Zareth and I made our way through the town, though this time Zareth had a cloak placed over his head to keep his identity a secret. I have no idea what he did that has made him wanted, but in the end I was not in a position to judge. Both inside and outside the game I've committed my own fair share of sins, and it's going to take quite a while for me to make for it.

We met Qitar, Dinah and Raven Song in a bar, but due to bow frantic Zareth was, we skipped the whole getting to know each other over a few drinks and immediately set sail. He was also actively trying to evade the slave merchant who asked him to go into a bunch of forbidden caves and retrieve an artifact that can summon a demon to grant three infernal wishes....seriously, it's like living in a twisted version of Aladdin.

According to Zareth we had to get this bloody memory disk to safety, there was no hurry, but within the next year or less, the Acheron should be space faring ready, or we had to find another option to get him off the planet. Everyone else seemed a bit Apprehensive about Zareth, especially since I introduced him as a new crew member. The outcome was that in the first three seconds of getting on the ship, the bloody dwarf had insulted both elves and maenads, calling Dinah's people a race of wanton ŀust driven devil worshippers.

Dinah took it as a compliment for some reason, just before she punched the dwarf in the nose and broke her hand and his nose in the process. Obviously she packs a good punch, but Zareth is obviously made of sterner stuff. Also the tell tale beards that all dwarves carry was not something Zareth seemed fond of; as his chin was completely smooth and dare I say it….. shiny.

He had his wild brown hair in braids, and his brown almost red eyes, seemed to glow with flames the longer you look into them. If you stare too long into it, you lose yourself in the flames, and apparently I have the same effect with my blue green eyes. Except of course mine glowed with windstorms and lightening, it made me feel even more cool about myself. After the introductions were done, we set sail immediately for the Atlantic Rim. According to Darke, we will eh arriving in that stretch of the world's ocean in under a day, which means from here on out marine crimes would be at an all time high, and we might get attacked by kraken, so it would be best if we all prepared for the worst.

And in that regard, I took the spear and hammer from Zareth, and under the astonished expressions of everyone else, fed it to Skye. With a look of anticipation of my face, though if I should be honest I should have made this a little private rather than doing it in front of everyone.



Okay this was too good to be true, so many new weapon forms to be chosen from, of course I can only chose one, but never the less this was another trumo card for me, and with her increase in level, Sky's energy problem has been roughly solved. I don't know how many STELLAR FLARE she would be able to use in a battle now, however it should be more than two, and it shouldn't leave her as weak as before.

As for the new weapon forms, I already had a sword, sure I could use two swords, but I'm not a fan of bastard swords, and the single edged form of Katanas would limit me in a fight, so that would probably be eliminated from the list. A hand cannon sounds amazing, but I already have a very good long range weapon, plus hand cannons had a rather nasty recoil, I'm not too sure how much of a recoil Sky would have, but that's not a risk I have a luxury of taken. As for the spears and halberds, Zareth and his lance are too annoying to look at, so I'm ignoring that for now, hammers are not my thing. Which leaves the weirdest of all the selection, a freaking helmet! The fact that a piece of armor was placed within a list of weapons was enough to draw my attention, so I'm taking that instead.


[Arnetine Sky Elephant (Moon Sky Helmet Form)/ Grade: Earth/ Hidden Grade: Legendary/ Level: 33]

[Special skill(I): Lunar Strike: hit your enemies with your head, imbuing the soul and power of an elephant in a radius of 5 meters for 200% of your total damage value. Cost 150 MP per strike, cool down 10 seconds, 5% chance to become dazed after skill has been used.

Special Skill(II): Wind Mark: Every subsequent attack made would increase in speed by 10% for a maximum of 10 stacks]

Special Skill(III): Slow Burn: every attack or contact made would cause burn damage for a flat damage for 10 HP. For every strike or contact made, the damage would multiply by 2

Special Skill(IV): Concussive Impact: Every attack will hit with an extra 5% extra damage and force with a 50% probability of knocking the enemy back.]

All of the extra special skills except for the first one would apply to all her weapon forms, and they were insane. From the look of things, Sky can't gain any sort of active skill, and seeing the special skills gained, I reckon they came from the hammer and the gauntlets. With this, even if I don't used any skills, ever stroke made would be causing a DOT effect, which is to say if I meet an opponent stronger than me, all I have to do is to outlast him or her, and I'll definitely end up on top. Who say's being OP isn't fun.

So in the end the helmet is still a weapon, though it's mainly focused to defense, it still had attack stats of it's own. Heck even the special skill was an attack skill, which more than tells me that Sky was focused solely on attack, the fact that I was able to get a defensive equip was out of luck. Well with Sky's level up out of the way, I can shift my attention to the skills I had picked up.

[QUAKE: LEVEL 1 ACTIVE SKILL: stomp the ground and cause a resonance with the earth elements for a 5% of your total damage value with a five meter knock back effect. Damage value and knock back range increase exponentially every five levels/ COST: 25 EXP/ COOLDOWN: 8 SECONDS]

[FIRE SCHOOL: LAVA POOL: LEVEL 1 SPELL: Summon a pool of lava within a two meter radius to trap your enemies and cause a steady damage of +1% health points every second. Ineffective against larger enemies./ COST: 250 EXP/ COOLDOWN: 20 SECONDS]


Previously I wanted to be a fighter that relied on fast speed and quick hits to win and finish a fight. I've achieved that, and I'm quite good at it, however I also noticed a talent of sorts along the way. I loved being in control of the battlefield and even my enemies. So far most if not all of my opponents are strong enough to match my speed and all of my skills, most of the time there's a lot of them. But if I can control the battlefield, then with my speed, I would probably be the most dangerous combatant in the game.

Well this was great, growing stronger is really nice and my arsenal of skills seem to be filling out nicely and even having variety added to it. There's much that I can do if I have skills tailored for every sort of situation, there should be less trouble pressure on me and my crew then. As for the blueprints, I left all of that to Dinah, it's up to her to figure out what it's for while we move towards our destination. I have to say though, today was a good day.

Name: Aaren Seven/ Level: 38(33%)/ Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker/ One With The Wind/ Bronze Blood Commander/ Limit Breaker

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race/The Coven Of Angeles

Reputation: <>

Strength: 151/ Constitution: 146/ Agility: 155/ Dexterity: 155/ Intelligence: 151/ Wisdom:146

Hp 1586 /1586(equip bonus +) MP 1770/1770(equip bonus +)

Stat points:81 Skill points:122

Skills: <>

Friends: <>

Only 33% exp advancement, damn! I guess there still a ways to go before I reach the next level. Though come to think of it, it's also as if the game's user interface was evolving itself to make it easier for players to understand, and with that change the rewards for Exp also changed. If the rewards are in percentages, then it's easier to advance to the next level, rather than the colossal amount of numerical exp that's required. I should have a meeting with the devs, changes like this always occur after an update, but for it to happen when players are still logged online, is quite weird. But never the less it's not a bad thing, I just have to check to make sure nothing's wrong. But for now, the lands beyond the horizon beckons.

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