The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 137 - Dragon Wars & The Trident City Of Atlantis (I): Persephone

I flew over the waters the fork trailing behind me and parting the sea, shots from the turrets flew past me intercepting shots from the enemy ships. Since the main ship still had that dome on it, we have to deal with it last, and to be honest it sort of worked well for me. At least this way I could slaughter my way through the two burning ships and leave the inhabitants of the main ship shaking and quaking in fear.

I landed on the first ship startling the people on it who were slowly shifting the target to a rampaging Zareth on the other ship. I swept the two meter long fork over my head and slammed it into the ċhėst of the person closest to me, he seems to be an orc. There was loud thud as he was blasted towards the port side of the ship, acting like a bowling ball as he took out most of his comrades. It was then I realized that of all the people here, more than 90% of them were players.


Spells and skills that were heading towards me completely fizzled out into nothing as the players and AIs opened their eyes in shock completely caught of guard by the current state of things. I quickly shifted the fork and hung it on my back as I shifted Sky back into her staff form and raised her up in a manner that was very much reminiscent of ancient wizards from media depictions of the last century. Heck I even wanted to say something cool with it.




It was like a Meteor or rather a star exploded, releasing a shockwave silver fire that spread in an epicenter. I had to close my eyes as the flash of light was so bright, that I could feel the burn, even with my eyes closed, the pained yells of the people on the ship was not helping matters either. The ship under my feet blasted to pieces, burning to ash before I could even say biscuit. I fell into the sea with a splash alongside wisps of silver flames that seemed to now be an extra effect of Sky's skill. Which also came as a result of those extra skills from the weapons she devoured.

I swam around and flew right up, spreading my wings as I took to the air, only to notice Zareth also in the air, flames glowing on the edge of the metal boots he was wearing. I reckon those weren't a normal piece of equipment either, we both hovered in the air over the last remaining ship, like avenging dragon gods. And that's when we felt a tug, two actually! One coming from the island and rapidly approaching us, and the other from the ship itself.

The air seemed to have dropped a few degrees more than normal, Zareth and I turned towards the island, and that's when we noticed a girl or woman with snow white diamond skin that glittered under the glare of the afternoon sun. Her hair was a startling shade of silver as she ran across the sea, every step she took left a trail of ice as her steps froze the sea solid. She got to me and Zareth in almost no time at all and then created a massive pillar that she raised under us. Zareth and I looked at each other as we both dropped down on it. Whoever and whatever this girl was, she's a player.

"I'm sorry I'm late, thank you so much for protecting the island in my stead. I was undergoing a little bit of training from the water dragon. I trust the both of you are also Avatars, just like me."

She was so regal and calm, and cold, very cold. In my line of work it's slowly becoming a habit that I don't trust anyone I meet for the first time, however this game was weird, it wasn't only affecting your sensory perceptions and making you a part of another world, even your feelings can be influenced to hate or feel comfortable around a person or object. Of course it doesn't mean you can't ignore such feelings if you want to, but it's weird.


At first I thought the angry tone of voice was directed at woman besides us, but when I looked at who was talking and saw the venomous look he was sending my way, I sort of understood what or who the angry tone of voice was for. I looked down at him and smiled as I sat down on the edge of the ice pillar, shifting Sky into her bow form. It was at that moment that the Acheron drew close coming to a stop right beside the enemy ship that actually dwarfed her, guns at the ready and engines running.

"Well hello Hell Rain, it's been a while since I've seen your sorry ȧss, three days has felt like three years! So what's up man? You know what; don't answer that. I'm sure you must have felt very frustrated recently, after all the last time we met, I sort of left you in pieces, lot's of pieces. Want to try for round two?" I asked him with a lazy yet wild grin on my face.

"Who do you think you are? The might and power of the Dragon God guild is not something you can trifle with. You're just one player, and even she won't be able to help you, much less the NPC besides you. You guys are nothing within the grand scheme of things, there's already a ridiculous bounty on your head for killing me before, what do you think will happen if you do it again. We have no quarrel with you Aa Seven, so just hop on your little ship and sail away!"

I wish I knew and understood why he was here, honestly it's not as if he was wrong about me just being one man. The support he had behind himself, both player base and game base was beyond ridiculous and they would drown and suffocate me before I even get a chance to throw the first punch. Aaron Wade has a only been able to get as far as he has because there was a literal army of fighters and geniuses supporting him from the shadows. Aa Seven just has a few crew members, but then again that can change.

How hard can it possibly be to build up a considerable force that would rival the Dragon guild which has been in power for quite a few years. My mind tells me it's going to be really hard, but I believe I can take a short cut anyway. Regardless that was something for the future, right now I just have to deal with this insufferable prick.

"Hell Rain you poor, poor boy. First of all let's get something straight, I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm just a guy you're not supposed to threaten, because when you do shit like that my fingers itch a lot and I get the uncontrollable urge to deep fry all you miserable bitches from the Dragon God Guild to a tender crisp.

Now to be honest I don't give a shit about the island, it means nothing to me, but there's a dead dragon in this waters, a dragon you idiots fuċkɨnġ murdered. I'm bound by honor and duty to rip out your rib cage and then stab it into your ȧss hole for doing that, which is what I'm going to fuċkɨnġ do! Right after I'm done with my monologue.

So you claim your guild is the most powerful, top of the ranks and all that. You know I'm the top ranking player too, top of the level. And just how did you think I got there, do I look normal to you....Aish! Why am I talking so damn much, Zareth! Qitar! Let's Fuck this guy up some more."

Zareth shot off the ice pillar, his lance ablaze with flames that were actually bright yellow and gold. Looks like his flames has leveled up or something. The diamond ice chick beside me(I really wonder what sort of race she was) raised her hands and began to chant, massive silvery blue and white spell circles coming to life above our heads and spinning slowly.


Qitar unhesitatingly opened fire on the ship using the powerful mounted guns who's power at such a close range was beyond ridiculously destructive. Every time it's energy balls slammed into the shield, it released a shockwave as the shield itself shook under the ȧssault. Zareth's lance slammed into the shield releasing yellowish gold flames that covered much of the shields circumference.

He held on for a while, trying to pierce through when a canon ball slammed into his body and threw backwards onto the sails of the Acheron which surprisingly bundle itself up to wrap around and slow him down. However a point blank shot from a cannon ball on a ship that big would probably leave more than a dozen bones in my body broken, the fact that he was just looking a little dazed was a miracle in and out of itself.


Well that doesn't look like a thousand snowflakes, however that was probably because the skill was still at a somewhat low level. The glass like ice dragons were each about two meters long, and there was about maybe fifty or more of them circling around her body in a really fast and intense manner, so much so that it was a little hard to see her from behind them.


A gun spat out fire and steel from the enemy ship towards me and the ice queen floating above my head. It had bȧrėly reached anywhere when the Illusory form of a golden mountain came to life not just over the ship, but also above me and the woman. Looks like Raven has leveled up this skill quite a bit. The cannon ball slammed into the shield and blew it apart, however the mountain had slowed the momentum of the cannon ball, and it was just enough for me to wave a hand aside, creating a pillar of water that swallowed the cannon ball and sent it flying right back at their shield.


Her calm voice could either soothe you or leave your feeling chills deep within the depths of your bones. The ice dragons rushed forwards and actually moved into the shield without it even hindering it one bit. My eyes widened in shock at what I just saw, this must be one of those skills that could actually ignore defense, and you're telling me there's supposed to be a thousand of those dragons....what the fuċk! why didn't I get a skill like that from Zephyr! That's so not fair.

Everywhere the ice dragon passed, things were frozen or smashed. The crew members aboard the ship were running every which way as frost began to spread across the ship, and at the moment it met any one of them, they would be frozen solid, becoming a statue of ice that gleamed under the sunlight. This skill was freezing everything, even the shield itself was also being frozen.

"Fuck you Seven! And fuċk you too Persephone You ice cold bitch! You think this is over! In just under twenty minutes an army bigger than this and led by someone who can actually shift into his dragon form would be on his way here, and he's going to fuċk you both up! You won't be able to fight him, just like me you've both used your dragon form within the past three days, and I know you will need another five days before you can shift, until then you and that fuċkɨnġ island! and all those disgusting evil elemental dragonling nursery you're secretly protecting would burn to the ground. Mark my words! Under the wrath of the Dragon God guild, you both will burn, hahahahah…..hack! Haaaccck!! Haaaaaccck!!!"

I don't know what an arrow to the throat feels like, but that's definitely what it sounds like, plus I'm sure the pain must be out of this world. Hell Rain was hunched over on his knees, blood spilling out of his throat in soft rivulets with my arrow sticking out of both sides of his neck. The ice reached him, freezing him in seconds and even his red blood was frozen in mid air too.

In front of me was a ship and it's crew completely frozen, all the way down to the core. It was a rather terrifying way to die, but it was beautiful if I do say so myself. I wonder if Nuwa can do something like this, it would be really cool if she could, maybe she might even be able to freeze an entire city....maybe not.



The whole thing shattered into a million pieces leaving nothing behind but tiny snow flakes. I guess the word deadly and beautiful properly describes this Persephone woman. Zareth jumped back up to the ice pillar and looked at me and asked.

"So what now?" however it was Persephone who answered him.

"We get ready for WAR!!!"

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