The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 145 - Dragon Wars & The Trident City Of Atlantis (IX): World Shaper, The Most Powerful M

The drop in temperature was not slow or gradual, rather it was so sudden it completely caught me of guard. Now what I was about to do should normal not last, based on the description of the skill, it would only last indefinitely if there was an altar. Now I really don't get what an altar is important, but the Trident city had an altar, so that should more than cover for it. I gripped the staff tightly as I turned to Darke and said to him.

"Darke move us at least ten kilometers away from the city's current vicinity. The rest of you should hold on tightly." I said to them as the ship began to move.

As I've found out, usage of the trident was based mainly on visualization. Being able to envision the change you wanted, and focusing on it until it was made a reality. Ice began to cover the surface of the ocean, it was thick and moved rapidly that in seconds a kilometer of the ocean had already turned I to a carpet of ice.

The freeze spread, it not just on the surface but also within the ocean. Massive hills of ice grew up on both sides of the Trident city of Atlantis, growing so high that they stretched out of the water itself. I wad making a massive underwater valley with the trident city right in it's middle, I made sure the valley was more like a ravine, so dire t aces from the top of the city was very hard if not outright impossible.

An underwater ice valley was just as ridiculous as it sounded, but I wasn't stopping, I narrowed the valley, making it shaped like a massive tear drop, with the wide part stretching up like a dome over the city. Hypothetically speaking, there would be only one access to the city, and beaches of that, it made it easier for them to defend from any sort of ȧssault.

This valley was huge, I couldn't really tell the scope and size of it, but I had to account for the other aquatic creatures that lived within the vicinity of the city. Then within the hill/mountain walls of ice that made the valley, I made a maze of tunnels that led into and out of the valley itself, apart from the main entrance itself that was akin to a choke point and could be easily defended from any underwater ȧssault.

The tunnel maze on the other hand was made complicated, heck even I had a twisted expression on my face by the time I was done with it. There were lots of false roads and dead ends, and even amongst all of the tunnels, only one of it was actually the right one. I expect that they would be able to figure out a way to properly mark the tunnel, so that they don't lost whenever they need to use it. Because of what I've done, it stands to reason that this place would be cold all year long, but this was magic, even for a game heavily entrenched in fantasy, there were somethings that it wouldn't be able to explain.

I could feel that the temperature within the valley itself was still normal and such subject to change with the seasons. However the ice hills or rather mountains themselves were so cold that any outside interference would result in said person being frozen into a Popsicle in mere seconds. It was s powerful natural defense, which brought me to my finishing touches.

Fog began to cover the surface of the sea as every breath everyone took released vapor. Within the edge and confines of the ice mountains, which stretched above the water for a little bit more than three meters to make some sort of weird ice formation, thick fog began to cover it. The fog stretched high into the sky, changing the weather pattern and making sure that the area for hundreds of kilometers around the trident city of Atlantis was covered in perpetual fog, the only place spared was right in the middle of the valley itself.

It was like the eye of a storm, those traveling underwater would find it a lot more easier to navigate, some I'm not too worried about the inhabitants of the city. I knew they would be quite fine and would be able to adapt around the changes. But from now on, anyone who wanted to go find the trident city of Atlantis would have to go through a significant amount of hell just to find it. But never the less my job was done, they were safe and protected, at least until whatever crazy events the game comes up with.

I opened my eyes to see that the surroundings of the Acheron was covered in fog, it was quite cold, like freezing cold, but no one seemed all too worried about it. But at the moment I felt drained, like someone had taken all of my energy and suċkėd it out of me with a straw, and with the headache I was feeling they probably did it from my head. I felt dizzy and dropped to my knees, the trident falling out of my hands and clattering onto the deck of the ship.

Everyone else gathered around me in a second, I was really much too weak to move, and even though they were all saying something or the other I couldn't hear them. From the haze that seemed to be spreading across my mind. Then suddenly a few alert screens popped up in front of me.

{SYSTEM ALERT:TITLE: You Have Performed Great Feats Of Magic And Have Intruded Within The Realm Of Creator Gods. You Have Drawn Their Attention, For Better Or For Worse It Still Remains To Be Seen. You Have Been Given The Title: WORLD SHAPER: +50% To Land Management, +30 Defense And Speed To All Structures Built By You. +3 Stat Points Every Level./ You Have Received The Blueprints For Basic Barracks, Basic Smithy, Basic Infirmary, Basic Town Hall, Basic Market, Basic Wall, Basic Residence, Basic Guard House.}

{SYSTEM ALERT!: You Have Exhausted Your Mana And Over Drafted Your Hp To Power A Spell Of Great Magnitude. +2 Level And The Passive Skill (ESSENCE EXCHANGE: From Now On You Can Use Your Hp/Life Force To Power Spells With An Increased Effect And Damage Of +10%. The Lower Your Hp, The More Powerful The Spell.}

{SYSTEM ALERT!: You Have Exhausted Your Hp!, Due To The Circumstances Of Your Death You're Not Allowed To Log Back Into The Game For At Least 72 Hours. Thank You For Playing Lost Descendants Online.}

My vision turned dark and I suddenly found myself looking up at the statistical screen of my VR pod. I so didn't see this coming and quite frankly I was pissed off, but it doesn't seem like there was much I could do about it. A lot could happen in three days, but I guess the others can take care of themselves. And with Zareth and Persephone there, I'm sure there's not much that they can't face or beat. I looked at the digital clock on the pod's display screen.

11:53 PM

It was almost dawn in the game, but out here it was just about midnight. I wasn't feeling really sleepy, so maybe I would just grab a snack and then check the Internet for whatever news there was about LDO, plus call me selfish or whatever, I had to get in touch with Malia and see if they could speed up the launch of the alternate dimension and begin the tournament as soon as possible. I had 7 thousand unhatched dragon eggs in the engine room of my ship, and honestly I don't want to be anywhere near New Gaia the day they decide to hatch. The ensuing blow out, wouldn't something I and the crew would be able to face, they'll swallow us whole.




Lately there seem to be some sort of chill in the air, but it was in the middle of the summer and a place like Miami thrived on the heat. However Henry knew the chill he was feeling was not from the weather, he was scared, terrified. Never in his wildest dream would he have ever considered Aaron capable of the carnage he caused in Moscow, and the fact that the boy was able to walk out of that city unscathed and unchallenged left Henry very shocked.

The only thing he could say about Aaron's very mean streak was that his time in the army had changed him in more ways than one. The kid he remembers was very indecisive, especially when it came to matters about family, heck Henry himself knew that he would have been able to ask that boy to put a bullet in his own head and he would have happily done it, all for the chance to have Henry treat him like a son. But now Henry was not under the misconception that if Aaron returned he would welcome him with open arms, especially now that he might have found out that Henry was not his father but rather his elder brother.

So that was why he was here, apart from the fact that he was hiding from Aaron and his people, which honestly you wouldn't be able to tell who was who, given how deeply entrenched they were within society, especially here in America. You had no idea who was on the Wade family's payroll, and now that Aaron had more than showed the world who he was and what he was capable of, Henry knew there would be no stopping him should he come for revenge, he needed protection, and above all he needed to know who he was dealing with, how did Aaron get so different from the innocent boy he once knew.

"You look like shit Henry, this could have waited till morning, an elder of the Wade family is not someone you can summon whenever you fuċkɨnġ please." A raspy voice called out to him as Henry got up to his feet and turned to face the middle aged man who had just walked out the balcony.

"I feel like shit Marcus, but that's besides the point. Can you guys offer me and my family protection, also do you have any information about Aaron." Henry said as he downed the entire glass of Bourbon in his hands and poured himself another glass, only to curse lightly when he noticed the bottle was empty.

"Jesus Henry; how many of those glasses have you taken?" his guest asked as he took a seat opposite the very panicked man.

"Enough." Henry answered.

"This whole Aaron business definitely has you spooked, the thing is we can't move against him, he still has supporters within the family and chief amongst them are your aunt and uncles. All members of the direct family line would prefer he remains as head of the family, especially with how much positive change he has brought to light ever since he took over. Unfortunately for you, that's the majority of the family, so unless you can out rightly get him and his son killed, there's way you would ever seat on top of the Wade family throne.

He has too many supporters, way too many than he even knows. And that's just from here, his grandmother on his mother's side is very much still alive and kicking and his her favorite grandchild. We touch him, and we will go to war with forces we can't handle, there's a reason why none of the old families have been able to get a foothold in Africa till date. And it's definitely not because they're not interested in the continent...."

"Marcus what are you saying?" Henry spoke up, cutting Marcus short as his impatience took the over.

"What I'm saying is he's grown to powerful in too short a time, you're not privy to all of the ȧssets of the Wade family, but for those of us that do, we know that he's extremely important and would completely revolutionize the family. We can't do anything to him, even I won't touch him, because ultimately it would cause more harm than good for the Wade family. And as for protection, we might be able to negotiate with him to let you and your family go, because there's not a corner on this planet that you would be able to hide from him, not unless you want to go off world.

But even then to do so means you'll be giving up everything to go start allover somewhere new, where no one knows you, and the society is sure to be hostile against you just for the fact that you're from earth. He's too important to the Wade family, and now also to the governments of the world. He already has quite a colorful past with the UN anyway, he has their dirtiest secrets so just to keep him quite they will bend over for him. That kid is the most powerful man in the world right now, and the worst part is he doesn't know it yet, and he's making plans to achieve a status he already has. It's ridiculous." Marcus said as he spat over the balcony of the penthouse suite he and Henry were meeting, not at all caring if said glob of saliva lands on someone down below.

"What do you mean he has all their secrets?" Henry asked confused, because he couldn't figure out how a twenty four year old could instill so much fear in the world that they would bend over backwards for him.

"When your brother was in the army he was drafted to a specially created death squad by the UN. These were some of the best soldiers from all around world, one hundred and fifty-six of the world's best killers, placed in one team each representing a country. Aaron was the only one representing two countries due to his mixed heritage, and it wasn't because he was the best, but rather because a higher up wanted him dead and drafted his name for the team, which he also had absolutely no idea the reasons for it's creation.

They ran clandestine black ops mission around the world, eliminating most of the world's threat, big names, small names, upcoming businesses that could be a threat, religious leaders whipping the public into a frenzy. It took them six months to do so, and then they shifted their sights off world, the colonies on mars, the moon, and the space stations all lost important dignitaries within a short amount of time to seemingly natural causes.

And then they came back and the team was disbanded, or at least that's what officials documents say. One member was called back due to how much talent he showed for killing, I guess at this point you could say amongst the top twenty killers in the world, he's ranked seven. And they gave him orders to wipe the slate clean, taking out former members of his team, one by one until all hundred and fifty-five were in the ground.

Some of them passed away during missions and were replaced, it was where he met the mother of his son. Though she had to leave midway due to health issues, and was already dead by the time he started his clean up mission. And when everything was said and done, they tried to kill him to keep everything a secret, he left an entire military base in flames and the former director general of the UN hanging from the balcony of his house, strangled to death with his own wife's intestine.

Nobody's fuċkėd with him since then, and he went back to college, only he suċkėd a lot and made them give him a degree just after two years of slumming it in law school. He's dangerous and he's feared and he's ambitious. A particular streak the Wade family needs and hopes to nurture, we don't want that kind of sword hanging over our head. So all I can say is we can help you negotiate a deal with him, you and your family will keep your lives, and we will bury the fact that both you and your greedy bitch of a wife is responsible for his mother's death.

We'll get you off world as soon as possible and away from his reach, though for how long, only time will tell. You've heard what he's done on his own, I can't but shudder at the carnage he can cause now that he has all the resources of the Wade family, especially now that he has Meta-human abilities."

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