The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 108 - Into The Atlantic Rim (I): Nine Emperors, Twelve Major Planets 1

The Acheron coaster across the seas, cutting through the waves like an unstoppable tide of it's own. The moment of getting to know each other had passed, and even though almost everyone on the ship was still a bit Apprehensive about the appearance of the disrespect Dwarf, we were all trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, because when you look at it from a different point of view, there's no one on this ship that's normal.

I didn't have that much of a time to spend in the game anymore, in a few hours I had a meeting with a few world leaders, and not just that, I still have to get rid of a pair of mob family who thought it was a good idea to try and have me killed. What comes next is definitely not going to be pretty. We should have practically been dome with any more problems for the day, or so we thought until there was a blare of a loud horn above our heads, so loud that for those of us with rather sėnsɨtɨvė ears, we almost wished we were dead.

A massive shadow came over our ship, and when we looked up, there was a massive airship more than ten times the size of the Acheron standing over us. Underneath this massive airship was an emblem of a trident stabbing through the net, I really had no idea who they were. Qitar and the others quickly came HP to my side, Zareth was still below decks, which was better in this case, since from the look of things, the airship and whoever is currently inside of it is stronger than we are, at least for the moment anyway.

"That's a Sacred Coral border patrol unit. We must be close to the Atlantic rim, and this is a routine check for wanted criminals or illegal goods being transported. They'll check for people who have bounties on their head, or might be important to the nine powers and capture them."

"So basically they're the coastal guards, or the marines. Understood, however what's the nine powers, and what's or who is this sacred coral you speak of?" I asked Qitar just after she finished explaining who's ȧss we were currently under at the moment.

"I almost forgot that you practically don't know shit about this world and it's current distribution of power. Well I guess it's not your fault you travelers are so clueless." She said to me as she gave worried looks to the airship above us.

I gave her a blank look; Qitar has a reputation for not just being cold, but being mean with her words. She made me feel as if I chose to be ignorant by choice, but when you think about it, she might be right. I've not given myself proper time to study LDO, and every open secret and intricacies that it currently had. That was a huge blunder on my part, and it would be smart if I rectified that, and Qitar seemed all too willing to do so.

"There are nine emperors and twelve main planets spread over multiple galaxies. New Gaia, the planet we're on, is the home planet of every race in existence, so it has no main leader, but rather spread and divided amongst many races. There's an unspoken rule that new Gaia can not be conquered by any of the nine emperors, and will remain a veritable no man's land, since this is everyone's home, and the ides of having someone else have more say and control in your home doesn't sit well with most.

The Elves have their main plane; it's called Elfengarde. They have numerous other colonial planets that's spread amongst the numerous racial variations of the Elves. There are four main royal clans amongst the elves, and a new king or empress is chosen from either one of those clans every 500 years. But apart from the elves, the humans control two major planets, having the most out of all the other races and even having two emperors instead of one. Both planets are Columbus and Alpha Asia, however unlike other races, both human main planets are not really at peace with each other and are even currently at war.

Next should be the planet of the Fae, which invariably is a race we Patmosians fall under. The planet is called The Realm, the fae aren't too keen with giving things names. They have the smallest number of minor planets under their controls, which is to be expected as the Fae have the smallest population of all the races. But they're hands down the best doctors and alchemists within all of the galaxies.

The next planet would be Orous, it's home to races whose height don't really reach the average. There's an emperor there, and he's a dwarf, however the planet is not united under his banner. It's spread amongst numerous tribes and clans of dwarves, gnomes, pygmies and a lot of races with a great love for the subterranean.

The next would be Haven, home of a race we've all taken to call the celestial. They could be winged humanoids, elves, even dwarves and elves, but one thing they all have in common is their ability to bend and control light in a variety of ways that would leave you shocked. They're the fastest space faring race, when it comes to stellar warfare, I'm afraid none can compare to their abilities and their technology. And just like the humans, they have two emperors, or rather an emperor and his empress ruling over them. We're lucky they've not decided to go colonizing, because with their ability to travel as fast as light, they could appear and destroy a planet in seconds before anyone realizes what's happened.

The eighth planet is called Dracos, and it's the planet with the greatest battle potential amongst all the twelve planets. Their technology is not as advanced, if not, given how bloodthirsty and dangerous that race of dragons and draconic bloodlines are, the entire universe would have already been bathed in blood. Funny enough that's where the Virtue dragons live, the most powerful beings in existence apart from the gods who embody the seven virtues of Purity, Temperance, Benevolence, Bravery, Diligence, Patience and Kindness."

The moment I heard that, there were warning bells ringing in my mind, the elemental dragons never mentioned anything about the seven dragons of virtue. I stopped Qitar just to clear my doubts as I asked.

"Don't you mean the sin dragons?" I asked her. She looked at me confused before answering.

"There are no sin dragons, who ever told you that. There's only elemental dragons, but they're almost extinct, especially since the first elemental dragons were evil gods who fell in battle to the virtue dragons thousands of years ago. The elemental dragons alive at the moment do not even have one shred of the abilities of their ancestors, which explains why they've almost gone extinct. Which makes you a rare specimen seeing as you're part dragon, you would cost no less than 10 billion gold dollars on the black market alone if not more." Qitar said to me.

It was not in me to jump to conclusions, but it's either the element dragons lied to me, or the sin dragons had changed there sins into virtues, which would be a perfect cover. Taking on the mantle of righteousness would inevitably keep the entire universe dancing in the palm of their hands....or claws. I can't help but admit, that I'm pretty impressed.

There was a loud clanging sound from above my head as the doors underneath the massive air ship above our heads opened up. A platform that was floating came down from it, and descended until it was above the sea and on the port side of the ship. There were four armored individuals on it, and the moment my eye met the person in the middle who had a spear on his back, the sea sword behind me began vibrating. I saw his eyes narrow just a system alert popped up in front of me.

[SYSTEM ALERT: You are now in the presence of another piece of the legendary trident of the god of the seas Poseidon/Neptune. Slay your opponent and claim the power of the seas!]

"Oh fuċk me this can't be good! It definitely won't end well. Qitar prepare for battle!"

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