The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 132 - Jonah's Whale, Olaf & Meta-Human Abilities

I hate hospitals, their white paint, the stench of antiseptic, and the undeniable aura of death. But this wasn't a hospital, this was just a research lab, in San-Francisco or rather under it. This was or rather is the underwater mobile base that served as a home and training ground to more than three thousand personnel of the Wade family. And it was affectionately coined; Jonah's Whale.

"Sir…..I mean Boss...I mean Master?...."

"Aaron is fine." I answered the incredibly flustered doctor and his group of very nervous ȧssistants and partners.

"well sir I can't tell you exactly how much of an honor and a privilege it is to see you, and not just because you're the head honcho, but your genes and your ability is nothing short of amazing that in just one night, you took care of 10 if not 20 years of research, experimentation and applications. This is just so wonderful."

Okay mad scientist alert, the man who was talking had introduced himself as Olaf, he's the head researcher for not just Jonah's Whale, but the other facilities spread allover the world. He was also in charge of running some tests on me and Morrigan, and as a bonus he took care of the DNA tests between me and Lamkova. It was unsurprisingly positive. I don't really know how I was going to deal with that, so I'm choosing to burry it aside for now, I'll deal with her and my former father now brother as soon as I'm done here.

"How's Morrigan, what do your tests say about what happened to her?" I asked him as I laid back on a bed, bandages allover my still aching body.

"Right! Forgive me for not getting right to the point. Lady Morrigan will be fine, in fact more than fine she would be better than she was when she wakes up, her neural activity is off the charts. But I'm sure you want to know what happened to her? Of course you want to know! Silly me I'm such a klutz. Hehehe."

This guy really was a mad scientist, though to be honest he doesn't look the part, for one the dude is well built, tall, handsome and had tattoos! The ink on him were a lot, so much so I could see them peaking out of the edges of his lab coat, and on his neck and some parts of his face. The only science thing about him was probably his round glasses, it just made him look like some hunky Harry potter.

"Morrigan's ability is actually much like yours but fundamentally different. Anything that gives off a signal and information, she's able to tap into it and for all intents and purposes hack or communicate with machines. We call that a technopath, however humans are also machines when you look at it from a certain angle. We give off our own signals, and it's stronger amongst guys like yourself who have Meta-human abilities. Plus Morrigan's ability works more on men than women, think of it like when animals give off pheromones, or when two magnets attract.

Males being the opposite of females are more susceptible to her, well her charms Hehehe! But basically she finds it easier to telepathically communicate with men, than with women. So she tried doing the same with you, however your ability awakened at that moment and reacted violently to the intrusion. I would say you power created a firewall against and invading virus, and shot back with a virus of it's own that left Lady Morrigan comatose and her electrical synapses in complete disarray. However you don't have to worry too much sir, as her mind is currently fixing itself and strengthening her abilities by virtue of the electrical virus which is biological in every sense of the word. But the bottom line is she's going to be fine and should be awake in anything from a week to a month at the maximum." Olaf said to me with a smile.

That smile of his was intimidating, so far I've coasted by with my money and charisma, but quite honestly if we were somewhere else, this guy would get all the girls. He was too damn perfect and it annoyed the hell out of me, in fact I wanted him to get away from me as fast possible, but I'm pretty sure to him I'm a new shiny toy all wrapped up and ready to be played with.

"Well as long as she's going to be fine then I don't have any problems with that. However please keep me posted in case there's any change in her condition, I leave my personal line with you once I'm leaving, that way you can reach me anytime and anywhere. Plus I'll be calling you and the rest of the researchers in a week, there's a very important project I would want you guys to work on." I said to him as I stood up, ignoring the dull aches from my body.

"That's very gracious of you sir, I'll make sure to try my best." He replied with a too happy tone, there was just this light in his eyes that made me really uncomfortable.

"Right, so what did you find out about me, and my abilities?" the light in his eyes seemed to get brighter, and he actually clapped three times and bounced on his toes like a fiver year old, or a really demented clown.

"Yes! Of course! I'm sure you and everyone would think that your ability is to manipulate the electrical currents in your body right? WRONG! Your true ability is practically to absorb and reproduce super powered cells, or rather Meta-human cells. Controlling electrical currents could be considered a bonus ability, or rather a medium for you true power to shine. At first you were only able to control the currents within your body, which we've all discovered is necessary for the activation of all Meta-abilities, which is to say that current activates and deactivates their power and carries a trace of their DNA, or rather their Meta cells.

When Morrigan connected to you, a virtual or rather a psychic clone or representation of her Meta-cells were absorbed by you. But it's not the real thing, so you didn't get her full abilities or her exact abilities. What you got was the ability to see and feel the electrical currents or as you mentioned during your tests, the META-CURRENTS within the bodies of meta humans. You can also see and feel electrical currents in a normal human body, and remotely control and influence it, giving you a medium to, should you want in the future, absorb the abilities of other meta human, and restructure it to your own genetic make up's interpretation of the ability."

"...….. I have no idea what all that means?" I said to him with a bland look on my face.

"Basically it means your cells have become polymorphic in way that defies human understanding. They can rapidly replicate and all multiple layered for each ability you have. But as every human being is different, much like our DNA and facial structures, your cells when the absorb a new power and develop a new layer, would not fully replicate it, rather they would ȧssimilate it into existing abilities and produce the absorbed power in a manner that would solely belong to you. Or in simpler terms, two people might have the same power, but the way it's deployed and used would be different based on the fact that they're two different people with two completely different DNA strands. Do you get it now?"

"Yeah thanks Olaf, I do. But do you guys have a name for my ability yet, and do you know how I can keep track or use these powers I've absorbed?" I asked him.

"We don't know what to call your ability yet, we're working on that, however we have a little piece of tech that's still in development. It's an augmented reality neural interface that can for the most part, play the part of a UI(user interface) HUD from virtual reality games in real life. We're still working out the kinks, but when we're done, phones, computers, walkie talkies, TVs, and headsets would be a thing of the past. It would be able to track things from blood pressure to blood sugar levels, properly outline a person's physical capabilities and capacity and also growth in both mental attributes and physical ones, including knowledge. It would be a cheat for kids who need to write exams, but it also means that knowledge whenever they need it, would be right in front of their eyes. It's going to be next big thing after Mic***oft! We'll be freaking famous and rich boss!"

I couldn't help but be swept up in his enthusiasm as I laughed along with him, handsome, fit and as mad as this middle aged man seemed, he was a pure soul. It made me feel as if I was talking to an overly exuberant child. If he was this happy, and judging by the smiles of the other researchers behind him, so were they, then let's give them something more to sink their teeth in.

"Say Olaf!"

"Yes Boss?"

"What do you think when I ask you to put human clones, artificial intelligence and virtual reality neural interface in the same conversation?" at first he was confused as he furrowed his eyebrows and turned to his colleagues who looked just as perplexed as he was. And then a proverbial light bulb came on in his head and he turned to me.

"OH. MY. GOD." I burst out into laughter as I placed my hand on his shoulders.

"Come with me Olaf, there's much we have to discuss."

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