The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 122 - G.O.T.A.R (IV): Hallway Battle

Just as we expected the second floor was deserted, we went from one end of the floor to the other and couldn't find a single soul, this floor seems to be a barracks of sorts. The building itself was built in a particular way, there were no stairs within it, which made the elevator the only way anyone could move through the floors, and even more so according to Qitar the entrance into the building was on the roof. Me finding and getting into this place was without a doubt a significant doze of luck.

We made our way back into the elevator, and this time we had to prepare ourselves because we knew they would be a fight waiting for us on the third floor. Qitar slowly stretched her body on the ground her form stretched lithely like some sort of huge jungle cat. I'm sure she would have felt more at home with a sniper than with an ȧssault plasma gun, but this was what we had to work with, and Qitar was already making the best of it as it is.

I moved to the side of the elevator and prepared myself to start attacking the moment the doors slide open. The only other equipment I had on my apart from my armor was my sword, but it had no small scale long range capabilities. The skills it hand would probably spilt this Island in two with one strike, and even though I would very much like to try it out, there's a possibility I might hurt my friends. But either way are we're done with the current adventure, I'm going to have to improve my arsenal. I love Sky, I really do, plus I'm crack shot with a bow, but I need guns, lots of them and maybe a few dozen tactical drones, grenades, and maybe a way to resist magical EMPs.

Qitar and I shared a look at the doors that were about to swing open, there was just this tension in the air, this feeling of anticipation and worry. This was practically mission impossible, and unless I go wild and unleash my dragon mode the way out of this predicament doesn't seem to be rapidly showing itself if at all. We could only take it one step at a time, and make up other plans as we moved on, then the door slid open.


Just as the quadruple two meter long glowing blue arrows of magical destruction shot into the hallway, a green glow suffused Qitar's gun for a second before a powerful blast was ripped out of it. As opposed to the normal orang glow these plasma guns have been releasing, the green that came out of Qitar's gun was weird and was probably a result of a skill. But there was no time to ponder, it was my time to move next.


A pool of bubbling hot and sizzling lava appeared right in the middle of a ground of clustered guards, there were lots of them here so I couldn't be bother to count. As I squeezed the trigger four times in succession, blasting off the heads of four guards without a need to hit another. Qitar's shooting came in an interval of every two seconds, though those were very precious two seconds, the power behind her blasts was nothing to sneeze at as she took no less that three people with every shot. I hope she can teach me that though.

We have already delivered the element of surprise, and they were slowly beginning to get back into formation, which means I need to get into their midst soon. One of the guards suddenly brought out a huge hand cannon that somehow he seemed to have been charging for quite a while, Qitar was just a second away from shooting, but we would probably be blown to bits by them.


Three heads went splat in succession, however for some reason the guy with the cannon was able to dodge, however he couldn't atop his shot as it went wide and blasted the entire upper body of a guard from waist up into bloody bits. There was this certain feeling of awareness I felt and received from him, this guy was a player.


I Activated all three skills in succession as I moved into the hallway in front of me, the pool of lava I created was still there, but right now there were lots of bodies on it already. I already hung the gun by letting it dangle from it's strap as I pulled out my sword and rushed forwards. The Mana arrows caused even more destruction and confusion, but the player seemed to be really unscathed.

I crossed the distance in an instant, wind and lightning rippling off my body and causing even heavier damage to the other guards around me. I swung my sword down, but he quickly brought his cannon up to block and then sent a kick to my stomach. I moved to the left dodging and moving my sword towards his neck, but he somehow seemed to float backwards, almost as if someone was pulling him, or gravity worked differently for him. Then he pointed his cannon which was so heavy he had to holed it at his waist at me. He fired.

I felt as if someone just used a sledge hammer to my ċhėst, the wall wasn't too far behind me as I smacked into it and left cracks. And for the first time since I started playing LDO, I had to actually pay attention to my health points as it went from a comfortable green to a startling red. That cannons was powerful, and he knew how to use in combat, and quite skillfully too.

My insides felt as if it was upside down, but I had to move. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for my armor, I would be nothing more than a meat paste on the wall. He couldn't use the cannon again immediately as he needed to recharge it, but I doubt he would need long, so I had to make the first move. But he was not the only one I was fighting as other guards quickly turned their guns to me about to open fire, I snorted as I lifted my foot up and stomped on the ground.


Both the player and very guard around me were blasted away, there wasn't any sever injury gained, but it bought me time, and left most of them open to Qitar's very dangerous and very precise shooting. As for my opponent, he had used that same gravity gliding skill to nullify the knock back effect from the skill. But whether he knew it or not, I had him right where I wanted.

I ran towards him, the duration of my lightning blade coming to an end, just as I jumped. His cannon was pointed at my ċhėst, almost completely charging, but a single flap of my wings took me up and above his shot which blasted in between my legs and into his comrades, as the sword in my hand morphed into a long two pronged pitchfork that I sent stabbing into the gaps of his armor, which in this case was his right arm.

A HP pool would only be in play if someone is fully armored, but as long as any part of your body is exposed, as far as LDO is concerned you could receive debilitating damage that was as realistic and as bloody as possible. The pitchfork sank into his shoulder, particularly at the joint that connected it to his arm. I didn't stand on ceremony as I grabbed the incomplete legendary weapon with both my hands and began to push him back. Not to talk of the pain he was feeling, he didn't have the strength to actually match mine.

Obviously this guys was or Isaiah pro player, he had smarty distributed his stats into the build that worked best for him, and that was probably this heavy gunner class. Who knew maybe that really is his class, which would explain why he was so agile and dexterous that he could use that heavy looking cannon to block a strike from a much smaller faster moving sword. He should also have a bit of strength, but right now it all amounted to nothing.

I swung my right hand backwards releasing a (MANA ARROW) or rather (MANA ARROWS) at the group of guards chasing after me. They were blasted backwards with one of them having his head blow off in mid air by Qitar. When the rest of the guards landed, most of them were already dead, and at the moment only about six were left standing to fight. I waved my hands again and a pool of lava appeared in the middle of four guards with a few other Injured ones directly falling into it. Whatever was left of the people we fought in that hallway, Qitar would make short work of them.

I shifted my gaze back to the player who I was still pushing back added the full weight and strength of both my hands. I wrenched the pitchfork a bit and he cried out loud in pain as even tears seemed to escape from the side of his face. 'Sorry dude but in here pain is real', and if you can happily blast people to bits, then you better be prepared to be shredded to bits too. I ignored all of the doors and headed straight for the massive double doors at the end of the hall. Using the player as a shield I burst into what looked like an extravagant rec room that at the moment had one too many nȧkėd girls.

"Hell Rain! Help me! Curse this motherfucker fast! Quickly man! He's going to take of my...ARRGHHH! MY ARM!!!"

His decapitated hand fell to the ground with a wet squelch, and as he stepped back in pain and agony I changed the spear back into the sword form as I sliced as his ċhėst. His armor was ruined, but he was actually still alive, I turned around and in that moment ice began to spread from the area I last struck. He was not a boss, so I doubt he would be able to resist the sword's passive skill of freezing an opponent after the fourth strike.

I shifted my gaze at the nȧkėd girls, most of which were the AIs within the game with only three of them being players. They all huddle together and covered themselves, but I ignored them as I made my way to where this soon to be very dead idiot called Hell Rain was sitting down. I kicked his legs off the table and sat down facing him with my sword resting on the sofa. I waved my hand and sent a (MANA ARROW) at the cage holding Dinah and Sky, releasing them from it.

Qitar came in right at that moment covered in blood and Gore, Dinah gave Hell Rain a look before she walked towards Qitar. I turned to them and said.

"Get those women out of here, gear them upland formulate a plan to get the others free, I'll be with you guys soon." They didn't say anything, just nodded and led the women out until it was just me and Emo Mr. Hell Rain. He was quite handsome, he had black hair, red eyes, he scale like skin at the side of his face, making him kind of like me, but there's no guarantee he's part dragon.

"Who gave you permission to set my spoils free, your looking to die right?" he asked as he ċȯċked his head to the side and gave me a smile that was downright devilish.

This guy really was an idiot, but it's not his fault, he's quite ignorant of what he just did. He had laid his hands on my people, and even injured my battle beast, he doesn't know it yet but he was no longer talking to captain Seven of the Acheron, for the first time ever the Dark Prince of The Underworld has come out to play In Lost Descendants Online. This fool was talking to Aaron Wade himself, and his going to pay dearly for it.

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