The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 118 - G.O.T.A.R (I): Infiltration

There were no less than a dozen goons on my ship, I wanted them off it, but I knew getting them off it, either by killing them or just throwing them overboard would draw too much attention, and might put the others in danger. I had to let them hanged around, at least for now anyway. Once thief impromptu rescue op is done, getting rid of these guys would be child's play.

But I had to admit they were taking their job seriously, obviously they're supposed to be keeping watch, but there's not even a single hint about who or what I was dealing with due to how silent they all were. Also there wasn't a definite race here, though humans seems to make up more than half of it, I could see elf, a centaur and fairies? Since when are fairies pirates. These guys were stealing energy from my ship, that more than means I have to kick their ȧss, but they're way to organized to be common pirates. I need to find the others, or at least get on that island, that's probably the only way I can get the answers I need.

I looked at the looming island besides us and I wondered just how did this bloody thing move. Sure most people would say it's a game, they use magic, but even then this game is built on some sort of logic, even it's magic can be explained. So how do you get a big ȧss island to move, well either way I guess I'll find out soon enough. I unfurled my wings, about to take off, though I was still in stealth, I noticed by shadow perfectly laid out on Acheron's deck, and then I heard something that made me rethink my current source of action.

"Yo Cannon?"

"Yes Fodder?" What the hell? What kind of an unfortunate name is that? Seriously?

"Do you think the island's invisible barrier is up right now, I heard that it was down for a while due to the island having low power."

"Yeah it should be, for some reason this tiny ship has a core with a capacity of three suns. It's ridiculously powerful, and just a second of siphoning it's energy has given us enough power to last us three months, comfortably." The guy named Cannon answered.

"The barrier is invisible right? But how does it work though, I've never seen it defend or stop anything from entering before." Fodder wondered out loud.

"That because unless the order is given from the command center, the barrier only serves as a surveillance equipment. Anything from as tiny as a virus to as large as an airship would be shown in detail should they go through the barrier, only when there's a fight would see the true power of the barrier, I once heard it stopped the strike of a level 80 warrior wielding a heaven tier broad sword. In fact the warrior and his sword were broken into itty bitty little pieces." Cannon explained with a wild smile.

"Whoa so you're saying no one can get in, and we're safe from all sorts of attacks?" Fodder asked with his voice raised into an octave.

"Well that's what the bosses want you think, but in my own honest and analytical opinion, I believe someone can get on the island using the refuse pipes Underneath it. But the thing, without specialized equipment, unless you're a sea folk, you will not be able to swim under the island, much less with stand the currents created when it's moving. Sure it would be better to get on it now, especially since it wasn't moving, however the barrier also serves as some sort of radar, it doesn't stretch too far away from the island, and we're currently outside it.

But once you get through, no matter what sort of equipment you have on, it would notice it. Whether it's magical or technological, or have stealth skills. The island will still notice it, the only things that can get through are fishes and the like, and that's because we want them to populate the rivers and streams on the island so that we can eat them later."

Well it looks like flying up into the island using Stealth flight was out of the question, but even then swimming means they would probably see me coming with all of my equipment in tow. I'm pretty sure the legendary sword on my back would light up like a beacon for their so called magical radar, only fishes can get close to the island, which was understandable, fishes don't wear equipment...…oh! So that's how I can get in, I guess there's no harm in giving it a try.

I made my way across the deck to the starboard part of the ship, I needed a distraction and so I waved my hand to the right, and in doing so rouse up the wind as a fierce breeze blew, unsettling the dozen or so guards on the ship. I used that opportunity to jump into the sea, and in the process unequipped every piece of armor and clothing on me.

The water was, freezing, but it was only for a few seconds before I was able to get myself back in order and the sea was spread out before me. I was nȧkėd in the water, but since there was no one to see me, I guess I can say that my dignity was secure. I looked up, trying to see if my jumping into the session had attracted any sort of attention, but it looks like the wind did it's job.

"Well hello there, fine afternoon we're having aren't we? If you want my advice steer clear of that island, it's bad news amongst good fish folk, well then toodles."

I froze as a school of fishes swam past me, all of them being led by an octopus with a freaking monocle. I shook as goose bumps covered my body and I felt very conscious of my current state of undress. I almost totally forgot that I could talk to fish, but how could I remember, I've not been in a situation where I've had to talk with any one of them. I looked around with wary eyes, every fish that swam past seemed like a pair of eyes judging me and taking in the sight of my very nȧkėd ȧss.

I shot towards the island my body cutting through the ocean as I almost drowned in embarrassment. No matter what, none of the crew can ever find put about this, besides I doubt the fish would tell anybody, and even if they did no knows who I am. I slowed down as I approached the island, even though I'm pretty sure this would work, moving too fast might draw their attention, and so too will moving to slow. I had to keep a steady pace, and give the impression that I really was just a fish, a large fish, but a fish none the less.

My heart pounded, but this was nothing new, infiltration has been a huge part of my ȧduŀt life, sure it has never been on a scale as grand as this, actually maybe it has, but all those times, I had team mates by my side to rely on and help me coast through, but now I was all alone with my nȧkėd ȧss exposed for old fish grannies to admire.

I steeled my nerves as I drew closer to the island, this was not the first tike I was going under a ship in this game, but this was an island. And true to what that guard had said there were pipes spewing out trash and at the same time taking in water to supply the island. But these pipes were not pipes in the normal sense, they were natural tunnels shaking into the island itself. Some were large, set were small, but the very real danger was the fact that any one of these tunnels can lead to a dead end or too a space with an all too tight fit. But then again I'm well equipped to deal with that.

I swam towards the tunnel that had the most suction force, and let it's tiny currents lead me up a very dark tunnel. I had good racial bonus, but it wasn't even enough with how dark these tunnels were, it was almost as if the tunnels were coated in something that made them absorb any sort of light, leaving the rest of the environment dark. I followed the current until I came to what I feared; a dead end. There was a grate in front of me, or based from what I could feel it was more like a sieve than a grate.

I could smash through it, but I can't be a 100% sure that it wouldn't cause some sort of commotion and alert the people up top about my presence. So which leaves me with only one very dangerous option, I had to equip my armor. Hopefully I'm somewhere their radar can't reach, if not there would probably be a welcome party waiting for me once I get out of here. My armor covered my entire body in a second and I felt myself sink a bit as it became a little bit more difficult to swim, but that was only for a second as I activated the skill I wanted.


My body burst into numerous bubbles as the suction force and the current leading towards the end of this tunnel dragged my incorporeal form through the sieve like grate. Immediately I passed through, the water around me became clearer, cleaner, and I realized I was no longer in a tunnel, but rather in a pipe. Seems those guards were right, the pipes just didn't stretch all the way to the bottom of the island, but met the tunnels at a midway point.

I let the current carry bubbles like form across different pipes, sometimes I went upwards, sometimes sideways. The entire journey was quite disorienting, but eventually it came to a stop as I was throw out a nozzle in the side of a very large bath tub. I could see a pair of smooth creamy very nȧkėd leg, and moving my gaze upwards, it was quite a sight to behold, but the moment I saw that prosthetic metal arm, what ever excitement I had built up fizzled out, this was Qitar. The water was a bit murky, but I suspect that was due to the ridiculous amount of roses currently in it.

I was about to move closer to Qitar when a blobby form fell into the water with a splash. This experience had rapidly turned from a guilty pŀėȧsurė to a horrifying torture. This guy was very fat, and his Mr. Peepee was so small I felt really sorry for him. I moved myself upwards moving behind him as I came out of the water.

No one could see me thank God for that, but it wasn't just Qitar and the man that were in here. I counted six guards, and each and every single one of them had a lecherous grin on their face as they stared at Qitar. As for Qitar; the green skinned Patmosian was so angry she was turning a shade of pink that wasn't normal. But none the less I guess it's about time to make an entrance, I canceled the (AIR FORM) skill, and showed up behind the fat dude with a small pecker.

"Anybody moves and he'll be needing a new voice box, or maybe a new throat or neck." I said to them with my signature sinister smile on my face, or at least I think it looked sinister, I've spent a lot of time practicing it. I turned to Qitar and said to her.

"Hey beautiful did you miss me?", but all she said to me was.

"Kill him! Kill all of them!"

"Well then first mate, your wish is my command."

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