The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 115 - The Weapons Deal 3: Selling War

I took a deep breath as I let my words sink in, I had a lot of information to give, and I had to make sure that every shred of attention was on me. I also hoped all of the leaders here don't ask me any questions, because I might not be able answer them. Considering I was pitching ideas that has just been given to me by my own employees just a few hours ago, I was walking on egg shells.

"The world is changing, humanity has began to colonize the Cosmos, but as we all know no great expansion is without risks and problems. And as it stands everything that has been invested into humanity's colonization of the galaxy is in jeopardy of being brought to a painful end. And this is due to the fact that our own people! Our flesh and blood who have learnt of the wonders of the world beyond, the treasures that it hides, have decided that they want to rule themselves and break off from their own home.

Not to talk about the trillions of dollars that have been invested into the space programs each year over the past 150 years, this is without a doubt a betrayal of the highest order, and they are not willing to consider reason. Based on my belief and understanding a you've all tried to push for a trade agreement so that the special minerals of space and treasure unique to it, can be used to better the life of those on earth, but it has all come to a screeching halt.

Which leaves the people of earth no other option, there has to be a war! A rain of blood and in a manner so unique and brutal that it would be forever etched in the memories of earth's many generations to come. Galaxy War I!"

The tension in the air was so thick it was almost as if I could cut through it with a knife. At this point the schemes aside, everyone present in this board room knew that we were rapidly heading towards a conflict that could very well leave earth in ruins, lives would be lost and literal flames would rain down from the sky. It has now become my responsibility to prevent this, and make sure I make a shit ton of money in the process.

Now I don't care about money, I never did and I probably never will. But that's a resource that's intrinsically connected to power, and right now power is what I need a lot of. Not just because I want to make myself untouchable from my enemies, but because no matter how long this war might be, it would come to an end eventually and once it does so, the very balance of power in the milky way galaxy would shift, and I want to be on top of it. I don't care about money, but my ambitions are wild and insane and I need lot's money to do it, So forge a future that my son would remain safe and well protected in.

I looked around and then gestured to Kira as I prepared to continue speaking, a holographic display of earth and all of the it's active satellites, both military and commercial that were currently active showed up on the screen.

"There's one thing about war that we all have to consider, especially against the colonies and the space stations, and that's the fact that we're solely undefended, and they are literally years ahead of us when it comes to space worthy technology. While we're doing good for ourselves with artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, or rather I should say Imperium industries is doing good for themselves in that regard. They still have better ships and shuttles and better weapons more suited to battle in space, and also last I heard they've collectively designed a powerful drill capable of drilling into a planets core from outer space.

Call me paranoid but with the way things are going, who's to say they won't turn that weapon against us. They've all began to see themselves as superior to us due to the fact that they're up there and we are down here. It's not as if any of us are perfect, but still we put them up there for the betterment and the future of humanity, and now they've decided to cut off that avenue of progression and forced us to think of ways to start allover again. But given how much money has been put into such endeavors, there's no way we can start again, so we have no choice but to take.

And yet here we are completely threatened by their advancements in technology without the capabilities of matching and even winning them. But fear not, that's where Imperium industries comes in. With your help, I can offer you four things! Four very powerful resources that you would need to not only win the first galaxy war, but even expand into the stars." I took a breath as I grabbed a glass of water and drank, making sure I did it in the most agonizingly and slowest way as possible. The president of North-Korea was the first to crack as his patience ran out.

"What are these things you have to offer, and stop playing games! None of us here are children." I smiled at that, I guess I really do have all of their attention.

The four things I can offer to you are:

1.A Planetary Wide Defensive Technology

2.Superior Space Faring And Space Battle Crafts

4. Genetically Enhanced And Evolved Soldiers With Special Abilities

The fourth option drew everyone's attention to me, it was quite a shock to all of them. And that was because so far the knowledge of people with Special abilities has been nothing more than a rumor that has been going around for the past three months. But I know that such people are bȧrėly in the -2% of the entire world's current population, and most of them are still just really young kids and all under the control of some secret forces on the planet.

Kira didn't know about this, which was why she was just as surprised as everyone else, this wasn't a part of what the scientist discussed with us this morning, heck I even left out some of the ideas that they had pointed. But that was all part of my plan, Kira was working an angle, I've noticed it for quite a while now, but I can't be sure what. Normally I would have hung her upside down a building pointed a gun to her face and ask what the fuċk she was plotting, but she was my son's mother. Until I catch her betraying me, I'm not going to hurt her, but I'm going to keep her close but also distant. I guess the only person I can really trust is myself.

"Number one to three is pretty much self explanatory, as for number four all the rumors going around are true, especially since I have the secrets to how such a change came about, and how to create more. I can give you the most powerful army and labor force in the entire galaxy, in a war of attrition, the person who can dodge bullets, shoot flames from his hands or even heal a severed limb is always the person who's going to win. Of course no 4 would cost you all a lot! But it's possible." Telling them about the existence of Meta-humans was an on spot decision, but it was mainly because of Ron and his new friend Nicholas.

If things should continue as they are, both boys might have to grow up in a world where they have to hide who they are. Sure humanity has grown to the point where they worship superheroes, especially when you can see them on your screen. But when these things that aren't real become real, and you have no control over them and can't see where they are, you become afraid, you become prejudiced and jealous. Humanity 101,we fear what we don't understand and can't control.

"Do you have any proof that such people exists?" The Prime minister of India asked me. I shook my head, but answered him.

"I thought it's already been established that both one is a kid here, well if you need proof then I'll give you one. Kira please get Nicholas and Ron for me." Her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at me, I could do anything else, but sue would be damned if she let me use our son for a business deal.

But I had no such intention, I just needed the kid here since Nicholas was coming over. Needed to keep an eye on my son, plus I miss him already. It didn't take long before Kira came in with Ron and Nicholas walking hand in hand. The first thing Ron did was to attempt to climb my body, I had to carry him as Nicholas came to stand besides me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is my Ares, my God of war Nicholas. Show them what you can do, also I need you to scare that fat dude for me." The fat dude was naturally the Indian guys Sharma was it?.....I'm not sure.

Nicholas raised an eyebrow and the chair he was standing close to lifted into the air and flew towards the maybe named Sharma. The grown up man screeched and tried to escape, but that was futile as he realized the seat he was on was changed it's composition. Thin strips of metal had torn through the leather and cushions to keep him bound.

The chair flying towards him came to a stop just inches in front of him, and then it exploded, blasting leather and foam every which way until all that was left was dozens of spiraled seven inch spikes, pointed at the body of Sharma(I hope that's his name). Nicholas moved his head to the side and the chair he was on rose up into the air and the spikes began to rotate. I noticed Nicholas shiver, and i realized he was pushing himself past his limit, he was just twelve after all. I placed a hand on his shoulder and tapped him.

"Let him down gently."


"Oops!" Nicholas said as he took a seat and crossed his leg, giving everyone in the room a deathly stare, even the leaders of the world were not spared from it. It was as if he was telling them, not to fuċk with him, seriously what the hell has his grandmother been teaching him.

"As you can see they exist, but like I said they would cost you. But never the less I believe you guys would have to go back and decide to you're willing to pursue this deal. First thing tomorrow morning I will send you my terms and what I need from all of you to your private numbers. So let your people send it over, and also I will give you all the specs and blue prints of the first things I would be making for you, should agree to my terms that is. And then I'll throw in a little bonus, you'll know what it is once it gets there. Have a good day sirs."

I gave a look to Kira as she cut off the connection and all of the holographic screens cut off. Then I turned to my father and his friends, and spoke loud enough that even Kira could hear.

"If anyone of you fuċk with me or my son, or do anything that my jeopardize his future, I'm going to kill each and every single one of you in the most painful way possible. If you think Nicholas is bad, then wait until I send the others after you, just so you should know, none of them are kids. Come on boys, let's go have lunch."

And then I walked out of the conference room, leaving Kira behind as she hurried to catch up. She was smart, I'm sure she knew I was also talking to her. Now my next step would be to figure out how to turn them against each other, just like that time in Afghanistan, my first mission.

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