The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 123 - G.O.T.A.R (V): Playing With Curses

I looked at the guy called Hell Fire with undisguised fury. We were going to fight that much was obvious and I was not going to make this easy on him, however I knew a tough opponent when I see one. This guy was just as prepared to beat the crap out of me, I don't know how strong he is, but I doubt t he knows how strong I am either, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit of apprehension as I sat opposite him.

"You really want to do this don't you, are you one of those hero types who want to uphold justice and do what's right? You want to vanquish me because of my evil ways and show the world that good triumphs over evil. Hahahaha if that's so then you got another thing coming your way Captain Seven." He said to me as he chuckled darkly. I raised an eyebrow, damn! Looks like this guy has sunk even deeper into his role and this game than I have, however not everyone who wants rip his apart is a hero.

"Motherfucker are you out of your damn mind? Do I look like the picture perfect display of righteousness to you, how can you be so pretentious in the face of death you pathetic excuse for a human being. It's one thing to do bad things to others, especially the Innocent, but I can't kill myself over that now can I, however you stupid, STUPID, STUPID!!! Man! It's another thing to lay your filthy hands on my people and on my things, once you do that righteousness, good, right, justice doesn't matter one bit to me. All I want is your head, and I'll be taking it right now, you twisted mind can go fuċk itself after."


The skill blasted outwards throwing sofa and tables into the air as he was entered flying back. However a layer of black light covered his body negating the damage causing effect of the skill and deflecting the debris of other furniture that touched him. He flipped in the air and let his feet touch the wall opposite me, then he sued it as a springboard and shot towards me, a rather nasty looking short sword held in his hands as he sliced towards my throat.

Leaned back as he flew over me and in the same instance Sky turned into a beam of light and appeared on my head in her helmet form. I turned and sliced my right wing at him. His black shield blocked the strike as sparks were raised from the point of contact. I swung my sword upwards hoping to cleave his arm off his shoulders just like his friend, however he brought his short sword downwards and defended against the strike.


A loud shockwave was created after our weapons met that pushed us backwards, I dug the tips of both my wings into the ground as I brought my momentum to a halt while I stared at him with a more focused gaze. This guy also had a legendary weapon, only such weapons would cause such a display whenever they're reached against each other. And I'm he also realized the same thing as he waved his hands and the black light around his body moved and coalesced on his left hand, turning into a sinister looking black shield with the head of a snarling dragon emblazoned on it.


{SYSTEM ALERT: CURSE: You have been afflicted with the (BLEED) blood curse, every second you will lose 0.5% of your total HP/ You're active skill (PURIFY) has automatically activated itself, the (BLEED) curse has been nullified.}

He looked more than a little bit surprised by the fact his curse didn't work, but he was not the only one, I never knew my skills especially the active ones could work like that, it was like a passive skill with an active effect or was it the other way around. Either way the confusion caused by the skill not working was something I had to take advantage of. However at the moment I had to be careful with the way I fought, so far I've used more than half my MP, and I get the feeling I would need more than what I have left to be able to fight him.

I moved closer going for an overhead swing which he blocked with his shield, then he sent his short sword stabbing towards my ċhėst, however I used my left wing to defect it away, turning around and sending my right slicing towards his face. He took a step back and opened his mouth to use another skill, or in this case a curse.


{SYSTEM ALERT: CURSE: you have been afflicted with the heaven grade curse INFERNAL SHACKLES! All stats reduced by 100%, all player skills unusable for 72 game hours./ your PURIFY skill is to low leveled to completely resist this curse. All stats reduced by 40%, all player skills unusable for 72 game hours.}

What the absolutely fuċkɨnġ hell! What the heck! I took a step back and watched the sinister grin that now covered Hell Rain's face. In his mind he probably had me caught in a corner, my stats were reduced by a whole 60%, and I couldn't use any of my player skill, he must think that he has me caught in some kind of corner, however I graduated law school in two years, if there's something I know how to do, then it's how to read the fine print in a contract of stipulation.

I couldn't use any player skills, well there's no problem with that, I have no idea how long this stat reduction option would last, but I could still cause a substantial amount of damage to him. I couldn't use any of my 'player' skills, it never said anything about equipment, and right now it was just speculation on my part, but I hope I can work something out.

Much to his surprise instead of moving away, moved towards him, my speed might have been reduced by quite a bit, but I was still fast enough to keep up with him. This guy might have some melee skills, but he's obviously just like his friend and spent his stat points on a focused build, which makes him more of a caster than a fighter. I swung my sword downwards using a very obvious strike that I knew he would use his shield to block, but it was just a feint.

He used his shield to hold my sword aloft as he stabbed his pitch black short sword at my ċhėst. I shifted my self a little bit to the right letting his short sword go under my armpit as I used my hand to grab his head, his eyes opened wide in surprise but I was beyond caring as I reared my head backwards, the silver moon symbol on top of it releasing a piercing light as I brought it forwards with all of my strength.

The moment the blow connected with him, one thing became very clear, one was the fact that without his shield being active and covering him all the time, this guy was quite vulnerable to attacks, In fact he was the kind of guy you would call a glass figurine or was it cannon, there were gamer terms for this things, I just don't know what it was. His defense was absolutely shit, and I think the short sword and the shield were a legendary weapon pair. As long as the shield covered his entire body, then there's practically no way a person could actually cause any sort of substantial damage to him, but eliminate that factor, which was what I did by having shield and his sword occupied by something else, and he was nothing more than a feather helpless in front of the greater powers of a storm.


Somehow the power behind this lunar strike seems to be a whole lot more heavier than normal courtesy of Sky and the fact that at the moment she's very, very pissed. Not to mention this guy had terrible defense, he was blasted backwards flying away like a bullet shot out of a gun, blood spilling from his head as a cut so nasty and deep I could see his skull. He flew through multiple walls, his body like a ragged wrecking ball as he smashed through the entire building and blasted out into what seemed like an open grass field and then landing with a loud boom.

It was a rather shocking sight, but I had no single shred of pit for this guy, his pain and torture was just beginning. I ran through the new path that Hell Rain conveniently made for me, before suddenly receiving a call from Qitar. Looks like they found their communicator.

"Captain we're on the roof, and there's a rather large crater on the field below us....should we be worried?"

"To be honest I don't know, that's sure to draw attention to ourselves but it might also work in our favor. I've been cursed and all my skills are offline for now, so I wouldn't be that much of a help to any one of you. I'll keep all of their attention on me, you and Dinah get the others, and figure out a way to return the energy they stole back to our ship, free our ship and get off this island as fast as you all can, because I guarantee that none of you would want to be here for what comes next." I said to her as I jumped out of the hole in the building, flapping my wings as I landed in front of the crater that Hell Rain made.

"And what's that?" Qitar asked, I turned and looked towards the roof, spotting her, Dinah and the rest of the women they ran out with on the roof.

"Nothing good....for them."

Hell Rain was shakily getting back up to his feet, his red eyes were more blood shot and they seemed to be slowly taking on a serpentine tint. His entire form was bloody and his breaths erratic and somewhat frantic. He looked at me with anger in his eyes and rage in his voice.

"I cursed you! How the heck were you able to do that you bastard!" he said to me with a huff as got back up, but still fell back to his knees and was left with no other choice but to look up at me.

"I'm not your average player Hell Rain, I told you that I was going to really fuċk you up for laying your hands on my people. This is me keeping my word." I said to him as I crouched down on the edge of the crater looking down at him with a soft smile on my lips.

"Haha haha haha what an ignorant fool, it's obvious you don't know who I am. You don't browse the game forums if not you would have known that you ought to have been running away the moment you saw my face or even heard my name. Let me show you what a 'No ordinary player' really looks like."

All of a sudden black fog and smoke wafted off his body, it completely covered him and grew larger and larger reaching more than a few dozen meters tall. And then all of a sudden the fog disappeared and what was standing in front of me was a colossal black dragon with red eyes and blood red symbols etched all over it's body.


I was still crouched on the edge of the crater with a small smile on my face. I didn't expect this, not one bit, plus unlike when I first met Zareth I couldn't feel any sort of resonance from him, instead as he transformed my blood seemed to boil in anger and I felt this distinct urge to rip into his innards and spill his guts all over the sea. This guy was not an Avatar of an elemental dragon, who knew the battle lines would be drawn this quickly, I looked up at him and smiled again. So this is what a sin dragon looks like, I got up to my feet and waved at him.

"You look really nice Hell Rain but......Two can play the game bitch!"


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