The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 131 - The Dark Prince Descends(IV): Sister In Moscow

I felt full of energy and life, last as if I had just ingested a ċȯċktail of drugs and energy drinks combined with a massive dozen of adrenaline. It felt really good, and I had this extreme urge to run around the entirety of Moscow nȧkėd and screaming at the top of my lungs, but seeing as I had an image to protect and lives to take, I had to maintain a the image of a mob boss that I had going on. I turned and looked at Lamkova and the rest of her people, these were the people who were at the top of the ladder for the Dragonovs and Vladimirs, they die and both families would become history.

Of course this wasn't all of them, I suspect there were others in other parts of the world, and I'll probably hunt them down later, but for now I'll just have to cut off the head of the snake. I'll deal with the tail later. I dragged on of the chairs from the dining table and took a seat in front of them with my gun in my hand. They were still armed, and obviously they wouldn't go down without a fight, but never the less they're still going to go down, that's one part of this story that's inevitable.

As I sat on the chair I couldn't help but wince in pain a bit, I might be full of the brim with energy, but Anton was a meta human before me, he was stronger, maybe not faster, and he hit hard. Not to mention his barrier seemed capable of absorbing heats and dishing it back in those shock waves that knocked me on my ȧss too many times to count. I had cuts all over my body, and I had to wipe the blood on my forehead so that my vision wouldn't be impaired. Tonight was way more intense than I imagined.

"So Lamkova Dragonov, do you want to talk on your own free will, or do you want me to torture you instead? The thing is there's no way you can get out of this alive, no way at all. But you can decided how you die, which is more than you deserve to be honest. So your death can be quick, or it can be painful, really painful. And seeing what happened to your dog Anton, I'm sure he was in a lot of pain before he turned to dust, not even leaving a body behind. So lady Lamkova, what would it be?"

I'm not so sure I needed information from her, I already had a suspicion about who ordered the hit on me, but I had to be sure, or maybe I was still holding out hope that it wasn't who I thought it was and there was some light at the end of the tunnel in front of me. Lamkova came over, and dragged a seat and placed in front of me. She was wearing a red dress that accentuated all of her curves and exposed way too much skin. On any other day, I would probably try my best to tap that ȧss, but today just wasn't her day. She had green eyes, and they seemed to be glowing with an intensity and light that shouldn't even be in the eye of someone about to die. She had an angle left to play, something that she knew would make me leave her alive. Well now I'm very much anticipating what she has to say.

"Well the thing is Aaron I only tried to kill you because I wanted a share of my inheritance, a chance to be recognized by a father who though his dead only cared about you. So when your or rather should I say our big brother came to me with the plan to have the Wade family inheritance to ourselves, I just couldn't resist little brother, after all I hated the fact that our father only had you in his eyes."

Okay what the fuċk was this bitch spouting, I don't get it, not one bit. Nothing she said made sense, and she knew that I was confused, just as everyone around us was too. Even the people behind her were whispering amongst themselves as her words seemed to trigger a whole bunch of questions amongst them. Lamkova laughed and crossed her leg and leaned back on the chair and then she moved her hands to her eyes, pulling out contact lenses and exposed her very familiar blue eyes to the world.

"It seems you precious Nanny still hasn't told you the biggest secret of your life, I doubt Henry would say anything as that would mean he no longer has any power over you. Well allow me to clear your doubts, or rather I would tell you need to know on two conditions, and two conditions only." She said to me with her red lips cracking open in a sinister grin. Obviously I've taken the bait, and she had caught me, line, hook and sinker.

"What conditions?" I asked her, placing both my hand guns on my ŀȧp where she could see them.

"Number one is that not one member of the Vladimir and Dragonov bloodlines are to be left alive. They're monsters, and the order to kill you was a collective decision between the head honchos in both families, which should be those two old rapists behind me, I'm just a figure head, a very pretty one, but a figure head none the less. And as for the second condition, I expect you to do right by me, do what our father and our brother couldn't do for me and get me the fuċk away from here, safe and alive, and free! How does that sound to you?"

She still wasn't making sense, she was tying to be intentionally vague, but some part of me knew what she was talking about. It wad hanging right at the forefront of my mind and my tongue, a big secret that would probably explain why he was such a shitty father and why my grandfather loved me just as much as he did, and why my mom had lived with him rather than on her own. I looked up at Lamkova, the familiar blue in her eyes were like a jarring confirmation of something else, because it was like I was looking into my grandfather's eyes, my father's (if he really is) my brothers eyes, my own eyes, and my son's eyes. My heart sped up.

"I can see it in your eyes, but I want your word, because right now my survival depends on it. And I know you, even more than you might even know yourself, you're no different than he was, a man who would keep his word, whether he was saving a life or destroying one. He wouldn't falter, he wouldn't shake. So Aaron give me your word." There was no way I couldn't give it, because if what she's saying is true, then this was mg sister standing in front of me. Then a lot of things seemed to click in place and turning around I noticed my soldiers realized it too. Nuwa and Nezha came close with a teenager in tow that was introduced to me as The Monkey King. He said.

"The entire op was a set up, she knew you would come for revenge and bring the best the Wade family has to offer. For a party attended by the big shots of two old crime families, the security was pretty lax, plus I just found out that this mansion was just bought about a three weeks ago, roughly just after the old boss was buried and you took over. That hit on you was sloppy and there was more than enough clues that made tracing it back to this place and to her, to the other more experienced families it made her seem incompetent and slow, but she was trying to get your attention. To kill the head of the Wade family, you would need a nuke or maybe ten, she didn't have any of those. She really is your sister Master, you're both have that sinister bone that has made the Wade family so fuċkɨnġ dangerous. I can't believe we all got played!"

That plot was obviously laid out in front of me, but I didn't pay any attention to the signs. I let my emotion dictate my actions, I felt stupid and obviously I still have a lot to learn, but Lamkova was scary. She condemned no less than a hundred lives if not more just so that she could get to me and bring me here. She was just as ruthless as I am if not more, a that I really didn't need in my life, but one I couldn't get rid of, she's my sister.

"You don't have to say anything, though I would like a more detailed story, we can have that when we're back in Los Angeles, with Nanny Florence around and a DNA test result in hand. But basically my father is my brother and my grandfather is my father right?" I asked her as I got up and holstered both my guns and stretched out a hand to her.

She took it and said. "that's way less eloquent and anticlimactic than I would have said it, but it's true. So what now?" she asked me with her eyes right on mine.

"I have to have breakfast with the president in the morning, Also we need to get Morrigan to a hospital or at least one of our secure facilities. I think she got hurt because of me, and as for the rest of these people. Nuwa find a way and hang their bodies on their gate, Nezha burn them all, and then reduce the mansion to cinders, however loot it first, just in case something good is in here. And then leave a calling card, let the world know who did this, and what would happen if anybody thinks it's smart to fuċk with me. As for you Lamkova, you better pray that you're my sister, because if you're not...…you're going to look for death, but you won't ever find it, for a very long time. Let's go."


"Ahh! Mr. Aaron this is good tea no?"

"Yes it is president Dobrov. I should take some of it with me as a Souvenir." I said to the president as I took a sip from the elaborate China cup in my hands.

"I doubt there's one as good as this in America or in Africa right?" I laughed out loud as I responded to him.

"You seem so very adamant to prove Russia superiority on the drinking of tea. However all I can say is whether it's Africa or America or even Russia. They have what makes them unique and beautiful and sets them aside from the others."

"Hmmm well I can't say that you're wrong. But never the less thank you for your help with the Vladimirs and the Dragonovs. They have been a thorn in the side of the Russian government for years. But if the rumors are to be believe, you had inside help from a family member who brought all of the leaders in one place for you to take down. I must say the Wade family is quite thorough and ruthless, to have planted your own sister into that family for years, until she reached a level where she could bring the family down in one fell swoop. I'm afraid after today, the whole world would fear and hold your family in Awe. You truly are the dark prince of the Underworld, Mr. Wade. I salute your genius and your achievements."

I shook my head with a small smile on my face, I took one final sip of the tea and placed it the china down before stretching my hands and giving the president a good and firm shake.

"Thanks for having me president Dobrov, we should get together and do this again in the future. This time it would be my treat."

"It would be my pŀėȧsurė Mr. Wade, I look forward to our next meeting. Have a safe flight my friend." He said to me as he let go, I turned and got into the limo that was waiting for me, heading straight to a private airstrip outside the city.

Coming to Moscow has been quite electrifying if I do say so myself, I've learnt a lot and truly, a dark prince had descended on this city, but this time it was no dark prince who was leaving this city, rather it was a Dark King. And the future never looked any brighter.

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