The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 102 - Zareth (III): Dungeon: A Ballroom Of Dancing Statues 1

This was surprising to say the least, but if I can keep my distance, this shouldn't be a problem for me. I held Skye in my hands, I felt subtle vibrations from her as she happily hummed within my grasps, looks she was anticipating a fight just as much as I was. I pulled back he strings and let loose am arrow, picking my target right at the middle of this crowd of statues. The arrow flew true and smashed into the ċhėst of one of the statues, the problem was it just remained stuck there without any sort of substantial damage done.

The statue that I shot at looked up at me, and then in a shocking display of agility, it shot off the ground, a massive pillar of earth under it's feet taking it above the ground and sending it straight towards me. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement, the statue moved a little too fast for me to react to in time, so all I could do was narrowly dodge as it's pillar smashed against mine, and the statue flew above my head while I ducked. It's momentum carried it straight to the ceiling of the ballroom where it was smashed into a million pieces with dust and tiny debris of rocks raining down from the point of impact.

I raised my wings and covered my head and body, preventing any of the residual dusts from touching me. I felt their tiny impacts for just a few seconds before I shook them off me. I looked down at the statues still down below, watching as the remnant of the friend fell around them, however there were without any sort of reaction.

Now even though Lost descendants online was a highly advanced game with AIs no different from humans, some of if not all of the dungeon mechanics were the same. There might be some difference in the case of the bosses, but in the end the core and fundamental elements of a dungeon has not really changed; obviously this was the first stage or first floor, I had to clear all of the monsters on this level to be able to get to the next. And seeing the monotonous and somewhat mechanical way in which this statues acted, there definitely has to be a pattern to the way they attack and what triggers them. I needed to figure it out for me to combat them properly.

I squeezed Skye a bit tighter as I shifted my attention to the ballroom itself. It was large, almost 300 meters in radius and about 70 to 80 feet in height. Apart from it's single entrance that at the moment had a massive stone door that was tightly shut, there were a plethora of pillars around it, similar to the one I was currently standing on. They were placed around the edge of the ballroom, and I don't think it was just for the sake of decorations, maybe it was a boundary of sorts.

I unfurled my wings and jumped, attempting to glide above the heads of the statues and get to the other side of the room. However almost as if they had practiced this a million times, all of the statues looked up at me, and then shifted their left foot backwards and moved both their arms up, like some variation of ballet dance moves.

Thin but extremely sharp earth spikes burst out of the ground, they were like hair on the scalp of a person, tightly cluster together and about to poke me full of holes. Before deciding to fly I had already envisioned something like this might happen, but not to this extent. However since I expected it, I stayed mostly on the edge of the room, so it was not too hard for me to reach another pillar and stand on top of it for safety.

The spikes stabbed into the ceiling, small pieces of rocks and debris falling from it, but whether lucky or unlucky, a massive boulder the size of a small call dislodge from the ceiling and fell down, smashing into a few statues and spreading it's damage to other statues close by, turning all of them to dust like some sort of earth element spell AOE. It was a consequence from their attack, but it helped me a lot.

This might be a dungeon, and it's mobs had to follow programing, but this was still a real location, and much like everything else in lost descendants online, it was still subject to change if tampered with. And so began the vestiges of an idea that could help me deal with all this statues, or maybe fuċkɨnġ kill me, but then again there's no gain without risks.

The sea sword was useless in here, using Sky's special bow form skill was the key, but if I did not use it well, I'm going to end up burying myself. Plus her magic staff form took too much energy to maintain, and not even with the fact that her level increased to twenty had reduced the pressure on her. But these statues turned out to be the architect of their own demise, but in other fore to facilitate it, I had to get straight to the edge of the room and find a place that was defensive and not prone to being crushed by rocks from the ceiling.

I'm not so sure that my stealth was powerful enough to go last this things, sight only affected sight, and these statues have no eyes on top of their head, but they were able to sense me move the moment I decided to fly over their head. What I'm really after is the speed and defense boosts from storm dance.

I jumped from the pillar I was standing on, pushing my wings to the limit as I cut through the ballroom like a bullet. They sensed me almost immediately as another round of earth spikes shot out of the ground and reached the roof. I was able to reach the next pillar, and almost immediately the spikes returned back into the ground. I didn't even take a breath as I pushed off the pillar and flew to the next one, and one again the spikes shot out of the ground, moving up and down in the hopes to catch me off guard. I got to the next pillar and spikes all went down, and then I jumped again.

This time however I was aiming for three pillars as instead of one. I turned side ways narrowly dodging then spikes, but most of them got close enough to scratch against my armor, causing a shower of sparks that almost blinded me in the process. I rearranged my body, took one step on the pillar I reached and jumped again, and once again more spikes showed up. However at that point in time, a massive chunk of the ceiling fell off, but because I was still flying the spikes stabbed into it, turning it to rubble whilst I narrowly escaped getting crushed along with the statues.

I reached the pillar I was aiming for, and just in time too. I hunched over taking the deep breaths as my heart pounded within my ċhėst. There was just one pillar between me and my destination, but both my skills had ran their duration and my speed was back to normal. I wasn't too worried about that, I'm sure I could make it, however the moment I got to this particular pillar, all of the statues had turned once again to face my direction. And then they started stomping their feet's.

*Bam! Bam!! Bam!!! Bam!!!!*

As they did so, the dust and debris under their feet were raised up, but this time there were no earth spikes. Rather cracks begs to appear on the floor of the ballroom, and from those cracks lava began to appear, the temperature increase rapidly as the lava began to gather around the statues, gradually taking the shape of spike like projectiles that were hanging in the air. Somehow I get the feeling that these pillars won't keep me safe from those lava spikes, it was much to early but I had to put my coup de gras into play, shit!

I jumped, flapping my wings as hard as I could and turning my armored back to the incoming lava spikes as I face the ceiling above me, pulling an arrow and pulling back the strings on Sky's bow form. It was now or never, and I had to do my best to get through this or I'm either going to get buried or burnt by liquid fire.


A wave of glowing arrows shot out from sky's bow form and slammed into the ceiling with the sound of a large explosion. I felt the first impact of the lava on my back, but I ignored it as I rapidly turned my body an flew for the exit. I couldn't pay any attention to the burning lava now ruthlessly pelting my body with a vengeance, and that was because currently, the entire ceiling was caving in, and I was right under it.

*Crash! Crash!! Crash!!! BOOOM!!*

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