The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 124 - G.O.T.A.R (VI): Here There Be Dragons!!!

There was something to be said about the level of realism LDO had, every smell, taste, touch, feeling, sight, smell and move was heightened to match reality and even go beyond it. Which was why the feeling of my knees bending backwards, and my spine expanding, elongating, widening and thickening was a rather scary/painful experience. Bone spurs grew out of the realm gesture of my spine, however they were quite different from what I expected, the spurs were flat and stretched out of the sides of the ridges of my spine. If I had to put words to it, I would say they were like the flaps on a plane.

My spine ridge spread all the way to a tail that was rapidly growing until it was fifteen and a half meters long. The bone flaps still stretched all the way to it's tip where it spread into a spade like tail with green edges that glitter under the light of the sun. My rib cage expanded as I felt the appearance of a powerful beating heart, massive lungs that took in massive gulps of air, stirring the INS into action with the very motion.

Feathery and scaly membrane like wings stretched from my shoulder blades, both being almost as if not wider than my entire body combined. Jaws filled with gleaming white razor sharp teeth as a horn slowly spilt the skin above my snout and stretched upwards much like a rhino. Then at the side of my massive elfin scale covered ears, fins like those of a fish showed up, gleaming a dull emerald as the scales on my body vibrated and inter locked tightly amongst themselves.

I felt claws push out of my fore and hind limbs with sharper bone spurs popping out of my joints. My scales were startling shade of bluish green whilst my under belly all the way to the tip of my tail was white with the edge of each scale highlighted with gold. I raised myself up rising up to height of over 20 meters and met the red eyed glare of Hell Rain.

{SYSTEM ALERT: You have transformed into (TIER 1 LESSER WIND DRAGON FORM) All of your skills have been changed to match your new form. Because of the aura of a dragon you have, the curse over you has been suppressed for 15 minutes./ your battle beast was on you when you transformed, and as such she has transformed to match your new form.}


"This is impossible! How can you be an Avatar, who're you?"

Wow so dragons can talk, that's both cool and disturbing, like really disturbing, seeing all those razor sharp teeth and that terrifying snout and jaws moving to make words sent a chill down my spine. Plus seeing as I'm probably capable of the same thing, it made me feel weird.

{You Have Encountered An Avatar Of The Sin Dragon Of Pride. Your Dragon Blood And Heritage Burns In Rage And Anger, You Will Not Be Able To Shift Back Until You Vanquish Your Foe. (The Player Must Die)/ +100% To All Stats, +70% Chance To Lose Yourself To Rage And Go On A Rampage.}

Even as I looked at him and prepared to reply, I felt the helmet on my head, feeling as the metal even stretched to cover my fangs. I feel it would have been extremely cool If Sky can transform into some sort of armor, but then again it would only be for my dragon form, as my humanoid form has the best armor it could possible get in this game.

"I would tell you who I was, but where's the fun in that. I'll just kick your bloody ȧss and let you wonder about who I am and where I'm from and how is it possible that I can do what i can do. But in the end it wouldn't matter, because every time I see you, I'm going to kill you, you filthy LIZARD!"

I moved forwards, slamming my head upwards as the horn on my snout stabbed towards his neck. He moved back at the last second and the armor covered horn scrapped across his hard black scales. There were loud screeches as sparks escaped from the point of contact. However I didn't give him any time as I swung my clenched fist as his face, slamming it into his jaw and throwing backwards across the open green field we were on.

I watched as he crashed backwards destroying fountains, cobbled streets and walkways. I charged towards him, my every step as heavy as the earth when it quakes. I brought a claw down, raking across his face and smashing a deep wound. He roared out in anger and moved his tail towards me, I bȧrėly had any time to react to it as it slayed into my side with a loud boom and pushed backwards. I was a bit unstable, but that was all he needed to opens his jaw and sent blast of black ball like energy into my ċhėst.

I rolled across the ground with no control over how body moved, I crashed into the building we just escaped from and completely leveled it to the ground. Thankfully I was able to see Qitar and the others running across the open green fields into a small forest and heading deeper into the island. That way they were both safe and far from this fight.

I tried to get up, wobbling a bit as having my huge form tumbling across an open field was not comfortable at all. I only managed to raise my upper body up, only to feel a massive weight land on top of me as Hell Rain grabbed my right fore limb and snapped his jaw shut on it as tightly as he could.


The pain was almost ridiculous, it was as if there was some sort of poison in his jaws or something. I felt my wound burn as the smell of decay and rot seemed to fill the air. I reacted by following my instincts, moving my tail and sending the sharpened edge into Hell Rain's side, his glossy black scales cracking under the pressure as my tail pierced into his body.


His roar of pain this time sounded like a squeal, but it was still from a dragon, which means without a shred of a doubt it had the power to blast a normal person who stood too close to pieces. My tail wasn't able to stab in as deeply as I wanted it to, and that was probably because it was not just a dragon's scales that offered defense, their skin and tissue were incredible thick and dense it was like shoving a spoon into concrete, not unless of course you had weapons as powerful as the body of a dragon, then you can cause just as much damage as they can withstand.


A sharp blast of wind and lightning shot out of my open jaws like an endless stream rage, right into the still roaring in pain face of Hell Rain. He was blasted backwards over a hundred meters. I flapped my wings and took to the sky as I flew towards his weakened form, not all willing to give him any sort of breathing space. However he seemed to be just as prepared as I was as he turned his head sharply in my direction and released a dragon breath of his own.

I banked left hard, my wings scrapping across the ground and digging a ravine through it, leaving behind am ugly around scar on the pristine green plain, that at the moment seemed to stretch backwards till it reached the edge of the island that was just a hundred meters behind me. I slide across the ground, but it was almost as if Hell Rain's breath was inexhaustible, the beam of black evil chased after me, and every where it passed, all of the green on the island turned to grey or black, dying under it's powerful curses.

I flapped my wings higher, moving the flaps around my spine ridge, all of a sudden it was as if I became one with the wind itself as I suddenly became faster. I was no longer moving like a dragon in the sky, but rather like a fish in water, or a snake in water. As opposed to Hell Rain's bulky body, though I was just as huge, I was much more lithe and streamlined. Though I could feel that the muscles around my claws and joints were densely packed, which meant I was built for speed and instant explosive attacks, just like the lightning and thunder a wind dragon embodies.

I glided across the ground in an incredibly flexible manner, moving closer to Hell Rain, his dragon breath unable to even touch me as I flew around it like it was some sort of pole. Then he cut of the breath attack when I was close enough and turned his body around in a really fast manner. His tail end was covered in black energy and was heading straight for my face, and seeing how close we were, there was no way even with my newly found agility that I would be able to dodge that.


Using that skill was a mistake as it effects were not instant. But this was not exactly my fault, it was the first time I've ever had the chance to be conscious in my dragon form and use it's skills, so I had no idea how they worked. The tail smacked into my ċhėst, and I coughed up a ridiculous amount of blood as my vision seemed to get dull. I crashed into the ground and rolled out of the way of Hell Rain's stomp. I felt a bit weak and dizzy, but that's when the smell of the sea's wind ȧssaulted both of us, and it came with such power and rage that Hell Rain couldn't even move an inch.

(WIND STORM ACTIVE: All attacks, and defense raised by 300% for the duration of the storm. Time remaining: 100 seconds.)

My eyes opened wide at that, but never the lesser I couldn't waste any time. Using (WIND STORM) left me terribly drained, which was why I was feeling so weak coupled with the strike from Hell Rain. However this wind storm skill seems like an AOE skill that's a buff for me, regardless of the area, as long as I was still within it and the skill was active, then I was 300% stronger, alright then, let's fight.


Hell Rain was being buffeted by powerful winds that pelted him and rendered him immobile. Leaving him completely defenseless as a bolt of powerful white lightening fell from the sky and slammed into his back, cracking open a couple of his scales and charring the flesh beneath black. The wound he received was so large that I could even see bone beneath all the charred meat.

I flew around and within the wind storm, slashing with my claws, and my tail. Hell Rain fought back, sometimes even scoring a hit as he remained stuck in his position, but never the less he was still a sitting duck and within that short minute and the half I made sure the wounds on his body stacked up until as I could see on his black scales was blood. And then the wind storm duration came to an end while we stood across each other, our breaths deep and anger sparked in our eyes.

Obviously he was in a much dire state than I was, in this fight he had more techniques and more skills. He was also physically stronger, but he was not used to such a body. Every piece of move he had used without a skill was mostly relying on instincts, but for me I felt really comfortable in this body and there was a million and one things going through my mind right now, I could really hurt this bozo if I have enough time to play with him.

"Who're you? What do you want!" He asked again, looks like I've beaten him so much that he's repeating himself.

"The name's Seven, captain Aa...aAhh Seven!" I really should have been smarter and not used a name that's closer to Aaron, what the heck was I thinking.

"Your name is Aa Seven?" he asked with a skeptical tone.

"Look! Enough talking, just Die!"


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