The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 128 - The Dark Prince Descends(I): Strangers In Moscow

The dull sound of the choppers blades slicing through the air was somewhat comforting, however I was finding it difficult to focus. But never the less it was time to pay a little more attention to the plans in front of me, seeing as we're going to be jumping out of this helicopter in ten minutes, directly over the building where my soon to be dead enemies were currently having a dinner party.

"Alright guys listen up! Our correspondence on the ground has let us know that the Dragonovs and Vladimirs have twelve block security perimeter in place, so they would definitely see us coming before we get to that mansion of theirs. Which leaves the only other option as an air drop. This would be unlike anything you've ever done, the chopper will be flying low, leaving at least a five meter distance with the roof of the manor which thankfully is flat, so we should all be able to make that jump, and more should the situation require it.

Info from our spy within the mansion says that there are a series of tunnels underneath, built during the time of the first two world wars, and perfected during the third. The tunnels stretches in 14 directions across the city, giving them 14 escape routes, so should shit hit the fan, we might lose them. However we've already canvassed the tunnels and have people on all fourteen tunnel entrances, ready to rain down lead and fire should the need arise.

Unfortunately those tunnels are also under tight surveillance, so we can't exactly go in, if not we would be able to box them in. The moment the chopper flies over which should be in less than five minutes, we're going to release a controlled electromagnetic pulse to knock out communications and surveillance within the mansion. Unfortunately we can't go beyond that, or we would alert too many people, especially since the tunnels electrical system runs a different power grid than the mansion, just as the mansion runs on a different and very private grid from the city.

Knocking it out would raise alarms, but it's an isolated effect, rather than having blocks upon blocks knocked out, so the smart ones wouldn't suspect an EMP pulse, after all the technology of the controlled EMP pulse discharge array is a technology that only the Wade family manufactures and have access to.

So we land on the roof and make our way in, take out anyone on our path, and make sure the light comes back on just as we reach their dinning hall. All of the major players from both families are here for this dinner, including the next generation. Master Aaron what are your orders?"

Today might be the first time I'm meeting this woman, but damn if she's not dangerous. I've had a crash course on the main subordinates that my grandfather has had and who was still serving him before he died, and she was bottom of the list, the last recruitment and the woman who holds the title of MORRIGAN. She along with Nanny Florence who is known with the title of ATHENA, And another who is currently under cover in Italy, a lady with the Title of KALI, are the three war goddesses of the Wade family.

Her real name though is Sasha Simpson, a rather simple name, but she grew up in Harlem, right in the midst of six older gangster brothers, and a mother who ran the entire neighborhood. She was as black as can be, with traces of her hood and ghetto like attitude showing from time to time, however she was scary smart, and one of, if not the best strategist within the entirety of the Wade family's retinue of soldiers. Though she dropped out of college, she's expert hacker, sniper, and could break a man's bones in ten different places by the time you can say sugar.

And just like me, her parents or rather her scientist father had been part of the research team who investigated that meteor that crashed into Africa almost thirty years ago. Which makes her right around my age, if just a little older, and from her profile her abilities were more mind oriented. According to the report she's still growing into her powers, but apart from a heightened intelligence, reflexes and senses, she had psychic abilities, with a bit of telepathy, telekinesis and more orientated technopathic ability that gave her the ability to literally talk to machines and control them if she was close enough, hence her hacker skills.

Safe to say she's one of the most dangerous people alive right now, and until now she had been on standby, living a somewhat normal life by running a hair salon in Manhattan. Which of course was just a front for our operations there, however the action called and she seemed all to happy to answer. I looked at her and smiled before giving her an answer.

"Leave no one alive, not even a cat or the rats in the cupboard. Once we're done torch the place and leave a calling card." Was it just me or did the entire interior of the chopper just got a little colder. I turned to look as Nuwa, who looked back without a single hint of disagreement, heck the smile on her face was more scary.

"Alright folks! You head the boss, seems we're a little ahead in schedule. Prepare to jump in 30 seconds, on your feet boys and girls! Move it let's go, let's go! And remember leave no one, not even a rat alive. Wade!"


I'm not going to ask why they were all howling, however the energy was infectious, I couldn't help but join them. And then I got up took a little running start to the entrance of the chopper and jumped whilst at the same time I saw Morrigan pressing the buŧŧon a black disk the size of a plate. I landed on the rood of the mansion just a low pitched whɨnė sounded out and a shockwave was released. The building's lights went out as the rest of my soldiers dropped down behind me with Morrigan and Nuwa right behind me.

Nezha and Hades were in charge of two teams that immediately began making their way towards the mansion the moment the lights went off. Safe to say they were a decoy, but a necessity to make sure that the Dragonovs and the Vladimirs were locked down and surrounded. Night vision goggles were shared amongst ourselves, as the world took on a shade of green, and we began to make our way towards the main entrance on the roof.

We didn't notice it before, but there were guards on the roof, which was quite sloppy, but the roof wasn't exactly completely clear of structures as there seemed to be a shack and a pool on it too. The guards were alerted by the chopper flying so low, they saw us drop, but before they could issue a warning their communications was cut off. They were both making their way to the entrance, but two quick poof, and the fell down dead. Morrigan put down the silenced ȧssault rifle and inclined her head that we should move on.

She gave a few hand signals and two others from the back came and took point, moving forwards whilst the rest of us followed. We went through the entrance to the roof, slowly but swiftly picking our steps down. We met three guards on our way down, and they almost blinded us seeing as they came up with flashlights, however Nuwa was quick on the uptake as a massive lance of ice formed and speared all three guards through the heart. They bȧrėly had time to scream before they went into shock and died soon after. I turned to Nuwa and said.

"Next time please go for the head, a fatal injury doesn't mean the enemy is dead. They can still cry out in pain and raise an alarm, we were just lucky this time."

"Got it boss."

We opened the first door in out path and discovered probably what was an ȧduŀterous couple, even though the lights were off they never stopped their little adventure in the sheets, and based on the uniform on the ground, the male counterpart was a guard, seriously how cliché is that. Two puffs were heard and blood slowly began to cover the pristine white sheets, and the former lovers now sported new holes on their forehead.

Since the part was mainly contained on the ground floor, all of the guards were there instead. There were only three floors to this mansion, and we quickly swept through the first and was halfway through the second when the lights came back on. We had already regrouped with the other team, but our jobs would now be that much harder, without the cover of darkness should we meet any guard on the way, or those who were not able to answer when called by their comrades would definitely raise an alarm.

There was no time to methodically pick our way through the mansion, we were way behind schedule. I moved forward taking point with Morrigan silently protesting behind me, but there wasn't much she could say or do, I'm the boss after all. Three guards came up in front of me, and both me and Morrigan took the fight to them, pumping their heads full of holes before any one of them could make a sound. Then instead of falling forward, one of the guard decided to fall backwards, right into the floor where the dinner part was happening, he tumbled backwards rolling off a flight of stairs before blasting out of a door, blood sprinkling everywhere.

I followed as fast as possible, and the moment his back touched the ground, I was already by his side, I raised my gun much to the surprise and horror of the well dressed group of people. I smiled and then I squeezed while quickly taking cover behind a pillar.

*Bang! Bang!! Bang!!* *Didididididi! Dididididid! Didididididi!!*

This was a dinner party for two of the biggest mob families in Russia, and of course two families that were a part of the old blood. To say I expected anything other than everyone in this party pulling out a gun and shooting at me would have been nothing more than a lie. The pillar I was currently hiding behind was slowly loosing it's structural integrity as even some bullets could completely pierce through it. I know Morrigan and the others could see me, but with this much bullets flying they need to be careful or it's going to be their bodies on the floor.

I placed my hand on a black disk hanging from my belt, maybe I should have thought about wearing something other than reinforced suit, a full body armor would have been better, I believe we have on of those. But back to the task at hand. I pressed the protruding green buŧŧon on the disk and quickly threw it behind me, and closed my eyes as fast as I could.

The disk sailed across the air and was shot at by a rather panicked person making it go higher into the air. Someone else screamed grenade and a few screams was released as they all tried to give it some distance.


It wasn't exactly a grenade, more like a flashbang, but either way all them bozos were now blinded from the intense light that was released, even I could feel the burns from behind my closed eyelids. But never the less, the massacre starts now.

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