The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 125 - G.O.T.A.R (VII): Here Dragons Fall!!!

Both breath attacks, one of wind and Lightening, the other of blackness, evil and curses met midway with a loud boom. The earth shook and vibrates as storm clouds gathered above us and the seas roiled and raged in anger at the sheer display of power. We were now at an impasse, basically it was up to both of us to see who would run out of breath first, but as it stands, given that we were both dragons with really massive lungs, I guess we would be breathing our elements and power against each other for a little while.

The power of the breath attacks was not to laugh or joke about, the ground beneath us was ripped to shreds, as an areas over ten kilometers wide was destroyed. Everything about the area of the island we were on, was completely ruined, and I could feel the island itself slowly rumbling, like it was about to burst apart at it's seams. Hell Rain and I glared at each other, until today we never knew each other, but by virtue of LDO, we're now bitter enemies and won't stop until the other was destroyed. More so for me than him seeing as all my actions are driven by revenge for the elemental dragons.

We were so focused on each other, that we didn't notice it when a shower of missiles suddenly appeared in our vicinity and proceeded to smack into us, exploding in a huge conflagration of flames that threw me off the edge of the island and into the sea below with a huge splash. The island itself was like a massive hill, or cliff, making it look like one massive mistaken block of stone on the sea.

Those missiles packed quite the punch, and o was left with a few injuries, but if I was this banged up, then I can't begin go imagine what Hell Rain would be feeling like. I had no idea where those missiles came from, but I was still in the middle of a fight, and I had to finish. I angled myself, flapped my wings and made my way out of the sea and up into the air. As I flew upwards, water streamed off my massive form, creating a miniature shower as o opened my mouth and ROAR!


I was moved fast, going above the island in no time at all as the wind rushed past my body. Then I came to a stop, hovering long enough to shift my gaze to a heavily injured Hell Rain that was at the moment eating people? It seems the other denizens of the island had turned on him, which if you ask me is understandable.

We might have kept our fight to a small area, but we might have kept our fight within a small area, but the shockwaves from our clash would have caused enough damage elsewhere, not to mention Hell Rain had released his dragon breath attack every which way, not at all caring about whether it hurt innocent people or not. To his allies I was no longer the only threat they had to worry about, and seeing as he actually caused more damage to them than I did, they had no other choice than to bring the fight to us in an attempt to kick us off.

Nevertheless it was a fruitless endeavor and a futile effort. We may not be as powerful or as large as the dragons which we serve as Avatars for, but we were still big ȧss dragons capable of dishing a massacre like beat down on an entire kingdom. A bunch of well trained and disciplined pirates won't find it easy to bring someone like Hell Rain down. But since they're all gathered in one place, let me just drop in and say hi.

I dropped down few the sky like a predetermined missile or even a meteor, I made sure I went high enough, so that I would build enough momentum as I came down. I made sure my helmet covered head was facing the massive black dragon and tiny clusters of humanoid beings shooting at it, and also at my falling form. Bullets whizzed past me, while others slammed into my scales with a dull thud, and then finally when I was so close that the distance between me and the ground was all but 5 meters, I called out a skill.


My head was bigger, and Sky had grown large enough to cover and protect my head. It also stands to reason, or rather speculation that this skill would be a whole lot bigger than before. And not just bigger, it would also hurt a lot, and that's what I aiming for.


This skills previous range was just five meters, this time it was a five kilometers radius. Much of the pirated attacking Hell Rain were grinded into meat paste that blended with the ground and the massive 20 feet deep crater that appeared on the ground. Hell Rain's limbs twisted at an awkward angle, and even his back seemed broken from the massive pressure that just fell on him, it was like the very sky itself had fallen on top of his head.

He screamed out in pain and agony as his body was grotesquely bent, but I did not give him a single chance to heal himself as my jaws closed around his neck as tightly as I could. I could feel his hot blood rush down my throat in a cascade that lit up a fire deep within my ċhėst, and brought out an animal like instinct that I didn't even know existed.

Hell Rain twisted and turned in the hope that he would be able to struggle away from me, but I dropped the bulk of my body on his, and used my hind limbs to pin his to the ground. I tightened my jaws around his neck and started shaking it around, making sure the wound was torn open even wider, and then I stabbed my tail repeatedly into his body, over and over again as his blood poured and watered the ground.

At this point I don't think I was myself anymore, dragons might be considered to be the smartest, wisest and the most powerful of races, but their animal like instincts are second to none, sometimes it's all they are; wild, brutal, ruthless and bloodthirsty. It doesn't matter if you're a sin dragon or an elemental dragon, your thirst for blood would be incomparable to any other being, especially once you've gotten a taste of what you wanted.

I kept Hell Rain's body pinned for as long as I could, for some reason he couldn't shift back to his human form, but even if he could, he would still not have been able to escape from me. I felt his movements slowly become slower and slower until he was no longer moving, but I didn't let go, and that was because I wasn't focusing on his movements, but rather on his heart. Dragons had fearsome vitality, bleeding to death is not as easy as having a sword stabbed into their heart of having their head cut off. It took a while, but those heartbeats slowed down, until there was nothing but silence.

{TITLE: SIN DRAGON SLAYER: you have kept faithful to you duty and have slayed sin dragons to further the cause of your race. +30% extra damage to sin dragons and their affiliates, +30% extra power/effect to all dragon racial skills.}

{SYSTEM ALERT! WORLD ALERT! UNIVERSAL ALERT!: A Chosen Of The Great Dragon Kings have been Slain by Player Aa Seven. A universal bounty of 500 billion gold dollars has been placed on his head. Information about him and his location would be rewarded. Please be warned he is armed and dangerous, very dangerous!}

Okay what the fuċk! That's a ridiculous amount of money, and all for what, because I killed this piece of shit player. Obviously the sin dragon's influence spread a little too far, much more than I expected. And seeing as the entire universe is going to be after me, just me and the others won't be enough to face all of the incoming storm alone. We needed to get stronger, but I can worry about all those later, right now I had things that I have to deal with.

{SYSTEM ALERT: LEVEL: You have leveled up to 43, you can now attempt a racial upgrade quest. You have three racial templates, but you can only undergo one racial upgrade, improving the bloodline of one race and thinning the others. Another racial upgrade will happen at level 80, you can try to upgrade you other racial bloodlines. Report to this three locations to begin the quest. Elfengarde(Elf Bloodline), New Texas Colony(Human bloodline), The Ruins Of Voiterion(Wind Dragon).}

Well I have no idea where the human and dragon locations are, Elfengarde on the other hand is a place I can get to. It actually off world, on another planets so I can use my connection with Lerriandelei to get there, but considering I have this massive target on my back it might be a little bit more difficult than I imagined. I shook myself a bit, raised my head to the sky and….



{You have used dragon roar, every being on this island is now under a fear effect, except for a select few. All defense and attacks dropped by 120% for 200 seconds.}

Damn if I don't like being a dragon. I made my way across the island, leaving the bloody battlefield behind. It didn't take me long until I showed up in front of a massive tower. I was about to start being dominating and demanding, after all I was in the body of big ȧss fuċk giant dragon with enough power to level a city, so I needed to be really cool when I asked fro my friends back. However I heard a loud whistling sound as a dwarf with a lance fell down from the sky with flames heavily clustered and gathered around his body. He was like a meteor.

The building in front of me which I suspected was the command tower for the entire island went up in smoke and flames before I could ȧssert my dominance. Damn! That's just lazy writing. I blinked my eyes as Zareth flew out of the burning building and landed on my snout, making me cross my eyes so that I could look at him. He pointed a finger at me and said.

"You're late you lazy bastard! Is there any need for you to keep heading to your other world and coming back to this one as you please! You should just pick one and stick with it. But on another note, thanks for saving our ȧsses." Or at least that's what I thought he said, his dwarfish accent was so thick I bȧrėly heard a single thing at all.

I deactivated my transformation, prompting a tornado of wind and lightning to gather around me as I rapidly shrunk. My bone spurs went back into my large spine, which in turn also shrunk taking with it my tail. My elongated snout pushed back into my face, my extra fangs fell off and the others retracted back to their normal positions. My claws painfully went back into my fingers as my ribs shrunk back in, almost suffocating me before my lungs and heart followed. Transforming was painful both ways, but it's a small price to pay. I opened my eyes back in my body with Sky standing besides me and Zareth in front. Then I looked at the dwarf and asked.

"So what now?"

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