The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 127 - What It Means To Love

The moment the I logged out of the game I made my way straight toy study, Nezha was already waiting right outside my room, and I could see that the guard activity around the manor was at an all time high, everyone seemed to be in a state of emergency which was good. I wouldn't want to be on my way to destroy one enemy and then leave my back open for others to take advantage and attack my home base, though that is something I feel would definitely happen. My name might be getting around, but I don't have the influence my Baba had, no one knew me or how dangerous I could be if you messed with me or my least not yet.

Nanny Florence was waiting for me at the door, me and this old Nanny of mine have been overdue for a serious talk, especially about the fact that her own grandson was trained as a child soldier, I don't even want to imagine what sort of child good the kid might have had. But that was a discussion for later, because right now I had things to deal with. I took a sit and raised a finger stopping Nezha from and Nanny Florence from saying anything as I scrolled through my contacts on the holographic display hanging over my desk. I found the number I was looking for really quickly and dialed it, before sitting back and waiting for it's recipient to answer.

"Hello?" an old but hard voice answered.

"Aghh! President Bossley Dobrov this is Aaron Wade. I'm sorry to disturb you so soon, but I need an answer from you and a signed copy of the digital document I sent to you. Of you've agreed to the deal then let's make it official and fast too. I have an operation that I have to tale care of in Moscow, one that requires I have certain immunities ascertained to me." I said to him as I leaned back and waited foe boss reply.

However that reply didn't cease immediately as he remained silent for a while before finally speaking up. I could somehow hear even more steel and hard edges from within his voice, obviously this was not the kind of man to joke around, and he would get straight to the point.

"What you're asking for is very much within my power, however if the other countries don't agree it would also paint a target on my back. What you're asking for is not too big, but neither is it too small. In the grand scheme of things, it would mean that you and your people will become men and women without a home, people without a country. Neutral to whatever conflict arise, but very much in danger and surrounded by all of the other forces.

It would make for an interesting development in this current world we live in, it should be able to shake things up a bit. But you would no longer have the protection of a government. In fact you will now become a target for every government to try and control, at that point it won't matter that you're the richest and most influential man within the confines of the milky way galaxy, you will just have a big target on your back."

Seriously why the heck was this president talking so much, I don't but this whole concerned act, however I did appreciate the fact that he was laying it all out for me, telling me what's what and how difficult life would be for me if I should get what I'm asking for. It's a dangerous gamble, but it's one I need if the Wade family and the Imperium industries would survive the massive change that was coming.

"Whatever the case may be President Dobrov, I am not changing my mind. I've analyzed all of this problems you've listed out and I still think the gains outweigh the risks. What I want to do is not going to be easy, and quite frankly no other country or corporation would be able to do it, however we can! Besides if you do give me what I want, I can guarantee that in 24 hours the biggest thorns in the side of the Russian government; the Vladimirs and Dragonovs would become ancient history. All that would be left of them would be ashes and your rule would be more secure and safe from their constant sabotaging." I said to him as I got up to my feet and moved towards the edge of my office where a safe was located.

"Oh is that so! Why didn't you say that in the first place! Very well then I'll give you what you want. From today hence forth the Russian government recognizes the Wade family as a Sovereign power of it own, not at all connected to any government or political power. They are accrued diplomatic rights within Russia and it's borders, and all facets of their businesses open, hidden or otherwise is recognized as Legitimate."

There was a loud beep as the digital copy of the decree was sent into my email, signed and quite ready to give me the power and the freedom I wanted. But this was just one signature, I needed all of the major players to sign it, which in turn would get the minor players in line. The Wade family would become the most powerful force in human history, not even Genghis Khan or Alexander the great would be able to compare to what I just achieved or will soon achieve. Sovereignty means I can act without much restraint from the governments of the world and there would be absolutely no reason for the dark side of the Wade family to remain hidden. Of course no one would consider it a dark side, just a very sophisticated private militia that can upset the balance of the world.

"Thank you very much President Dobrov, let's have lunch tomorrow in Moscow, you can hand over a physical document, and I can give you the heads of the main bosses of the Vladimir and Dragonovs. Think of it as a gift to signify the start of a friendship." I said to him as I opened the safe and pulled out the twin hand guns Hades had given to me the last time we went hunting.

"Well when you put it like that I can't very well refuse can I. Do what you must, when you're done we have drink to celebrate." Then the call ended, but immediately I turned to Nezha and said.

"Nezha get everyone on high alert and keep a close watch on the Russian government. They know we're coming and even if we just signed a deal with them, everyone knows you can't trust the Russians. I want round the clock surveillance of Dobrov and every decision and discussion he might have in regards to Wade family or Imperium industries. I'm sure we have some ȧssets in Russia, activate them and have them on standby, if you notice any weird movements from the Russian government, take out it's president, though do it anonymously, but make it public."

"Yes master!" Nezha said to me as he left the office to go make some calls.

"You're playing a dangerous game and taking a huge gamble young Master. Everything you have on hand now are tools that can potentially make you very powerful, but at the moment you've not gotten that power yet, and you're making a play for power by dancing in a nest of poisonous snakes. The Wade family is not all powerful, let's not even consider failure, you might did and then all this would have been for nothing and Junior would be left without his father, this world is harsher and more dangerous than it seems." Nanny Florence said the me as she drew closer.

"I understand that more than anyone Nanny Florence, but I can't follow Baba's plan and grow secretly whilst throwing the scent of my opponent elsewhere. The thing not everyone can be fooled with that act, and most won't even want to wait. Your generation and older ones would keep under the radar of the government, because quite frankly whatever the government doesn't control becomes a threat to them. Which is why they're still after the old families, even though drug trade as a whole is dead and we have the monopoly with it. But then again our own drug sale is just a massive worldwide experiment with us trying to induce human evolution.

Whether it is dangerous or unsafe, the fact of the matter is hidden or not we're still in very big danger. The world has it's eyes on us and what we can achieve, and staying hidden means we have to be careful with every step we take, however coming out and being who we are in front of the world, regardless of public out cry or the threat of then government; then we can make big enough moves to consolidate our power.

So I understand how dangerous a game I'm playing, but this is the only way I can keep my family safe and not have them hide what belongs to them and who they are. Besides the Wade family are destined for much more than just being simple mob bosses, the universe would be ours to command." I said to her as I put both guns in a holster and went to Ron's room with Nanny Florence still in tow.

"Then you will need to full consolidate you power and control over the Wade family ȧssets. Apart from the mobile underwater base in San Francisco, we have an Aerial base in South Korea, directly over Busan. And then we have a training facility in the arctic, but that's just it for the bases. We have a whole slew of businesses across the entire planet. You've been busy, but as soon as we're done with this Dragonov and Vladimir business, you should clear your schedule and visit each of the bases and then probably throw a small party and invite all of the major players under you. Because to tell you the truth you only have true power over the underwater mobile base and the training facility in the Artic.

The aerial base is under the control of the Wade extended family, right in the hands of someone who would very much like to take over and have his own branch of the family become the main bloodline. So while getting all these power is great, you need to strap up and clean house, fast! Before your plan actually succeeds but you're left defending against your own family."

She finished speaking just as I entered Ron's room, he was already asleep and he was tightly curled under his dark blue star light blanket. I moved close enough until I could see his face clearly under the dim lighting of his night light. Then I answered Nanny Florence in a soft voice.

"In the end power, prestige and control doesn't matter. Saving the world or becoming the most powerful man in history doesn't entice me, to be honest I'm much too simple to give a shit about all those things. But this is all for him, both him an I were thrust into a game of power and politics by my grandfather, a game that quite honestly neither both of us were ready for. This is everything my grandfather worked for, so I can't walk away, and because of that my son would grow into this world and very much be a target.

So before that happens, I have to make sure the whole universe is under my heel. I have the tools and the resources to do it, and so too did my grandfather. But he was conservative, old fashioned, careful. He liked the way things were, and knowing him he probably thought should there be a change it should be left up to future generations, which in retrospect is total bullshit!

As the elder generation it's our responsibility to make sure the next generation have no reason to suffer, to fight, to cry or hunger. Right now my son is my purpose, he's the most important thing in my life right now, and nothing else comes close to his value in my heart. Even with all the blood in my hands and the sins on my soul, he's the one good thing God has given me, a blessing as well as a reminder of who I am and what I've done. So it's up to me to make sure his future is bright and free of blood and plots. And if I have to burn the whole world to do it, then I would. Because that's what it means to love."

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