The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 114 - The Weapon's Deal 2: Surrounded By Enemies

The meeting. With the scientist didn't last long, or rather it would be easier to say that we sort of rushed through it, or course three hours of disseminating and approving different types of new tech ventures could not be considered rushed. There was just a lot of information to be digested through it all, but in the end we had a viable proposal to show the leaders when we had our conference meeting later in the day.

Most people would think we were rushing, but this was actually the most viable course of action available to me. International weapons deal. Were now an open thing, however you could still go to jail for making illegal weapons if you didn't have express permission or license from the government. But even with that, there were a lot of factors at play here.

For example; for years now both large weapons manufacturing corporations and the government itself has been trying to get the Imperium industries to sign a joint collaboration deal, so that most of their tech could be utilized and repurposed as weapons for both on world and off world combat, most especially our Nanite and artificial intelligence technology. The potential of those piece of tech was enough to leave most of them salivating, but this were advancements in tech who's perfection and growth was almost and completely monopolized by the Imperium industries.

But so far I believe we've been lucky, the Imperium industries have always been a place scientist and very talented people in the area of science and technology have wanted to work. We offered a rather generous pay package, funds for research, and lab space should it be needed. We've nurtured geniuses which in turn attracted more geniuses to us, but I doubt we're the only who would be able to have a taste of the pie for long, in no time at all there would be sharp minds to contend with vastness of Imperium industries repertoire of talent.

There are talented minds in this world, many of them just haven't gotten the opportunity to achieve much, at least not yet. But speaking of minds, I have a crazy idea, but it's just a vestiges of one, not a full plan, just something that I was playing with in my mind. I was hungry, I've not had anything to eat all day, but there was no time for that yet, we've been so busy and now I had to go meet with the biggest boss to cement our place in the weapons industries and achieve great heights, plus this was the first step I had to take in legitimizing the Wade family's dark empire.

We arrived in the conference room that I very much expected to be deserted as this was supposed to be a private meeting. But then my father, Kira's father and that Indian board member what's his name again? I think I forgot. Oh well I'll probably remember it later, ȧssuming I don't throw him off the building first.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I took a seat at the head of the table with Kira shuffling documents and spreading them in front of me, along with a tablet. Paper was just a ceremonial fashion that stuck with big corporations, information of every sort were digitized, so there was no need for it, but I've found that paper makes me calm.

"This is an important venture for the Imperium industries, and since we all have a share in this company, I believe that it stands to reason that we all partake in this meeting. It's our money thing and it's our duty as elders to make sure you're investing in proper business ventures and not just driven by a youthful mind." Kira's father said to me with a curt and very professional tone.

"Well when you put it like that, you're absolutely right, but it's just you three here, so where are the rest of the board members, or were they not willing to be oasis nor your self righteous crusade, they should be here for this meeting too right? After all it's their money too?" I said to board member Zhang as I placed my hand under my jaw and watched them all with a rather predatory gaze.

"We did go to them, but they've delegated us as their representatives, you can call them if you like?" My dad replied in a curt manner. I nodded my head and turned to Kira with a smile, she returned it with a rather bland face.

"Kira how many minutes do we have until the meeting with the leaders?"

"About ten minutes chairman." She relied in a curt and she crisp tone.

"Call the rest of the board members and find out if they did in fact delegate our fathers to represent them in this meeting, and if anyone of them is within the building, have them here in six minutes!"

Obviously this trio of greedy old men where here to find a way to sabotage or undermine what I have planned. I would be dealing with two worldwide military organizations in the form of NATO and U.N though not all of the countries are represented, this was still a big deal and it would give the Imperium industries a massive amount of power in a world that's rapidly changing.

Kira excused herself and went out of the board room, leaving me and these trio of hyenas in silence. It was like I was surrounded and being watched on three sides by different enemies, each with their own goal and they wouldn't hesitate to get me out of the way to do so. In fact this brought me back to a few years, back when I first joined the army and was drafted into an elite special black ops unit for the UN.



Bullets whizzed through concrete and steel as I huddle closed to the ground trying to catch my breath. I was terrified, I could see my life flashing before my eyes, see myself dying at Nintendo without any achievements to my name. I would have ran away by now, but there was no where to run to. My unit was practically boxed in, with enemies coming at us from three sides, and the only way out being an open stretch of land that would make us an obvious target to them all.

"Take a deep breath rookie! Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Are there any holes in your body?"

"No sir!"

"Do you have a concussion or are you bleeding internally?"

"No sir!!"

"Then get your ȧss up and fight! As long as your still breathing, you can...."


I didn't get to hear everything he wanted to tell me as a sniper bullet went through his skull. His blood splattered allover my face and I was shaken with so much fright I almost ran out of the cover then and there. The rest of the soldiers in the almost destroyed house just gave the captain's body a cursory look before turning their gaze back to the gun fight going on around them.

Obviously it was my fault, if I wasn't so shaken and paralyzed by fear, then the captain would not have felt the need to calm me down, he would not have left himself exposed to the enemies and ended up getting killed in the process. But this time I can feel something a whole lot different than just fear, I was angry and pissed beyond measure at everything around me, why did I ever decide to get in the army, obviously it was to piss my grandfather off, but now my life was on the line.

How could I have been such an idiot, I though I was smarter than this. But never the less if I keep cowering here, staring at the blank faced look of my dead captain, then I will become a dead idiot. I had to make a move, no matter how little of a difference it would make. So what if we're surrounded on three sides by enemies, who I might add were not even friends with each other. I guess it's time to give them something else to focus on, how about each other? But how?

<<<<<<FLASHBACK END>>>>>>>

Kira walked right back into the board room, drawing me out of my walk down memory lane. Then she came over and whispered to me, seems like most of the board members were not even aware of the meeting or that they were even being represented. However they had a healthy fear of these three men, so they weren't willing to cross them for any reason whatsoever, so it would be just as they said, they were representing the rest of the board. I smiled in that regard, but there was nothing left to be said in this case, the meeting was about to begin.

A few holographic screens flickered to life with the leaders of the world watching on with a stern look on their face. Well I had to leave an impression on them, after all I was going to use their money to developed weapons and then sell it back to them for an exorbitant sum of money. I need to be on my best behavior and wow the crowd.

"Gentlemen and ladies! Today is a momentous day, so.....let's change the world."

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