The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 99 - New Era (VIII): Meta-Humans

The expected fight between my group of people and whoever wanted to come rescue Ivan never came to a head. They retreated before they even got close enough for a fire fight to commence.

Either way I asked everyone to leave the scene of our fight with Ivan's forces the way it was, but I had them destroy any sort of surveillance that was currently active during the entire duration of that small war. We might be in good terms with the governments of the world, but no one is above the law, especially when there's enough evidence and a crowd of people eagerly waiting to bury you six feet under the ground.

Today has been somewhat hectic, but it was not yet over. There were many thing s that I needed to understand, especially the discovery of super powers, and the fact that I could now move as fast as captain America. I know I've been somewhat busy with the game, especially since what I should be looking for has not yet fallen into my hands, however I believe these were profound secrets that I should have already known from the very moment I became head of the wade family, yet I had to find out like this. Nanny Florence has a lot of explaining to do.

I dragged my tired body home with Hades, Nuwa and Nezha following close behind. The moment I stepped into the foyer of the manor I saw nanny Florence watching over a twelve year old boy who at the moment was currently playing with Aaron. But if you consider toy spaceships floating around my son's head playing rather than bizarre, then I guess he's playing.

Ron only registered my presence for a few seconds, looking up at me and smiling before shifting his attention back to mock space battle currently taking place around his head. I shifted my gaze to nanny Florence no trace of warmth within it as the old lady sighed. She seemed tired, old, my gaze softener as soon as I saw that, with my grandfather's death and me taking over she must have been so stressed out. She probably needed a vacation and me giving her a hard time over secrets that turned out to be an incredible ȧsset for me.

"Take a walk with me." I said to her with a smile as I went towards the kitchen and out the side entrance.

The sun was setting already, and crisp cool breeze seemed to be blowing in the expansive garden that stretched all the way to back of the manor. There were roses of varying shades and colors, sunflowers, and host of other flowers and herbs that I had no idea what they were called. Over the years most of the flowers in this garden had been planted by Nanny Florence, she's put a significant amount of her blood, sweat and tears in it, and a significant amount of mine too seeing as this garden was her favorite spot for training me.

"You must be angry about discovering things like this, I'm sorry master but it didn't feel like the right time to let you know. It was your grandfather's wish that this change and evolution of the human race be broken to you as slowly as possible as it has much to do with you too. He was not exactly sure how you would take it." She explained to me as she walked besides me, a lock of her gray hair swaying in the wind.

"I'm not really that angry Nanny Florence, I just need to know what's going on. These changes within my own body, and the people with abilities, or any other secrets that needs to be explored about this dark empire of mine, please tell me, all of it." I said to her as the scent of green and earth ȧssaulted my nose.

"The Bacchus Nectar is just a watered version of a biological enhancement agent that was mined out of a meteorite that smashed into a remote village in west Africa 50 years ago. if I should be more specific that meteor landed in your mother's village, located in central Nigeria. Your grandfather, or rather both your grandfather's responded quickly enough and isolated the incident, preventing it from getting out.

However this was a meteor, and a lot of space stations would have discovered it's arrived all and projected it trajectory. But even then it was only the imperium Industries who disagree overdue that this meteor was biological, in a nutshell, the damn thing was alive. Your grandfather's were young then, and were just young boys trying to impress their fathers and make a name for themselves in the company their father's had built. So extensive study and research was carried out, somehow the meteor cause a sort of viral sickness that had affected the village and most of the scientists studying it.

It was covered up and called another outbreak of the Ebola virus, but that virus killed many people, and those who survived, changed. At first such a change was not as obvious then as it is now, but the secrets of the human gene was unlocked, and the brain experienced qualitative change and evolution, but even then such changes weren't as obvious, but amongst the people affected they noticed.

The Meteor dissipated nine months later, fundamentally changing the fauna and the land around it's crash site. The Bacchus nectar was synthesized from a new plant that was created or born around the crash site, and it did the same thing as the virus, except not extreme to the point of killing people. It unlocked the secrets of the human gene, giving birth to abilities and advanced physical performance.

But true power only began to cease into play when the next generation came into being, your father, your brothers all have varying degrees of abilities, some of them unlocked to the point of being as obvious and dangerous as Nezha and Nuwa's ability. And it's the same with you and Ron, however such abilities remain dormant unless the brain experiences a significant amount of stimulation to bring it to bear. What you're experiencing right now, is called an awakening.

Increased speed, power, mental processing ability and resilience are symptoms that show up when someone's ability is about to awaken. After the awakening some people lose the enhance physical abilities, while some keep it. However the bottom line is, soon enough you would have abilities in a similar spectrum of not, from Nezha and Nuwa."

Well that was a lot to swallow, powers and superheroes and villains. Right now an intergalactic war would be the least of earth's worries, not when the comics books were starting to become reality. Earth was I'll prepared for this evolution, and it's been over fifty years, sure as hell that bloody virus is sure to have spread, I would need an in depth study of it, but fifty years was enough to infect a significant amount of earth's population, so basically how many people with powers were now running out there. But She said something that pricked my attention.

"You said the brain needs to be stimulated, and I get the feeling there's only one way for that to be achieved." I said to her.

"You're guess is right Master, Lost Descendants online is the medium that was used to create the stimulation and awaken the abilities within those who have the secret of their genes unlocked. Even though your grandfather's company was responsible for the game, you never actually played it until after his death, which is why your awakening is happening now, rather than when you were younger. It will take some time for you to adjust, but I believe it wouldn't be too bad."

I nodded my head at her as I looked ahead of me. We've walked until we were both standing at my grandfather's grave stone. This world just got a lot more complicated, and I really wish he was here to make it less complicated, everything just kept getting weird.

"So what do you call them…....or rather us?" I asked her.

"That's not hard, the comic books already gave you guys a name long before you came into existence...Meta-Humans."

I sighed loudly at that, maybe some part was excited, but a huge part of me was extremely shaken about this. If it was before the company, the Wade family's dark empire and before Ron, I would have loved to explore the idea of having superhuman abilities. However I've seen the sheer destructive power people like me can control, and I know the world won't get safer for it, heck the space station and the Mars colony might also suffer for it. And there was no way I could stop, because without a doubt, this was the world my son was going to grow up in.

"Get me everything I need to know, every single detain and have it on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. And then take a rest, go on vacation and enjoy your retirement. This is a new era nanny Florence, and no matter what we have to find a way to stay ahead of it, to make sure that no matter what we remain relevant and powerful and can keep our loved ones safe. Arrange a meeting with the world leaders we're in contact with, we'll expose this to them and have them tale necessary measure to protect themselves and secure such people should they awaken without supervision. If we don't do this, the world will burn."

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