The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 98 - New Era (VII): Dragonovs & Vladimirs

I placed one of the guns in the waistband of my pants, running after a group of people and aiming with two hands was not as comfortable as the movies make it out to be. There were loud bangs as my feet pounded on top of the containers, Ivan and his retinue pressed on forwards, the distance between me and then gradually shortening.

I raised my gun, grasped it with both hands and pulled the trigger, watching from my spot, I saw someone fall and crash onto the roof of the container they were on, before rolling and falling off the side and straight to the ground. I gritted my teeth and started running again, this time there was a surge of adrenaline as I let my anger fuel my movements, so much so that I could feel my heart fiercely beating within my ċhėst.

*Dum! dum!! Dum!! Dum! Dum!!!*

Deep reverberations spread across the containers as my feet pounded on top of them. At first I was moving just as fast as every other human being, now, the distance between me and Ivan's group of friends were rapidly shortening. I could feel the wind angrily brushing past me, my muscles pulled taut and my blood boiling as I moved at a speed that at this point could no longer be considered normal for a human being.

I had already shortened the distance, and as I drew close enough, I noticed that they were coming down from the containers onto the street below. But at this point I couldn't slow down, so I kept on with my pace and caught up with them, just before I could crash into the last person on top of the containers, I jumped! Going above his head as I turned, twisting my body in the process and aiming at him and at the street below.

*Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!*

Three shots, three targets. I landed on top of another set of containers on the opposite side of the streets they dropped down to. I dug my feet in and crutches, wincing at the loud screeching sound that spread as my shoes caused a significant amity of friction with the top of the container as I brought my speed to a rapid halt. I looked ahead just in time to see the person I had shot at fall of the container I just jumped from, his head completely missing from his shoulders and neck.

I could see Nuwa and Nezha rapidly closing the gap, but there were still quite a ways behind. I was terribly shocked by sudden and completely inhuman increase in speed, and coupled with the heightened senses and strength that I've been experiencing this past few days, I knew that my body was changing. But I'm still riding an adrenaline high, so I can deal with the changes in my body later, damn it! This was just like puberty allover again.

I ran to the edge of the container just in time to see two cars driving past me and trying to escape. Ignoring the trio of dead bodies lying on the street, all victims of my really sharp aim few minutes ago, I took a deep breath and jumped, landing right on roof to the rear car as they tried to make their escape.

*BOOM!!! CRASH!!!*

The roof of the car immediately got deformed as I landed on it, bust that wasn't enough as all of the windows on the car completely blew out. It was almost as if someone else had dropped another car right on top of it. The sudden shock from my landing caused the driver to lose control as he drove the car straight towards a concrete barrier. I jumped from it, ignoring the soon to be crashed car as I took aim at the rear tires of the other car in front; I pulled the trigger.

*Bang! DUM!! CRASH!!! Bang!*

Quite a bit of things happened the moment I pulled that trigger. Given how powerful a gun I was using, both tires got hit and the car crashed to the ground just as the rear smashed into the concrete barricade, it's bonnet was deformed really badly and smoke could be seen rising from it, the other car came to a stop by hitting a container, but apart from the damage to its tires, everything else was just superficial. I was standing in between two wrecks, but I had no idea which one to check first, and even then it would be redundant since I have no idea what Ivan looks like. Luckily for me, Nezha and Nuwa showed behind me, breathing rather heavily from their long run, which I should be honest was almost two hundred meters if not more, and I jade crossed in a minute if not less.

"Find Ivan out of one of those two cars and drag him here, everyone is still alive, but once you locate him, kill the survivors." I Ordered the twins as they both went ahead to carry it out swiftly and efficiently.

It was Nezha who found Ivan; he unceremoniously dragged the middle aged pale skinned and blond haired man out of the wreckage of the rear car and threw him to the ground. And as if sharing some sort of silent agreement, him and sister unleashed their abilities, burning in car until it was a heap of molten slag, ignoring the pained screams coming from within, while Nuwa froze everything in mere seconds, turning her victims to popsicles before I even got the chance to spell ice-cream.

Based on the wide eyed look on Ivan's face, this was not an outcome he expected, especially two young people capable of creating ice and fire with their hands, or their boss who could move so fast that he could cross hundreds of meters in mere seconds and kill three men from the air using headshots without missing a single shot. It was almost as if demons from hell had decided to pay him a visit today.

Nezha dragged Ivan's very frightened body to me and threw him towards my feet. I could see the intense look of fear within his eyes, the terror he felt as he looked up at me and the twin demons from hell behind me. Horror was an understatement to what he felt, but it wasn't too bad. It was good that he was afraid, this was definitely something I could work with. I squared down in front of him and used my gun to move his sweat matted hair away from his face as I put on my signature charming smile and spoke to him.

"Do you know who I am?" A frightened nod was the only answer I got, that was good enough for me.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I asked again, and this time his nod was followed by a small whimper. I guess everyone still feared death.

"So should I start torturing you, or will you start talking?" I asked him as my smile got a lot more wider. Ivan shook his head and swallowed so hard we could all hear it. And then an incredibly thick Russian accent was hard as he began explaining how it all went down.

"I was asked to provide vehicles for a high profile hit on you, I just don't run drugs but have also made good money stealing and selling enhanced vehicles for Russian mob. But all I had to do was provide cars and hitmen for job, I had no idea hit was on big boss of Imperium industries or new dark prince of the underworld, it was my mistake, please show some mercy." He said to me, with his thick accent and somewhat broken English.

"Who are the people who ordered the hit, tell me the truth and I promise not to let them torture and kill you." I said to him whilst simultaneously pointing to Nuwa and Nezha.

"There's contact from within Imperium industries, but call encrypted so Ivan has no idea who tried to off big boss. However two mob families pay for hit; the Dragonovs and the Vladimirs. Two old families in want have alliance with someone in company, they ordered hit."

I sighed as I got up and looked at Ivan, my brows furrowed in deep thought. The Dragonovs and Vladimirs were really old, like during the time of Hitler old. If not more, rumors say they've existed since the early 1700s and both families have had close ties to each other with inter marriage being very common, so much so that at this point you gave no idea who was a Dragonov or a Vladimir. They ran weapons in an out of Russia and at the moment were the biggest players in the weapons business, but with this move from them, I guess it's about time for a hostile take over, and not just that; it seems fate has decreased I write the final chapter into both family's long and illustrious reign of organized crime. 5 decades of domination is enough, I'm going to make sure I relegate them to the history books, permanently!

I got up, pointed my gun at Ivan and pulled the trigger more times than was necessary, leaving behind and unrecognizable lump of flesh that was currently smoldering.

"I said I wouldn't let them torture and kill you, never did say that I wouldn't. Let's go!"

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