The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 119 - G.O.T.A.R (II): Curses

A swift pull of my sword slashed open the neck of the fat pervert in front of me, I had no idea who he was, but I was thankful for the chance to get my body away from his revolting body. The moment Qitar gave the order to kill them all, the other six guards in the room were already prepared to retaliate against any malevolent actions. I jumped out of the bath tub, flapping my wings as I moved straight for the guard closet to me.

But a shot from a gun blasted my sword out of my hands and back into the rapidly turning red pool of rose covered bath water. I was left without a weapon, but that didn't mean I didn't have any other way of dealing with these goons. I moved closer, dodging the rifle that was sent to my head as I moved closer and wrapped my arms around the neck of the guard in front of me it was a variation of a choke hold, but it worked just fine as I used his body to block the incoming blast of plasma energy.

The armor the guard had on was not normal, and he was able to resist the shots from his comrades, however by the time the third and fourth strike touched him, he had already passed out and I was dragging his unconscious body along as a shield. I brace myself and threw his body into one of his comrades, as I approached another, and for the first time ever used a skill that has just been laying about in my skill list.


A green glow seemed to appear on my body as the air around me was stirred. I shitted to the left then used my right hand to lift the gun pointed at my face away, then I moved forwards into the guard of my opponent and smashed my knee into his midriff. His body was bent inwards and he was raised off his feet, I sent a punch that parted the wind straight to his throat, crushing it on impact. He fell to the ground behind me, coughing and choking as he was drowned by his own blood.

I tumbled down, rolling over my head as I dodged the incoming plasma blasts from the third guard who had manage to extricate himself from under his friend. The remaining two guards had already made a run for it, probably to go raise an alarm about my arrival. As soon as I finished my roll I ended up in a crouched position, then I shot upwards with a blast of air, my fist parting the wind as it slammed under the jaw of the final guard in an uppercut that was so brutal I felt his jaw get crushed from the blow as he was raised off his feet.

His body went up to the ceiling and he smashed his head into it, leaving a bloody mark behind as his lifeless body fell down. I looked around and noticed that there was no one else here, and in that moment Qitar came up from underneath the bath tub, rivulets of the bloody pool cascading down her smooth green skin. There were a few scars on her person, but all of them just seemed to give her a sort of wild charm that you won't see on most women.

"Keep your eyes straight up captain, or you will lose what makes you a man." i raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't continue being rude much to the dismay of a certain part of my body. I turned around and faced the wall as she began to strip on of the dead guards for his clothes.

"What happened?" I asked her as she got dressed.

"This whole island is a scavenger pirate ship called the Night Maiden. It's a curse piece of land that's complete amalgamation between magic and science. But while it's a marvel of ancient gnomish engineering, the island needs to siphon energy from other ships to survive. The Acheron's black pearl is a powerful source of energy, and the moment we stepped into the boundaries of the Atlantic ocean a day ago, we ended up on their radar.

But not just them, if we don't find a way to cloak the Acheron's energy signature, other pirates will come for it. The pirates on this Island ship are called G.O.T.A.R, and it's an abbreviation for Gentlemen. Of. The. Atlantic. Rim. The fat fuċk who's throat you just slit happens to be the youngest son of the captain/chief of the island. The others are currently still imprisoned in their dungeons, which to be honest is quite far from here, and we will have to kill our way through a lot of pirates to get to them. However, Sky is closer, she's just two floors above us."

As she explained, she was getting dressed, moving an acting with a meticulousness and efficiency I've only ever seen within the army. It was an impressive sight to say the least, but considering I wasn't allowed to peak at her while she dressed, I just had to trust my instincts on that. But there wasn't I didn't understand.

"How did you guys get captured in the first place, the Ion Pulse Cannon would have made short work of the island if you hand enough to charge it. And I'm sure you guys would have been able to buy that time for yourself, so what went wrong?"

"Contrary to expectations, this group or rather this Island of pirates are organized. Their forces are well trained and separated into multiple divisions for maximum efficiency. They have a group of very powerful mages and magic user, but the island itself has a power dampening skill that can be focused on any craft regardless of it's origin for fifteen minutes.

It sent the Acheron out of commission, however we would have been able to fight long enough for the Acheron to come back online, but they had a powerful cursemancer on their side, and he's just like you and Raven song; a traveler. So it stands to reason that his power can not be measured in the normal scale. He was able to curse each an every single one of us with powerful curses that weakened us and sent us to sleep.

Currently we're still under the curse, which is why we've not been able to fight back and try to escape. The captain of the island then handed both me and Dinah to his two youngest sons like we were some sort of commodity. Hopefully she's okay, she's also within this building, along with Sky who was given to his daughter."

I guess that explained everything to me in full, but just going to get the guys won't work. They would expect me to do two things, and that's to rescue my crew and two stop their island from siphoning energy from the Acheron so that we can escape. I needed to make an approach that they wouldn't expect, I turned to Qitar.

"Do you know where the captain is?"

"There's a palace of sorts right in the middle of the island, it's also the control center for all of the island's operations. If you intend to shut the island down, then that's the place to go, but that's even more defended than the jail cells they threw our friends in. Powerful as you are I doubt you would be able to go at it alone, and even then due to the curse that's us, it would be hard for us to render any help, so it won't make any difference." Qitar said to me with a flat tone, but I had a plan, or at least some skeleton of a plan anyways.

I had a basic skill that was still level 1, I've not had any reason to use it, but it had a rather overpowers ability and only cost 5 MP to use. Purify had a 100% chance to clear all debuffs, curses and poison, I've not yet been in a position where I would have to the skill, but I guess now is as good a time as any.


A beam of white golden light left my hands and bathed Qitar's entire form in light, just the appearance of the light alone seemed to have some sort of flaming effect on me and even more so on Qitar as she closed her eyes and involuntarily mȯȧnėd in pŀėȧsurė. If gave me ideas, really weird ideas, but nevertheless I have to focus, I had a humongous task ahead of me.

{SYSTEM ALERT: SKILL: You have purified and cleansed a living being from the (DECAY OF ESSENCE) Weakening curse. The (PURIFY) skill is now level 2. This skill can only be leveled up when you use it, it can now be improved upon with skill points.}

"Are we good?" I asked Qitar as she picked up one of the guns, ċȯċked it back and then looked at me.

"Yeah we're good, let's go kill some son's of bitches!"

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