The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 136 - Atlantis (III): Rage Of The Seas

Zareth crouched down and then shot of into the sky, his diminutive body becoming nothing more than a speck in less than a second. We quickly drew close to the fleet of pirate ships that were ȧssaulting the island. I gave Qitar a nod as the turrets came alive. The new guns had too short a range, so we have to move in close to fire, plus they were not as maneuverable as the turrets, and the pulse cannon was just overkill, not to mention we could take out the island if we use it. We have to move in close, and since the aim was to wipe them all out, we will have to end them all, thoroughly.

"All none combatants get below deck immediately! Darke move her until she's coming at them from the east. The island is to the north of us, we don't want it caught in the blast range of the pulse cannon. Qitar focus fire on the exterior of their fleet, we're right behind them, but that doesn't mean they won't be able to touch us. We need suppressive fire to be able to get in range. Raven! the starboard bow would be under intense fire! I would like to rely on the ship's shield, but just in case be prepared to raise the bastion! Now move! It's about to get really turbulent around here."


The sea below us began to roil and shake as I slammed the two pronged fork on the ground, having change it's form already. The fork with it's obviously missing middle prong that would have made it a complete trident glowed. There was even more power coming from it as it stood on it's own and changed the ocean currents to help us move faster.

The turrets began to shake as they opened fire on the fleet. Some of the ships at the rear were caught off guard and suffered a lot of damage with even a few blowing up under the intense and very accurate barrage of shots from Qitar. Just ten seconds in and we've caused a significant amount of damage, but it was just superficial as the ships on the periphery did not seem all that important.

However they were already aware of our presence now, so it didn't come as a surprise to me that a transparent black shield grew around the fleet, forming a massive dome that blocked and absorbed all of the strikes from the turrets. The damage from the turrets were not enough to even pierce the dome, and it was too wide spread.

"Qitar the shots are two widespread and wild, can you focus fire on a single point while I try something?" I yelled at her as sea foam was sprayed over my body, the sea itself very disturbed by our movements and the power of the Ocean Scepter.

There were hundreds of turrets allover the body of the ship, and since the starboard side was facing the fleet of pirate ships not all of them were facing the fleet, however it was still enough. Flashes of yellow light became pointed at a particular point in the barrier, smashing against it and raising a massive spray of sea water and steam, completely obscuring our vision of the dome and the fleet under it. After fifteen intense seconds of precision shooting, Qitar stopped, and it took another 20 seconds for the ocean winds to blow the fog of steam that had formed from Qitar's ȧssault. However much to our horror and surprise, the dome was still very much intact. And it was at this time our opponents decided to fight back.

*BOOM!* a cannon ball exploded ten meters in front of me, blasting sea water into the air and causing a shockwave that threw me on my back. The pirates were working with guns similar to the newly mounted guns on the side of the ship, which means it had more power, shorter range and terrible aim, plus it also took a while to reload, but with how many of them were out there, obviously these guys won't have to worry about that at all.

Raven moved forwards and raised his tower shield up, slamming it with a loud thud on the ship as an illusory image of a golden mountain showed up and covered the entire ship. Coupled with the energy shield of the ship which was immediately deployed by Darke as a secondary defense measure, we were able to withstand the barrage, but I knew it wouldn't last. We have to get in position so that Qitar could use the pulse cannon and end this once and for all.

I rolled forward grabbed the fork and crying out in righteous anger I raised it up and slammed it down on the ship. There was a loud clang, so deep and so pervasive in the way it made vibrations surge into your entire body. It made the entire battlefield fall silent as we all wondered or rather they wondered what it was I just did.

The Acheron was still moving as fast as she could when Suddenly the Ocean began to rise up on it's own. We were still trying to get into position as a tidal wave appeared, huge, massive and carrying with the fury of the seas. It was so large that the sun was blotted out, and a shadow was cast on our ship and on the dome covered fleets. We were on the other side so we really couldn't see what was happening, but the moment the tidal wave began to move, we felt it.

It carried the winds with it flapping the sails of the Acheron and bringing a chill that sunk deep into our bones and left us gasping for air. There was no stopping it, this was a force of nature and even in front of it I was so daunted and awe struck with amazement and fear that I felt my knees shake. I've done something like this before, when I first got the sea Sword, but now it's the ocean scepter, not to mention that this place seemed special and important to the weapon itself. The power it brought to bear this time was too much, even for a game, this was beyond the realm of mortals and right into fuċkɨnġ godhood.


It fell down on the dome, bringing more than half of it down whilst smashing the ships in periphery to smithereens. A shockwave of ocean winds was released in every direction possible, my hair blown back as the chill in the air became even more powerful. More than half the ships within the fleet were destroyed, all that was left behind was crushed heaps of metal and wood, and along with it were the bodies, there were hundreds of them, it was a lot. But even still it was not enough.

The central part of the fleet was still standing, the dome seemed to have shrunk itself until it was covering only a small portion of the ships, and with how extravagant and powerful looking the ships that survived were, I'll say the people leading this ȧssault were right there. I was shocked that they were able to withstand the power of the tidal wave, it was such a shocking achievement that my mind went blank for a second, and that's when I heard the whistling, burning sound. I looked up.

"I. AM. ZARETH!!!!"


It was like dropping a meteor the size of a city on top of them, even though that meteor in this case, was nothing more than a 4 and a half foot dwarf with anger issues. A fiery shockwave was release from the point of impact, and it was so powerful that it set the very sea on fire. Whoever might have survived the tidal wave, well it was hard not to feel pity for them as dragon fire took over and rapidly scorched them until even their own mothers didn't recognize them. Of the ships that had been able to survive the tidal wave, only three were left, and of those three, two were on fire and Zareth was on one of them fighting and killing.

The central ship still had the dome covering it, but it was flickering, looking like the dying embers of a once glorious flame. Seems to me like the Ion pulse cannon would only be able to showcase it's power another day. For now though we could take care of what's left.

"Darke full steam ahead! Head right for the enemy ships, Qitar shift primary ȧssault to the Star dragon guns, make every shot count and bust that dome down. Also try to give me and Zareth some cover. Sky! Come on let's go." I called out to sky as I spread my wings and took off, flying with Sky on my head, her helmet form activated. I have no idea why these guys were attacking, but a dragon was dead, and as far I'm concerned, the DEATH!

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