The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 133 - Virtual Reality Department

I had to hurry back home without much time to move around Jonah's Whale and know what it was truly all about, however even in my rush to meet up with the mayor of new York city for the opening of the new island park, I was unable to meet up, and my father or rather my brother had to take care of it. Plus I also received a call from Kira and Penny.

While I was busy exterminating two of the oldest crime families in the world, they had went to the headquarters of my inherited real estate company and took care of some legal stuff that I was much too tired to pay attention to. With the arrangements they've made, they would be able to consolidate and properly manage the real estate business along with the rest of my shares in Imperium industries. But I had a meeting with her and Malia once I got back, though it wasn't an official one, but rather a pitch from the virtual reality department. Obviously I will be having a very busy Saturday.

Three hours later my private jet touched down in Los Angeles and I was quickly on my way to the company. I could just as easily pushed this meeting for later, but it was important, plus I really wanted my schedule next week to be clear as I focused more on the game, I haven't really been able to progress as much as i wanted to. Plus with the rate things were going, I would need to change my pattern of game play and rethink this solo pirate captain stint. I might really need a guild to get things done, but there was no hurry, I can figure it out slowly.

My arrival at the office was uneventful, I met Kira at the lounge and then we both went to the twentieth floor where the Virtual reality department was. We met Malia the moment we got there, she seemed to be really at home with her brown overalls, white sneakers and white turtle neck shirt, plus the glasses were quite fashionable. She was supposed to be in charge of restructuring the virtual reality department, so a budget was given to her for the employment of new programmers and software designers, young minds at the top of their fields and looking for a chance to prove themselves. Plus the budget also covered any future projects they might need to undertake, so it was quite a lot.

As it stands due to a little meddling from my mother, the overall structure of the game can not be changed. It's rules are set in stone and it was almost entirely running automatically, so I really wanted to know how they would circumvent that, to make a leeway for a tournament that's not being sponsored and held by the game's AIs.

"Alright Malia, I came straight from the airport. I'm tired and my bones ache, even though the flight wasn't that long. Regardless let me hear what you guys have and please make it brief or I might actually fall asleep halfway through." I said to her and the group of very nervous people standing behind her.

"Alright! Well first things first we're all really grateful for this opportunity that you've given us, it's more than anyone ever gave us and we will try out best to make sure that we don't let you down." I nodded my head in response to that as she continued speaking.

"Well as a whole no programmer or game designer can implement any change or change the laws that govern lost descendants online, not unless they have the base control codes that were used to create it's foundation in the first place.

With those codes, we would be able to tear down and build anything back up within the game. But it's been lost for a few years; as the last known person to have it was your mother. The other programmers and designers had small access codes to different areas that helped them keep the game fresh, but the update deleted those codes or made them obsolete and Ineffective, making Lost descendants online a game that ran and grew on it's own, practically we could call it another world.

However she left a back door, in the end lost descendants still needs to grow, and since there's no prime AI in charge of generating any new contents, at least it has still not fully taken form yet as, we've discovered at least a 108 such artificial intelligence, growing and taking form. We suspect they would take the position of gods or cosmic beings within the game, changing and improving the game on their own. Either way until then, we have a backdoor to add new contents to the game, but only in small scales as that's all it would allow. So we can only add small quests, and new species of monsters, anything else like new landmasses or planets, or a new AI is impossible. So we had to get really creative for this new event and tournament.

So while we couldn't make any big changes, to the game, we could per say make a bridge to another game, or rather trick the game into sharing a connection with another game, a skeleton or clone based and derived from it current composition. And as such susceptible to the laws of lost descendants online, but still under our control that we can shape it or rather allow the players and AIs to shape it into something great. But in this new world the developers are the gods, which means we can properly work within the limits of an official tournament. We can give rewards, set the rules and ban players, and also find a way to influence the main game, but it would be more like sending dignitaries into LDO and changing it, using diplomacy and trade. Basically creating an economy between both games.

And since this new game or rather I should say virtual dimension is derived and framed from LDO, the parent game would probably recognize it as a part of itself, sharing codes and laws and in time we might be able to retrieve the base code for LDO and retake control of it."

Well first of all that wasn't the pitch for a tournament, rather they were telling me they were making another game? Or rather something of the sort that would probably share the same server with LDO, but would be more in our control giving us free access to shaping it. Of course it would be connected to LDO so both would influence each other, with the new game carrying our influences into LDO and vice versa. When you think about it differently, LDO was now a land of AI, but this new virtual dimension would be a land of players, and with both connected, the gaming experience for LDO would be at an all time high and extremely unique.

The difference between AI and players would be more prevalent, it would be like earth coming in contact with an Alien planet. We can introduce our cultures and beliefs and have an equal exchange, rather than being players who conformed to traditions and culture created for the game. And with how intelligent the AIs are, this would probably advance their growth massively.

"But still this was not the tournament I asked for" I said to Malia with a dull voice.

I didn't mean to come off as rude or unimpressed, but I just wanted to make sure that they kept their eyes on the prize and focus on what we need to happen. With all of the changes Imperium Industries would be going through in the coming months, we would need the tournament as a smokescreen for our foray into weapons manufacturing, biological cloning, and incorporation of the Wade family's dark empire into a private and 'open' operation. This tournament would give the public something to sink their teeth into.

"We have a rough...but! Definite plan or rather plans for the tournament and this time we're trying something different than the norm. Usually previous tournaments are based on ranking battles between players, and while we're still going to use that system, it's only going to be secondary to the primary theme of this tournament. The new virtual dimensional copy of LDO will serve as an uncharted and un-pioneered planet that players and also AIs from LDO would have to build into something.

We will allow 100 people or rather 100 guilds with the territory creation order to choose a land and try to grow it from a settlement to a village, to a town, to a city and into a kingdom and then an empire. Basically it's a kingdom building game and since territory orders are mostly within the hands of guilds, this would be a bloody competition between the guilds. This land already has races of its own, along with unique monsters, treasures, weapons, blueprints, dungeons and even an entirely different system. Everyone will start from level one and try to build a kingdom and improve their strength.

There would only be 100 spots for the territory orders, so it would be a fight between a 100 guilds from allover the world. A battle royal ranking tournament would be held on the first four days of the tournament launch to determine the top 200 ranking. People on this list will receive special skills and legacies that would make them very important to the hundred guilds and improve their kingdoms and their rate of growth, though it's quite possible for the guilds to have people in this ranking as the battle royals is for every interested player. Also it would be like a reality show, everything that happens within the settlements of the hundred guilds would be shown, within a secure streaming channel that would also be launched when the tournament begins or at least a few months to it, so that advertisement for the tournament would begin.

The 100 guilds or lords with the territory order would fight each other for supremacy, resources and power. Deals would be made, political and business wise. Blood would be shed, people would be betrayed and wars would be fought, until the first kingdom is born, that person becomes the winner and advances to the second season where it would be kingdoms against kingdoms until an empire is born. And then....we just let the future take care of itself. We're still working on the details, but so far this is what we've got on ground and we hope it's not too bad. So what do you think?"

"Two games for the price of one, and even then there's so much intrigue and potential to it. What do I think? Well I think I like it, I like it very much. You guys should thoroughly work on the details, come Monday I'll send a team of scientists who are working for me to develope a piece of augmented reality tech to you, I'm so you would all be able to collaborate properly, especially that streaming service of yours.

It's 2187 and yet our company doesn't have a streaming service, that's just dumb. Work on it and get me a proper visual presentation, I want to see what this world is like. What the races and cultures are like, and if I should give a suggestion, I would say you should fully pattern it after the cultures and traditions of Earth. You can add your own spin to it, but I would really love to see a village of samurais and an island of Vikings.

I'll come over later so that we can share more ideas and work on making it better. But for now, well done! You guys have left me impressed and really outdone yourselves this time, and since it's your first time, I can't imagine how you would top this In the future. But honestly though, what do you intend to call this tournament?" I asked them as I got to my feet. Malia looked at the others, but it looks like no answer was forthcoming.

"We're still working on it sir." She answered me with a small smile on her face.

"Well take your time, and whatever it is, make sure it would be just as epic as i know this tournament and new world would be. You guys should have a good day, Malia? Please walk with me."

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