The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 12 - The Island Of Patmos (II): A Giant Snake & A Giant Tree

So the elephant turned into a bow...….awesome. Though I sort of felt like I had another voice in my head, like an extra conscience. I can't really explain it, but it was as if I had formed a connection to the bow. But seriously what sort of game was this, how could it mess with someone's brain to a level such as this. I think I finally understood why my mom asked me to live the game rather than play it. With this level of reality, a lot of people would question what was real and what was not. The easiest result is that you wouldn't care, and just keep on playing like normal, the worst would mean you go crazy and turn into some sort of conspiracy theorist; telling the rest of the world that Lost Descendants was a real world. Either way I felt a little overwhelmed.

The sun was coming down, and with broken wings, staying out in the open seems stupid. I wonder how I could turn Sky back to her elephant form. Yes she was a she? This new connection we had; let me know what gender she was, and how old too. She's eleven days old. Though we're not able to communicate easily, I had a sort of 'feeling' for information like this. There was another sparkle of light and she turned back into an elephant. Though going by the fact that she was swaying left and right like a drunk, it seems the transformation made her dizzy.

I smiled at her antics, it was like owning a very intelligent pet. I opened the compass around my neck, and asked out loud.

"Where can I find shelter?"

In response the compass began to spin around crazily, and it did not look like it was going to stop. I had to be specific about what I wanted, rather than being vague and leaving room for my questions to be interpreted wrong. There could be a dozen shelters close to this place, and without being specific about which one.

"Lead me to the closest most defensible and protected shelter."

The dial of the compass spun three times before pointing north east. Then the compass flashed, and shot a light into my ċhėst. It was as if there was an invisible rope dragging me towards a particular direction. I turned and grabbed the two remaining sacks of fire rubies, crying out in pain as my broken wings were jostled. I needed to rest the bones in my wings, and put them in a spilt. Or at the very least find an all healing panacea or a health potion. But until I'm sure this island is not completely uninhabited, I'm stuck like this.

I followed the direction I was being led too, moving east along the beach, before I went into the lines of palm trees that were sparsely scattered along the beach. Twenty meters forward, was the beginning of a forest, first there was the beach, then the palm trees, then the forest, or was it jungle. It was densely packed and humid, and there were a lot of dead leaves on the ground. But it seems to be a rainy season, so the ground was wet, and pungent scent of wet earth ȧssailed my nose.

I had to be careful, so I stuck close to trees with low hanging branches; that I can scramble on to, should any danger present itself. But who's to say that the danger wouldn't come from the trees itself. The jungle was a lot darker than I expected, the trees, shrubs, vines, and branches were so tightly clustered together that I couldn't see the night sky, making everything almost pitch black.

But once again dragon senses saved the day, as I could see a little bit in the dark. I walked for almost forty minutes, though I wasn't attacked by anything, each passing second spent exposed made me nervous. How long will it take to get to this shelter.


Loud crashes and a snake like hiss to loud to be a normal snake came from behind me. Griping both sack of rubies in my left hand, I bent down, picked Sky up, and ran like my life depended on it. I was not as fast as I would have liked to be, but even with my broken wings I was surprisingly nimble and dexterous. I kicked of from the side of one tree to the next, slid under a root, and even scaled an enormous fallen tree the size of a two story building. I don't know if it was the elven or the draconic genes, but I was moving really fast, and really good.

But what ever was chasing me was still getting closer, thankfully the trees behind me, served as a deterrent, as it's body seemed too large. But the crashes got louder and closer. Whatever was chasing me couldn't go around them fast enough, so it was going through them.

It was at that point I noticed a startling discovery, the trees around were becoming less and less, and I was getting tired. My legs were burning in protest, and it seemed as if my heart would jump out of my ċhėst. I ignored all these symptoms and focused on what's In front of me. There was a cliff, or to be more exact it looked a basin in the middle of the forest, and all of the trees surrounding the almost 1000 meters in circumference basin; were cleared for a distance of almost 80 feet.

But that was just the half of it, because right in the middle of the basin, was the biggest tree I've ever seen, it was over five hundred meters in diameter, and almost a thousand feet if not more tall. It's branches spread like a huge canopy, and it's leaves were a variety of colors, from red, blue, white, green, purple, black, etc. There was only one word to describe it, and that was majestic. The rope that was pulling me was taking me directly towards the tree. That's my safe haven.


I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have. But I did. And I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life. I turned to see what was after me, and I nearly crapped myself in fright. It was a snake, a very big ȧss snake the size of the tree in front of me if not bigger. And only it's head just poked out of the tree line, but that alone was the size of a fuel truck, And that's just how wide, I couldn't measure the height.

The snake shot at me with such speed that it left a sonic boom in it's wake, but as it was about to take a bite out of me, a fist made of leaves and wind slammed into it jaws and threw it backwards. Then I heard a voice telling me.


You didn't need to tell me twice as I picked up speed, held Sky closer to my body and raced for the edge of the basin. With the tree in the middle, it made the basin seem like a flower pot, a very huge flower pot. The snake was only stunned for a moment, and due to the knuckle sandwich it just had a taste of, it was beyond pissed. It shot at me again, but by then I had already jumped off the edge of the basin.


The sound of the snake hitting something shook the air, so much so that it threw my jump of course, and the air flow from the hit, spun me in the air. I was able to see a barrier of light, spinning with symbols that carried a myriad of colors like a rainbow. The sound of electricity humming was heard as the snake was shocked, burnt, and frozen by the barrier. It let out a God awful screech as it hit the barrier three more times and then turned and fled, but not before shooting my still falling frame a nasty glare. I took a closer look at it.

[Sortovat: Hellspawn of Lilith, General of the Worldeater Army/ Grade: Mystic/ Level 765/ HP?????? MP??????]

I fell softly to the ground with my eyes wide open at what I was seeing. I didn't even notice that I was being carried by a pocket of air. When I finally came to a stop, right on one of the roots of the massive tree, I finally notice my surroundings. Apart from being surrounded by monsters, and I mean practically the entire monster population on this side of the island, I was also being held at gun point by about a dozen armored green people. I raised my hand up, and Sky seeing me do so, actually stood on her hind legs and raise her two front feet and trunk high up in the air.

"Hello, my name is Aaren, I come in pea....."


As my vision fade to blackness from having my head slammed by the buŧŧ of a gun, I had to wonder if everybody in this game, including a certain elephant that shall not be named, threw punches first and asked questions later. Well I guess I'll answer that later.

[Due to your unconscious state, you have been logged out of the game. Time for Relogging is 05:59:20]




MARCH 26 2174


"our stocks have been dropping rapidly for the past six days! This is a disaster Henry! Your family is ruining my company!"

"Your company! I think your old age is gradually catching up to you Sharman. This company was built by Wades, not Farouks."

"Who care's, the only thing that matters is that we're facing a crisis, a crisis you caused because you couldn't keep it in your pants and be faithful to your wife. And not just that, you were not even man enough to take responsibility for your actions and raise your son well. Now he's coming for your head, and we all have to pay the price because your bastard son has daddy issues!"

"Calm down everyone, this might not actually be a loss yet. From what I've gathered, the young man served in the army for two years, as part of a special division that ran international missions for the U.N. after he left he studied law, and graduated law school in a record time of a year and four months. He's qualified, yes, but he's doesn't know anything about this company. I suggest we buy him out, and have his father offer him a public and heartfelt apology. The kid is already rich, he doesn't need to work with the company, I'm pretty sure he's going crazy due to how much money he has, so give him more, and kick him out the door. Let all of this just be a bad dream. It would settled our problem, and even tame the sharks that is the media."

"What if he doesn't agree to a buy out Mr. Zhang. That could spell even more problems for us. A buy out would have to be a public display to show our sincerity, but if he refuses it would leave a stain on us. And even if we try to do it under the table, he could still refuse."

"Well Mr. Matthews if he doesn't accept the buy out, the only thing we can really do it to take him out."

"You mean kill him! He just a child, don't we already have enough blood on our hands. Are you guys going to kill him now, just for his money. Henry he's your son! are you going to stand for this!"

"Cora I only have two sons. Anybody who stands in the way of my ambitions and dreams for my company is no son of mine. If it comes to that, then kill him, and kill his runt too. We already have blood on our hands, what's two more to the list."

"Well I guess the meeting is over. I'll take care of preparing the buy out contract. But just in case you should reach out to your contacts from the east. I hear they have someone with the skill set we require."

"No problem Sharman."

"God have mercy on us all."

"Cora, you should know by now...…there is no God, because if there was one, we would all have been punished a long time ago."

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