The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 11 - The Island Of Patmos (I): Sky The Battle Beasts

Kira left, thank God! But still I wish she was still around. Was I enamored by her beauty and macho like grit and bad girl charm, yes I was. But I was not stupid and neither was she.

While we have a mutual appreciation for each other because of my son, and there's a certain level of understanding, we both know we're using the other. And I have a feeling we're both going to end up hurting each other, like a lot, but we're passed the point of no return.

But Samantha picked the right person to look after Aaron in her stead. And it's unfortunate that she passed away, making my son experience the same thing I have. Of course she died when he was just a baby, so he never really knew her. But I know somewhere down the line, when he's all grown up, this issue would come up, and my boy will have to deal with the fact that his biological mother was long gone. As for Kira, I really wanted to foster a good relationship with her, for my son's sake.

I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I don't want to get her into my bed and explore the wonders of her body.

I mean come on, which guy in my shoes wouldn't do so. She was older, successful(somewhat), a total badass, and the kind of chick you would never approach. A complete challenge.

But I was socially awkward half the time, and the first real girlfriend I have is now my elder brother's fiancée, and to top things off, the mother of my child is dead. Safe to say I'm not that lucky with girls, and my earlier attempt at seducing her, happened before I even knew what I was doing. It was as if I was possessed by something. And I got kicked in the nuts for it.

Anyway Kira won't be making any drastic moves until the board of directors call me. The least amount of time I have to wait for that to happen is 5 minutes, and the most a month. So until then, I had a lot of free time to play Lost Descendants, and prepare my battle plans on both fronts.

The Imperium industries relied heavily on public image to make their mark and money, it's a weakness that should have been taken care of long ago, but it still made them the most popular company in the world, though not the richest.

They would have to address my existence, and to do that, they'll have to acknowledge me too. I've deduced a number of scenarios that could and would play out. Chief among them is an attempt to buy me out of the company, when that doesn't work, they'll probably try underhanded methods. And when those two forms don't succeed, that's when they'll be forced to acknowledge me as their equal and give me a seat at their table, even if it is a lower one.

The probability of being attacked made me worried, but Nanny Florence has contacted her old security agency, and by the evening about a dozen highly trained professional bodyguards would be living on the manor grounds with us.

And I didn't have to worry about professional ȧssassins, living at the top of society's ladder meant you're privy to a certain amount of classified information. The best ȧssassin in the world raised me, and that's none other than my Nanny Florence.

And the agency she's a part of, was just a cover for the most clandestine secret agency on the planet; whose sole purpose was to train ȧssassins for world governments. Well that is until the entire agency went rogue thirty years ago.

They now have friends in power, making them quite untouchable and legitimate. And one of their rules states that they can't take jobs against their clients unless necessary. So we were safe.

After Kira left, Nanny Florence took Aaron shopping for school supplies, and tools to make the house child proof. I grew up around knives, swords, grenades and guns, since it was not just Nanny Florence, who had an appetite for the violent arts, but also my grandfather. So I spent the time I had to myself researching. First of all, I needed to see if there was a way to heal my wings faster, and if players had experienced something like what I have before the update.

The game is played in ȧssist mode by default, in this mode all movements and skills are guided by the system. Which means you have to fly according to the system, and use skills the same way the system wants you to. That was not the best way. All of the best player use what's known as free mode.

In free mode, you rely on your learning abilities to understand your skills, and movements and guided by the system, but rather by a players own intuition and perception. This was the reason why I could not maneuver around those rocks, the system ȧssist mode, would not allow me used the glide skill to perform any complex aerial maneuvers.

That's why it was easier for me to swim with my wings rather than fly, because when I was in the water, I was not using a skill. Also the free mode has the ability to generate skills, as long as a player is willing to experiment, especially with his or her mana.

After that I learnt that the XP needed to level up has increased immensely. It was not like this before the updates, and to make matters worse, equal leveled monsters gave really tiny XP. Making quests or stupid dare devil risks; like me chucking explosive crystals in the mouth a shark 140 levels higher than me, the only way to level up. While many people were complaining about it, the amount of people happy about the new updates surpassed the complainers. New quests, skills, classes, races, locations, and monsters. It was like playing a brand new game.

Classes were obtained by a variety of ways, you can learn from a class trainer, generate one for yourself by sticking to a particular play style. Get awarded one by the system, find a legacy class or buy it from another player.

But ultimately you can also play classless, though that's not recommended since classless players don't level up above level 25,and since your class didn't grow along with your level, since classes gave bonus stats, that meant you would be quite weak compared to your peers.

After learning all I could about the game, I had to log back in to apply all of my newly acquired knowledge. That and the fact that I was now stranded on an island with broken wings did not seem to make situation all that shiny. I also needed to get a class before level 25,though at this point I'm not sure what kind of class I would be playing.

Because my racial build, while carefully leaning fully towards magic, was also one of the best for close combat and ranged combat, not to mention a little crafting talent. It was a jack of all trades, but I already planned to go the mage or maybe a ranger's route, close quarters combat was not really my thing.

Of course that's a lie, I just had wanted to avoid getting up close and personal with anybody or thing, and not because I'm afraid, well it's because I'm afraid of what I'll do. I was trained by a monster of a woman, it would be pretty weird if the person she trained did not turn out to be a monster as well.


I had to spit out the sand in my mouth, and a simple slap shoved the crustacean hanging onto my shirt to the side. With a very painful groan, I pushed myself to a sitting position, trying my best to ignore the blinding pain from my wings. I looked around and noticed that I was under a shade of palm trees, almost fifty to seventy meters away from the shore. Seems my tinier than normal elephant friend had dragged me out of the sun, though how it did that was a mystery with such a tiny form.

There was pile of fruits in the corner, and a cracked coconut that was still leaking out it's milk. I felt parched, so I reached for the coconut and let it's juices dribble down into my throat, leaving me refreshed, and the pain in my back and wings surprisingly reduced. I looked to my left, and saw the remaining two bags of fire rubies, gleaming under the sun.

The compass I earned was still hanging around my neck, though I still had no idea where that big energy book went. I spent the next five minutes enjoying the fruits that the elephant left. I didn't recognize any of them, but they burst in my mouth, releasing a variety of flavor a fruit punch or tropical ċȯċktail could not compare to.

[Are You sure You want to Switch to Free Mode Gameplay. You would not be able to change it for another three to five weeks.]

[Free Mode activated.]

I didn't feel any different, but I guess the changes would be show itself sooner or later. I brought my knees close to my body and watched the water recede and approach shoreline, taking more and more of the sand with each wave that crested. This place was beautiful, this world was beautiful, too bad I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere.

A few minutes later, I felt someone sit beside me. It was the elephant and it was staring at the sunset on the horizon with me. The jagged rocks that rose up high out of the sea, just seemed to make it even more beautiful, as the setting sun peaked out of their edges. It made the beach light up in magnificent ray of sunlight display.

Also the sand sparkles, who knew. I turned my head and looked at the elephant, watching as it leisurely grabbed one fruit with it's strange trunk that seemed to grow extra long when it needed it too. It ate the fruits with child like ignorance as it carefully stared at the setting sun.

"What the hell kind of monster are you?" I couldn't help but ask.

[Arnetine Sky Elephant (night form)/Grade: Earth/ Hidden Grade: Legendary]

[The Arnetine race, are the last of an ancient civilization with very human similarities. The ancient Arnetine warriors were fearsome on any battlefield due to the power of their battle beasts. But this beasts were special. They're born as animals, with a particular attribute. It could be anything from fire, poison, lightning, even sand. But their true power lies in the ability to transform into fearsome weapons after they have been bonded to. Each of this beasts, have the ability to turn into four different weapons form, for the entirety of their whole lives. Some are very talented, that they could change Into at most seven unique weapon form. Making the ancient Arnetine race, masters of all forms of armed combat. However the Arnetine race died out, leaving behind their fearsome battle beasts as their only legacy. But even then, they slowly have begun to die out, until only ten are left in the world.]

I guess I know where that book went to. It seems with that book inside of me, there's no information about a monster I wouldn't be able to find out in the game. I literally had the system's own glossary or monster encyclopedia in my virtual!

I looked at the elephant and couldn't help feeling sorry for it. My mom had told me to live this game, not just play it. And I was going to do so with the best of my abilities. I rubbed my hand over the elephant's head, and this time, it did not smack me, but instead leaned into my embrace. I decided to give it a name, I think that would be better than calling it elephant.

"lets call you Sky. It's not female, and it not male either, but it suits you."

[You have named an Arnetine battle beasts that trusts you wholeheartedly. By ancient Arnetine rights, you are now bonded to the Arnetine Battle beast called Sky. Please chose your first two primary weapon forms.]

•Bastard Sword

•Long Sword

•Iron Whip

•Short Bow

•Collapsible Metal Bow


•Magic Staff

•Magic Battle Staff.


[You have chosen Collapsible Metal Bow, and Magic Battle Staff. Increase beast's level to unlock more forms.]

As soon as I was done choosing, Sky shone with a piercing midnight blue light, before resting on my ŀȧp, turning into a dark midnight blue collapsible bow that was still folded. I grabbed the bow, and it spread open with a loud snap, looking exactly how a modern bows look.

[Arnetine Sky Elephant (Night Bow Form)/Grade: Earth/Hidden Grade: Legendary]

[Special skill(I): Meteor Shower: Shoot energy arrows in a radius of 30×30 meters for 200% of your total damage value. Cost 150 MP per shot, cool down 80 seconds.]

Well would you look at that. I'm really am the system's son.

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