The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 134 - Atlantis (I): Acheron's Level Up

"Malia; my mother left something with you just before she died didn't she? I believe this to be a memory stick or flash drive with motifs of super heroes. Do you have anything of that sort with you, or is it just my speculation?"

I asked her as we stood on a balcony overlooking the common area of the virtual reality department.

She didn't answer me at first, rather she placed her hand into her shirt and pulled out a familiar flash drive attached to a chain that was hanging around her neck.

Honestly I was surprised that she had been keeping it so close to herself, obviously it was quite important to her so she treated it with the utmost care. She placed the flash in my hand and gave me a small smile as she closed my fist around it.

"Your mother said I should give it back to you the moment you ask for it, because that would mean you were ready, though ready for what? I have no idea. I don't know what that is Aaron, but I believe that it had a lot of importance to your mother, and probably important to someone else, because your mom died a week after this was given to me. I don't know if it was just a coincidence seeing as the medical reports says she died from natural causes, but even then the reports were inconclusive as one says she had a aneurysm, another a heart attack, and the third says it was her cancer that did her in.

I'm not sure which, however I believe the answers are in that flash. Unfortunately I couldn't get anything out of it, the encryption on that thing is something I recognize seeing as I designed 40% of it, the other 60% is way beyond my current capabilities. Without more knowledge, it would take me months if not years to hack it, and until you gave me a job, I lacked the resources to do so. Either way I don't think your mom would have left this for you without a way for you to access the information within it." She said to me as she placed her hands in her pockets.

"Thank you so much Malia, I'm grateful." I said to her with every shred of gratitude I could muster.

"Don't worry about it, what are families for? Now if you would excuse me, I have to get back to work. See you soon boss."

She walked back into the conference room as I turned and made my way to the elevator. To be honest I was in no hurry to find out what was hidden within the flash drives, maybe I was afraid, or maybe it was because I just wasn't sure what I would find should I go digging into it. It was hard to put my finger on it, but I had the feeling that these flash drives would change a lot, or if I'm not careful.....everything.


When I logged back into the game it was almost as if I left a weight behind me, I was still on the shores the mobile pirate island, and there were a few tents spread allover the place as a sort of cocoon of light was blazing in front of me. That was probably the Acheron, she was still undergoing her evolution, but given how long I've been out of the game, she should be about done with it any minute from now.

I could see Dinah and Qitar hunched over a tablet as they conversed in hushed whispers, while the clones stood close to them. Raven Song was leaning against his massive shield that he had propped up in the sand, and Zareth was right beside him throwing tiny pebbles into the dying embers of the camp fire in front of him.

It was quite the tranquil scene, however I had this gut feeling that peaceful moments like this won't last very much in the future to come. I shifted my gaze towards the rows of tents and noticed the Nereids and Sky hanging out with the rest of the people who lived on the island or were saved from it, if I didn't know better I would say that they were all waiting for the Acheron to finish evolving before we all moved on, I guess we will be having lots of company in the days and hours to come.

Suddenly the lights around the Acheron began to dim, before slowly disappearing, leaving behind a ship that was twice as large and wide as the former. The Acheron's triple masts gleamed under the light of the golden sun; as her blue and black sails fluttered under the ċȧrėss of a nonexistent wind. I got up to my feet and walked towards it, ignoring the gazes on me as I pulled up her stat page.





•DEFENSE: 30.8/ SPEED: 50.9/ POWER: 45.4/BALANCE: 37.2









It was a lot stronger than before, with new skills and even the capabilities of a submarine. I would really love to try that out, but maybe later. There were streaks of midnight blue on the body of the Acheron, the deck was a whole lot more wider, and there were guns mounted on both the port and starboard side of the ship. It still had the look and feel of wooden pirate ship, however it now had three floors as opposed to the previous two, was wider, and had fins on it's side like some sort of giant fish.

I couldn't really estimate it's current size, but I reckon she was over a 100 feet long if not more. And even though she's gotten a little bit bulky, her speed was still her defining factor. Not exactly sure how much stronger she was now, and we've not really matched up with other vessels in a proper gun battle on the open sea, but our time will come I guess. But all in all, she's looking like a real beauty, and I loved it.

"I think I'm no longer needed, heck I'm not even sure I was needed in the first place. Your ship can take care and upgrade itself. To be honest I've never seen anything like it before." Dinah said to me as she came to stand beside me.

"She's our ship, and of course she needs you. You're the one who had put her together and made it possible for her to have grown this far. She needs you, and so do I. Now more than ever as it seems I've gone and pissed on the wrong tree, of course if you feel you can't handle it, you can leave, I won't stop you." I said to her with a serious expression.

"What are you? Five! Don't try to guilt trip me with that kind of pathetic look on your face, you look constipated. I've already thrown my lot in with you for better or for worse, to be honest, before you guys came and saved me, I've just been going through the motions. There wasn't much value to my life, no purpose and no direction or future to follow. Taking care of this ship has been the single most gratifying thing I've ever done in my life, she's like my baby, and the crew she carries are also like my children. I can't exactly leave you guys now, you'll all die without me, and that's a fact honey. See you later captain.......also leave the door to your quarters unlocked."

And then she sashayed her way towards the ship, leading the others aboard as we prepared to depart from this bloody island. We've spent way too much time here, and we could be in danger of being surrounded by bounty hunters, or just anyone terribly enticed by the bounty on my head.

Well they can all bring their best and then some. But for now I'm looking forward to tonight, after all Dinah did say to leave my door unlocked.




2P: only fools wouldn't watch it, he's one of the most evil amongst all the players!????????

3P: yet he still has a massive fan base and is know as one of the top streamers. ????????

1P: you guys are missing the point, there's another dragon Avatar! And he seems to be one aligned to elements! An elemental dragon Avatar!????????????

2P: it's the first time I've ever seen Hell Rain in such a dire situation, and it was even on live stream! The whole world watched his defeat! Damn! ????????????

4P: And now this Aa Seven is now one of the most wanted and infamous character Within the game! But I'm in full support of him! The dragon emperors and their kings are tyrants and monsters, yet most NPC look up to them! It's just wrong!????????

3P:Hey don't come and saddle us with any sort of moralistic bullshit! Even that Aa Seven guy is no saint. He was the one who went into warp drive within a planet, he was not even in the atmosphere and in the process he killed thousands of people!????????

5P: I don't know about you, but I will take any evil over the dragon Avatars. Their Dragon God guild has been causing all sort of trouble and are completely unbridled in the way they act. ????????????

64P: hey! Not all dragon god guild members are bad, some of us are heroes! ????????

1P: that may be so, but the one's who matter, the seven guild leaders are monsters! Some of them like Hell Rain have done things in the game that would warrant a life sentence in real life. If the head is rotten, then how can the body be any good. ????????

2P:I say Hell Rain got what he deserved, did you all watch those livestreams where he rȧpėd NPCs and players alike, even after Imperium industries released a statement that all NPCs within the game are sentient! AKA artificial intelligence. They can feel, just like we do, yet that guy.....he's a real monster.????????

1P: if this new elemental dragon avatar Starts up a guild, I'm going to join in a heartbeat, I believe he is starting a revolution to restore balance to the game. ????????







As a player it was without a doubt that he was playing this game for the glory it would bring, or maybe that was what he played for when he first started. But now everything was different, this game changed you, it brought out the darkness that you try to deny and bury, it brought out the worst in people. But it also brought out the best, only in this case the best doesn't always conform to morals.

IronBlade was a warrior, or rather a Demon Herald. That's what his new class was called anyway, and honesty he liked it. It suited him perfectly, being the one who went ahead to sow discord and trouble, before the true horror lands, and as it stands what came after him was the literal gates of hell itself. It would be a time of blood, flames, death and the indulgence of every carnal dėsɨrė a demon could muster.

IronBlade did not believe in good or bad, all he believed in was profit, and what he had to do to get it. However within this game, he found himself actually believing in something, a cause. And it was far from noble, but yet he had become so invested in it that he would happily give his life for it to come to light. Of course death for players means they're revived at their closest safe point, which means death isn't something to fear, he could serve and fight as much he wanted. Now here he was in this magnificent city, putting together the finishing touches on a grand plan that had been cooking for over five hundred years, or in player terms, before the update. It was close to fruition, he could almost smell it.


"Hey watch the way you move that! The cargo you're moving is worth your lives and that of your seven generations, be careful you miserable fools!" IronBlade shifted his gaze to the almost 70 feet wide metal container as a group of Sahagins pulled it Inland towards the base.

As they moved IronBlade felt his heart get stuck in his throat as he noticed a tiny hole on the side of the container. It was not the hole itself that scared him, but rather the piercing serpentine green eyes that stared back at him with a calmness that left chills within his bones. He shuddered as the container was dragged away, taking a deep breath and rubbing his hands on his body to get rid of the goosebumps that popped allover his skin.

"No matter how hard you look at me, it won't change anything. You'll be dead in three days anyway and a glorious day will dawn on New Gaia. It will be HELL ON EARTH."

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