I opened my eyes to a bright morning, I was mentally exhausted, the excitement in the game alone was enough to keep my brain running at a 110%, but when you couple it with the fact that I also had to run a company in the real world, it gets really tiring. It's only been just a week, but I feel like I need a vacation, but speaking of businesses, I've not heard back from those real estate dude, I think it's about time I paid a visit to their headquarters, or rather I'll just send Penny over there, or even worse I'll send Penny and Kira to harass them, that'll teach them not to mess with me.

I shifted a bit and felt a weight on my ċhėst, for a moment I was startled, did I have sėx with someone last night, but that's impossible, I was logged on and as soon as I logged off I went right to sleep. I looked down and raised the covers up, a familiar mop of unruly black hair, a thumb in his mouth and a significant amount of drool on my ċhėst. How did he get in here, and even more so how come I didn't notice him getting under my covers and making my body his temporary bed.

I threw the covers off and got up holding him to my ċhėst, Ron was not a deep sleeper, I already knew that much. But I was hoping he wouldn't wake up, he should probably remain sleeping so that I can get ready and sneak off to work before he knows, but it seems I'm totally out of luck. He shifted his body a bit and looked up at me, his blue eyes seemingly sparkling under the slow burn of the early morning sun.

"Good morning big guy." I said to him with a smile. He didn't reply at first, choosing to spend a healthy fifteen seconds staring at me, almost as if he was trying to confirm my identity, then he moved forward wrapped his hands around my neck as he placed his head on my shoulder, lying down there. I thought he wasn't going to answer, though it would have hurt, it was just the way he did things, however.

"Goo mworning pops!"

My eye's felt as if they would pop out of my head in the next second, who the hell was teaching him this stuff, I mean I've never heard him call me pops before. It wasn't the daddy or dad, or maybe even a formal father…..but I like it. I held my son closer to me as I left my room heading downstairs for a little exercise and then a light breakfast, and through it all the wild smile on my face did not fade. Who say's waking up to a beautiful woman on your bed is the best feeling in the world, they should try waking up with their kids instead....nothing beats that feeling, nothing at all.


"So Nicholas you say you can control metal, is that like Magneto or something?" I asked as I paid attention to the road. So this kid was an enigma, and his blatant hero worship aside, the fact that he was Nanny Florence's grandson completely threw me for a loop.

He was twelve, and he got along well with Ron, in fact he was the reason Ron has started throwing the word pops allover the place. He called Hades pops, called nanny Florence pops, he even called Nicholas pops. The ugly look on my face was probably due to how mercilessly my son smashed my delusions of a father and son bond. But it is what it is, and I felt that I needed to spend more time with the kid, which was why he was sitting in the back seat of the car with Nicholas, I guess it's bring your kids to work day.

"Who's magneto?" the young boy asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I was shocked! What the hell were kids these days doing, how could he not know who magneto was. That's blasphemy, and so I began a tirade, explaining the intricacies and the back story of an entertainment franchise that has been around since the time of my great grandfather's, grandfather, give or take a father. It went that way until we arrived at the office.

As usual Kira was waiting for me at the entrance, and sure enough her eyes narrowed in bȧrėly disguised annoyance as she saw Ron. It was then I remembered that we were keeping up a façade, no one knew that She was Ron's mother, and should he call her mom, it stands to reason that our cover would be blown, but I don't think I care, even if they did find out what could they do. This idea of sneaking around people was annoying, but it was necessary so that my enemies can reveal all of the cards in their hands.

Plus not all my enemies have shown their faces yet, I had to be careful and make my choices wisely, however should anyone try to fuċk with me or my son, and be so foolish as to do it right in front of me, then I'm going to throw them off a building. They absolutely won't enjoy it, not one bit.

Thankfully a company as huge as Imperium industries had a nursery for kids, it was well protected by the company's security team, plus Nicholas was there with Aaron so I don't think there was that much of a problem about his safety. I walked towards my office with Kira behind me listing out my schedule for the day.

"We have the presidents of the USA, China and Britain's primes minister, the president of Russia, North-Korea and the prime minister of India on call. Since we've decided to delve into the weapons manufacturing business, they're all trying to cut a deal with us. So there would be a conference call by three today, but before that we'll have a little meeting with our scientists who I've commissioned to come up with a presentation for the leaders. You'll have to go through it and then present it during the conference call, the meeting would probably end with us signing a virtual contract, but we shouldn't count our eggs before it hatches.

But after that, you would be done for the week, and can take the rest of the days off. But you have a public Appearance scheduled for this Saturday, the new park has to be handed over to the city by he head of Imperium industries. Then by Monday the virtual reality department would be ready for some changes, chief amongst them being kicking your step mother out of it. But that should be all there is to it for now, do you have anything to add? Or ask?" Kira said to me as the doors to my office slid open.

"Well I have a task for you, it has no connection with Imperium industries, but it's still an ȧsset of mine." I said to her as I took off my suit jacket and started folding the sleeves of my dress shirt.

"And what task is it that you need me to complete?"

"I need you to go over to the my real estate agency/company and do some inventory. I'll send Penny with you if the need arises, but I need you to go over there and get an idea of the company's operations, who is who in there, what can be done to improve it, or if we have to kick someone out too. I've not had tike to pay attention to it with everything that's been happening, which is why I what you to go over there and find out for me. Can you do that?" I asked her as I sat down crossed my legs and placed both my hands behind my back.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I can take care of that between tomorrow and next, which should give me just enough time to get back here for the ceremony on Saturday. Though you having a real estate company might actually be a good thing when you consider the future possibilities of the sky community you hope to build, you would probably own more than half the entire buildings there." Kira said to me as she began closing the blinds in the office.

"I guess so." I answered back with a nonchalant shrug.

"Well that's that, we can worry about that when it gets here but for now I believe it's tike we have that meeting with the scientist from out tech and biology department. Also! I completely forgot, but we also have a meeting with Zeta biotech later today, you're having dinner with their representative." Kira said to me as she sent messages to get the scientists here.

Well I guess it's going to be a very busy day, I wonder if the crew have reached the Atlantic Rim yet. Well I guess I'll find out once I log in later tonight or rather tomorrow morning. Let's get this show rolling.

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