, it just happened.

Okay so I guess the difficult just went up a notch, but even then I was not scared, I could beat her, though if I had to be honest this was one very weird boss. She was unlike anything I've ever faced, anxiety if I'm not focused, she's going to tear me apart. There was just a fraction of a second where we both stared at each other, and then I suddenly made my move.

The fifth wind mark arrow went straight for her heart, but she partied it away, making the arrow go off mark and helplessly fall to the ground. I didn't let that stop me as I pulled another arrow and shot at her, this time strengthening it with the only projectile skill I now had [SEEKER!]. Which if I should be honest was great as it was an all round skill, but it was not as versatile as I would have wanted.

This time she didn't even parry the arrow, rather a wall of earth rose up in front of her and blocked the arrow, before shooting towards me. I rolled onto the ground, dodging the approaching earth wall and strung my sixth wind marked arrow and then released it almost immediately. The arrow cut through this air with a loud whoosh, but she shocked me by slicing it apart. She rushed towards me, not giving me enough time to string another arrow, so flapped my wings and took off the ground, shooting another arrow at her that she dodged, which in turn slammed into the ground with a dull explosions of dust and rock. She followed me, a pillar beneath her feet rapidly bringing her towards me.

There was no time to string another arrow, so I pointed my hand at her and shot a [MANA ARROW], hanging sky behind my waist as four bright blue beams of mana flew towards her. She maneuvered the pillar she was standing under to evade them, but one clipped her shoulder, and a little part of her body was chipped off. From the look of things, she seems to be weak against magic.

I pulled the sea sword from my back, loving the cool and comfortable feeling it gave me as I shot towards her, my sword drawing an arc in their air as lightening began to dance allover it's blade.



When both swords met, her's exploded into multiple shards of gold and dust. There was a shockwave that pushed me back higher into the air whilst she tumbled back onto the ground, landing on the massive rock that had crushed her brethren, and leaving a loud crack on it. She seemed to be a little disoriented, which meant that this was my chance.


I Fell from the ceiling, my wings cutting through the air as I pointed my sword downwards and straight for the unprotected ċhėst of this boss. This was it, the moment of truth, this was the last chance for me to kill this boss. And so I put all of my focus into destroying the boss, only for a giant pillar of earth to come out and smash me into the exit door, destroying it and fracturing one of my wings in the process. Safe to say, this didn't go as planned.

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