The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 100 - Zareth (I): The Dwarf Who Cried Wolf(Son)

The sound of sea gulls greeted me the moment I opened my eyes, it was a rather bright day, and the sun was shining in all its splendor as the gentle sounds of waves ŀȧpping and creating over each other sounded in my ears. Knowing that these game affected me on a fundamental level, made me look at it with a careful and different approach than before. Lost descendants online was turning me into something else, something not entirely human, but more.

I was okay with it, just a little bit surprised. I really don't have time to start worrying about my sense of self or identity, whether I was human or Meta-Human. Besides my abilities haven't fully awakened yet, so for now I'm still human, and I'm going to deal with today's problems today, and let whatever fuċk up that would happens tomorrow to take care of itself then.

"Land Ho!"

I couldn't help but grin a bit at Dinah's loud shout, there was an island on the horizon with what looked Lima an active volcano. We didn't need to stop by and could just move on, but everyone has been on the sea for quite a few days, it would be nice if we could all take a break and stretch our legs, plus the town after the docks seems like it would be a rather exciting adventure. I turned to Darke and said to him.

"Take us in."

I moved to the side of the ship as the waves crashed softly against it. There were other ships besides us that were docking on the island and leaving, all in all it seemed like a busy place. When we got to the island, Qitar, Dinah and Raven song where the ones who came with me this time. The clone brothers have not really been their self since Jack got injured, so they were going to be keeping guard on the ship until we returned.

"Is there a particular thing that we have to do here?" Qitar asked me as she flowed close behind me.

"To be honest, there's nothing to be done, I just felt that it would be nice if we all took a chance to stretch our legs, in the end it seems to be just the four of us, and Sky. So I guess you guys should just wander round the town and enjoy yourself."

It was as if that was the confirmation they were looking for as Dinah, Qitar and Raven Song split from me and went looking for entertainment within the town. I shook my head as I kept my pace and paid attention to the town itself. There were varying degrees of technology here, though they seemed more magical than technology, plus there was this intense heat that seemed to be already across the entire town.

It didn't take me long to notice something rather peculiar; over 70% of the people I've seen so far were without a doubt dwarves. Maybe some of them might have a little variation to their race, but ultimately they remained the same. This was an island of dwarves, and after walking for a little bit I got to a district where the loud sounds of metal banging on metal was heard. This really was a dwarven port town, and when I looked closer, I could see tiny canals running on the streets, and stretching to the back of numerous buildings and stalls where the loud banging sounds were coming from.

Within these canals was lava, which is to say that the dwarves here were using lava from the volcano as a furnace for their forge. I didn't know bow they did it, but this was an ingenious piece of architecture, though I have this inkling that magic was involved. Basically this was like having a water distribution system in a town or neighborhood, however instead of water what we have here is lava.

Just digging a groove through the earth alone wouldn't be enough, the canals have to be laid with a heat resistant material, and there has to be some sort of pump that properly distributed the Lava to all of the forges without a break in pressure. It was like modern day plumbing system, except for lava. If I had a land or island of my own with something similar, I would probably make a blacksmith district just like this.

Even though at the moment I really had no need for blacksmithing, I really wanted to go find out what the interior of the forges looked like, and how the lava was distributed into it and used. Growing up, I found that I've always played attention to the strangest detail and was enamored by really weird things, this was one of those times, and I couldn't wait.

"Help! Help me! Please help me! It's my son, it's my son!"

A loud scream broke through the cacophony of the rather busy blacksmith district. All of the banging and wave of sweltering heat seemed to come to a stop as the blacksmiths all came out to pay attention to the person screaming and crying. However the moment the say the dwarf responsible, most of them cursed out in anger and went back in, whilst others stood at their doorways looking on in surprise. I raised an eyebrow at that, this was not as simple as it looked.

An elderly looking dwarf burst into the plaza where all of the forges were located, he was frantic and his entire look was in disarray. Obviously he needed help, but the funny thing was that no one seemed to be paying him any attention, not even the players, and it was weird because obviously there's a quest hidden in there somewhere.

I moved towards the frantic dwarf who was desperately holding on to a dwarven guard that seemed to be a cross between a dwarf and goblin, but through it all the guard just had a rather nasty look on his face, and from what I could see it was only a matter of time before he hit the old dwarf.

"Hey old man, what's wrong with your son." I asked him as I gave the guard a look, asking him to move away. The guard gave me a thankful and relieved look as he quickly changed his post to the other end of the plaza, making sure to keep his distance away from me and the still crying dwarf.

"Please! You need to help me, my son went into the forbidden caves, I've grief more times than I can imagine to stop him from going in, but he won't listen. Only one person can go into the forbidden cave at a time, but I'm strong enough to go save him. Please you have to help me save him, the stone monsters have awakened! I'm not lying this time please!"

He looked desperate, but my ears picked quite a few words from his pleas. He saint "not lying this time". Which is to say this is not the first time his son has gone to this forbidden caves or the first time this stone monsters have awakened. Obviously this man is the one crying wolf in this story, which means everything he's said so far is nothing more than a hoax.

[SYSTEM ALERT: DUNGEON QUEST (1 MAX P): THE MISSING SON & THE FORBIDDEN CAVES OF STONE AND LAVA: GRADE C+: The young son of a master dwarven blacksmith has traveled into the forbidden caves of stone and lava. These caves have fearsome monsters that have been in hibernation for thousands of years, however at the moment it is quite possible that they have awakened. Save the son of the dwarven blacksmith./ REWARDS: +3% EXP INCREASE,???? / TIME: 2 HOURS]

Sure this might be a hoax, but just like the story about the boy who cried wolf, eventually his story turned out to be true and he paid a heavy price. But unlike the story of the boy who cried wolf, this time there was more than just the lives of sheep at stake, a man might lose his son, and that was something that I don't really want to see.

"Alright old dwarf I'll help you, what's your name?" I asked him with a simple look on my face as I sent some messages to Qitar, Dinah and Raven Song.

"My name if Diggle, than you so much gracious hero for agreeing to help me." The old dwarf said to me with a face full of tears and a beard full of snot.

"Sure no problem, please lead the way."

I only agreed to help him for a variety of reasons, but mainly it was due to my boredom. Whilst it was fun walking around and getting to know the town, I was almost done as the town itself doesn't seem to be really that big. And whilst it would have been wise to call the others for ȧssistance, the dungeon was only for one player as specified in the quest. I guess it's time for another adventure.

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