The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 101 - Zareth (II): Dungeon: The Forbidden Caves Of Stone & Lava

At first I had to wonder if it was just the fact that this old dwarf crowd wolf that pissed people off, however I had to rethink that particularly stream of though when it turns out that the annoyance of a man wouldn't shut up. For someone who had lost his son or had a family in danger, he was pretty jovial about it, especially the part when he started talking about the weather and how it seemed to have affected black smiting this year.

Thankfully for me, the plaza was just five minutes away from the exit of the town, and the entrance to the forbidden caves was 20 minutes away on foot. It was half an hour of irritation and me wondering it would not be better for me to hustle put an arrow in his head and go to sleep once I was dome with that. At the very least I would have been free from this torture.

Diggle as he says his name is, led me towards the volcano that at this moment was still spewing ash and lava, however it's entire body was dotted with lush and verdant trees that I had to wonder how it wad that these plants could survive under the extreme heat of the volcano, they seemed quite valuable to me.

(SPRING FIRE FIG/GRADE: EARTH/ TYPE: HEALING PANACEA: a variety of spring fig that has been nourished by the sacred flames of a volcanic mountain. This fruit is capable of healing the worst possible cases of burns, however it would be stupid to directly inject it without properly processing it as lava still runs through it.)

There were more of such plants dotting the landscape, and I was tempted to happily harvest every single one I laid my eyes on. However almost every tree in front of me, had a severe amount of corpses that have achieved various degrees of burns, from a guy running past me screaming with his hands on fire, an elf that was desiccated every last form of moisture in it's body evaporated, to charge black, bleach bones and finally ash. Every plant on this fuċkɨnġ volcanic island is practically unattainable, and trying to get them means you want to cook yourself.

If that's the case I'm totally cool with not touching anything around me, I'm quite happy not paying attention to earth grade plants that could make me even more rich than I currently am. Thankfully we got to our destination before greed would have completely taken a hold of me.

On the side of the volcanic mountain that seemed to have the mildest effect of heat, flame and ash, a temple of sorts was built into it. Or rather the remains of a temple, as pillars and stars stretched upwards and led to the opening of several caves. The pillars and the stairs were the only sign of modern architecture, all of the caves that I could see seems to be formed naturally, but I'm geologist, so I can't exactly be sure. After getting confirmation from Diggle that this was indeed the entrance to the dungeon, I began making my way upwards, pulling sky from my in the process.


This was annoying, from the look of it, this was a dungeon who's difficulty was stuck somewhere between the mortal and earth grade, and the last time I went into an earth grade dungeon, I came back with a race of Nereids and was almost killed by a giant crocodile. Let's just hope this is not as bad as before because that's special feeling I always get when I know I'm about to get into trouble, was ringing really loudly.

I left Diggle behind as I stepped forwards into the cave, immediately a curtain of light rose up behind me and blocked the entrance into the cave. There was no way back only forward, which means I have to either clear the dungeon or die for me to complete this. This was more in like with what dungeons in games were supposed to be, but either way let's get this done.

I moved forwards a bit, carefully picking my steps, but I realized the further I went in, the darker it became. And I had really good eye sights, it was way better than normal, and could almost be considered night vision. But it was jot quite there yet, however even with that realization it shouldn't be too difficult for me to navigate through dark caves, but this darkness was something else.

I didn't take more than ten steps into the cave before I felt the ground beneath my feet give way, as I started falling. I felt like I was on a slide, a slide that was a 100 degrees hot. My armor protected me, but if I could feel the heat and the burn even from it's protection, I can't imagine what other people who came here would feel as they slid down. This tripe was not pleasant, not one bit; because as I slid down into god knows where, hopefully not into some pool of lava waiting to greet my tender flesh, steam was escaping from the sides of the slanted cave I was falling through, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.


"Ow! That fuċkɨnġ hurts!" I said to myself as I dragged my aching body back to a standing position. I looked around to notice that I was in some sort of chamber, or rather I would say an extremely large hall with only one entrance out of here, and entrance which at the moment was at the other end of the chamber, and standing in between me and that exit was a small army of statues.

The statues were carved more in the likeness of ordinary people, it was as if these hall was a ballroom, and these statues were the people who had been here to enjoy the party that was probably going on. It didn't look to bad though, but considering statues were moving, they were not kept here all for the purpose of me admiring art. Maybe there was a way I could just get through without having to fight, after all they were just statues wandering around aimlessly in a ballroom.

I moved forwards, carefully picking my steps, and holding my breath. This was just a yesterday on my part, just to probe the statues and see if they were more dangerous than they looked. They were sparsely scattered across the entire ballroom, and since they weren't too clustered, it should be easy for me to slip through their cracks, and get to the other side without having to engage in any sort of fight.

It was not a bad idea and I decided to go with, slowly picking my way around the first statue who had his back turned to me. The next statue seemed to be that of a little girl with a teddy bear clutched tightly in her hands. It was a rather cute sight, but instead of going behind her, I went right in front of her, which I didn't realize was a mistake until her small stone fist currently holding a stone teddy bear slammed into my stomach and sent me flying back, blood and spittle escaping from mouth until my back slammed into carved rock wall behind me with a loud bang.

It hurt so fuċkɨnġ much, so much so that it was hard for me to get back up to my feet as my wings beat around my body. I looked up, fiercely glaring at the tiny statue that just gave me a beat down, throwing all of my pride and dignity as a man away. I don't care if it was just a statue, but getting knocked down by a five year old suċkėd, it suċkėd a lot.

Mere seconds later every statue in the chamber turned to face me, their eyes lit up, quickly shifting from the normal dull, grey, form it originally was, to a piercing glowing red. The way they turned made it seem like they were all one unit, turning to face me with loud marches as they all raised their hands and pointed it straight at me. I felt the ground rumble, and it was only due to an instinctual reaction from me that I was able to save my life.

I flapped my wings and took to the air, and not a moment too soon as slanted earth spikes surged from the ground smashing into the wall behind me and burrowing deep holes into it. My eyes widened in surprise as I flew higher and found a perch on top of one of the carved pillars. This move was eerily familiar to me, though it was not completely similar, it reminded me of those people who were infected with the ((Wade Virus)). It was like the shared a hive mind, their moves and thoughts were all the same, and right now all they were thinking about was how to turn me into a shish kebab! Why the hell wasn't this a hoax like all the time before, damn it! Looks like they really are wolves around this time.

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