The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 129 - The Dark Prince Descends(II): Anton Of Moscow

The best time to take advantage of a flash grenade is immediately it goes off, because just after a few seconds of disorienting retinal burns and blindness, the affected people would start panicking and squeezing their triggers every which way. Of course when that happens, they become a danger not just to me and my team, but also to their own comrades. The idea was to take out the most probable targets and let the chaos ensue, and it seems Morrigan had the same idea.

I turned and moved the sights of my gun to places where it seemed as if the people were more clustered, and most of them there were well dressed men in black suits, with an earpiece in their ears. I methodically squeezed the trigger and aimed my gun six times in all before moving behind another pillar and listening as they began to tear each other apart by shooting in the wrong direction.

Morrigan moved out with a shield of ice floating in front of her, there was a tiny hold in front of it for her to put her gun out and take shots. And with her taking the lead the rest of our team followed behind with Nuwa behind them, eyes closed and knees placed on the ground as the temperature of the entire mansion seemed to rapidly drop. I moved out from behind the pillar quickly striding across the hall as I went looking for the bitch that sent ȧssassins after me.

As I moved through the hall I felt someone grab my shoes, I looked down and saw a guard that was as the brink of death looking at me with dull almost lifeless eyes. I looked back at him for a few seconds, then I pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger splattering his brains allover the ground. But that seemed to be a distraction as I felt someone slam into my sternum and carried me up before smashing me down on the dinning table that had been vacated the very moment the lights went off.

The table was actually made from metal, but the force that was used to throw me down actually crumpled it's metallic frame, rumpling it and creating sharp edges that cut at my light blue suit. But apart from that I felt a few ribs crack, seems like the guy I'm fighting is no ordinary person. I looked up at him only to see a punch heading for my face, the only problem was that this punch seemed to be made of some sort of green energy.

I quickly shifted my head to the side throwing the man off me as the area where my head once occupied was squeezed into pretzels and smashed to pieces. I quickly moved up back to my feet and flew at the well over seven foot man, I jumped up sending a knee strike to his ċhėst, but the same green energy appeared over him, forming a sort of barrier that protected him, and then blasted me backwards. I had as much control over my body in real life as I did in the game, though that's just something I discovered recently. However as I flew through the air I pulled out my handguns and flipped whilst simultaneously pulling the triggers and landing on my feet.

*Bang!* *Bang!!* *Bang!!!* *Pak!* *Pak!!* *Pak!!!*

Every shot I fired seemed to ripple of his shield, I could see the armor piercing bullets completely crumpled into a fraction of their original size. This guy had an absolute defense, he was a Meta-human just like Morrigan and Nuwa, and from the looks of it, a very powerful one. My attention might have been on him, and his on me, but we were still very concentrated on our surroundings. I could hear gun shots from outside the mansion and feel vibrations from beneath my feet. Looks like the other teams were already beginning their ȧssault and cutting off their routes of escape.

Most of the party goers, including the person I very much came here to kill were gathered in one corner of the dining hall. Lamkova Dragonov is a beautiful woman, too bad all that beauty covered a sinister and treacherous heart. But I won't judge, I'm pretty sinister and treacherous myself. There were a few guards around her and the people who were still alive, a green barrier suddenly sprung to life around them, completely cutting them off from Morrigan and the rest of our team.

(Master I can't get into his head, it's almost as if there's some sort of block, he's completely Arghhhhh!!!)


I was so shocked, not just by the fact that Morrigan's voice was just in my head, but by the painful scream she released after. She suddenly collapsed on the ground as her body began shaking and fronting at the mouth, almost as if she was undergoing a seizure or something. I turned to look at the seven foot tall, plane skinned bleached blonde man with the ability to create barriers. The glare in my eye would have set the entire ocean on fire if I was staring at it.

"What the fuċk did you do?" I asked him with undisguised malice.

"Anton did not do anything to black woman! But Anton is going to kill you! Bad man that invades Anton's home and kills Anton's people. But first Anton is going to hurt you very much! And Anton is going to enjoy it very much!" he said to me as he took of the black suit he was wearing and dropped the guns on his body too, along with a rather nasty looking dagger.

It was then I noticed that a sort of battleground had been formed around the two of us, the ȧssault had already been carried out, however our targets were being protected by this brute of a man, to get to them I had to get rid of him, and everyone knew that I would only be satisfied if I was the one who kicked his large but well proportioned ȧss. I took of my suit and threw it to the side before removing the cuff links on my sleeves, then I proceeded to role them up, keeping my eyes on Anton who seemed contented to wait.

"Well Anton, I have every intention of hurting you too, and by the time I'm don't Anton is going to sound even more stupid than he already is, and then I'm going to kill Anton and chop him up into a million tiny pieces, piss on those pieces and then throw them into a fuċkɨnġ volcano!"

"Anton doesn't care what you do to Anton's body. Dead is dead, and if you can take Anton's life you puny common human, then I invite you to try and come battle with a god! Come Anton will teach you good lesson."

Okay this guy's way of speaking would be considered cute....if he was five, but he's a grown man and it was irritating. Why the fuċk would he referring to himself in the third person, but never the less I don't care, I'm going to beat him, one way or another. But I seem to be feeling some sort of pressure/headache at the back of my head, and a weird feeling from my ċhėst too. However there was no time to focus on that, I had to rip this overgrown Russian baby a new one.

"Come on!"



Nezha was staring at the gates into the mansion, wondering how is it that Wade family barrier tech was actually being used to defend it. Heck even the wade's family wolf motif was on the barrier generator that was just unhesitatingly placed on the top of their bloody gate. Were this people so retarded and without fear that they would challenge the Wade family like this, did they really think Aaron so weak, and even if it was just him, what about the rest of them, were they chopped liver.

There was no way Nezha and the rest of team could go through the gate, somebody had to disable it from the other side, but everyone else was busy, and Nezha's sharper than average hearing could hear the sounds of Hades and his team unleashing hell on the other entrance. The guards here on the other hand were smiling, seemingly happy enough to gloat at Nezha's misfortune about not being able to get into the mansion and go on the killing spree he so desperately wanted to.

Nezha didn't like that, the element he could control was never known for being calm or collected. Even when it was seemingly a simple ember, fire would still brunch and leave nothing but ashes behind. Nezha scrunched up his face in anger as he took of running towards the gate, the remaining members of his team called out to him to calm down and slow down, but quite honestly the hot head was not in the mood to listen. Flames showed up on his body, burning off the simple bullet proof armor he had on and exposing the dark blue suit with red flaming phoenix designed on its back.

Nezha took one massive leap and flames shot out from underneath his feet propelling him 25 feet into the air and way over the range of the gate. The guards who were on the other side had their mouth spread open in shock and fright at what they had just witnessed. But that wasn't the end of it as Nezha sent a fireball flying from his hands that completely ruined the barrier generator. Then he landed with a massive explosion, releasing a shock wave of flames that burnt and blasted the four guards backwards.

He didn't give them a chance to recuperate as he moved to the first and stomped his feet down on his head, flames blasting out as his head was crushed and roasted to a crisp at the same time. One of the guards got up and made a run for it, clutching his burnt midriff as he stumbled away. The air around Nezha seemed vibrate as a spear made of fire appeared and shot towards the running guard. He didn't even turn to look or pay attention to where the guard was running to, before facing the third guard who wanted to stand his ground.

There was sound of something being pierced and a shrill scream follows quickly by a loud thud. Nezha ignored the sound as he sent a controlled blast of flames at the gun pointed at him. The guard dropped his gun and threw a kick at Nezha's ċhėst, the fire twin moved to the side and swung his entire arm towards the guards neck, fire blazing as he clotheslined his head of his body, his neck cauterized almost immediately.

As for the fourth guard he was obviously in a dilemma as he didn't know whether to run or fight, because obviously none would work against this murdering king of fire in front of him. His legs were shaking terribly as Nezha kept watch on him and sent a fireball blasting backwards that completely took the gate off it's hinges and almost sent it crashing into his comrades.

"Hey watch where you throw those things Nezha!" someone shouted at him. Nezha ignored and turned to the guard before smiling at him and saying.

"The Wade barrier generator you have is just a pre first generation prototype, a little pressure, heat, or cold and it would completely fall apart. You guys got cheated, but then again it shouldn't matter to you in the grand scheme of things, you're already dead?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the guard feel to the ground, a thin hole on his forehead and if someone looked closer they would be able to see a strand of hair. Nezha turned to look at the seventeen year old Asian kid that walked up towards him with a tooth pick in his mouth and his hands in his pocket.

"You shouldn't play with you kills big brother." The teenager said to him with a smile.

"Coming from the illustrious and trouble making Monkey King, I doubt it matters when such a warning is coming from you." Nezha replied to the kid with a bland tone.


A psychic scream tore through their minds, shaking them to the core. They recognized the voice almost immediately and without waiting for the others they ran towards the mansion, bloody murder in their minds. No one, absolutely no one was allowed to lay a hand on Morrigan, and whoever was so stupid as to hurt even a hair on her head would experience hell on earth, unfortunately they were both in for an intense shock.

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