Wow! Wow! And wow! Who knew the Dragon god guild was so damn powerful, or even famous. The sin dragon avatars have been active since the last four updates, which should be about thirty or so years. The oldest was amongst them was a 62 year old grandma who ran things from behind the scenes, the youngest was actually that Io Reyes. She's the latest and the most powerful and actually the youngest. Though no one knows her exact age, they believe she's no younger than 20 and no older than 25. Either way the dragon god guild, though not the oldest in the game, were the most influential, and the most powerful due to their direct connection with the dragon emperors.

Either way there was now a massive poster of my face hanging in most cities, showing that I was wanted. But while most AIs within the game held the dragon god guild and the emperors behind them in great esteem, there were still some who were all too happy to see them taken down a peg. Either the Internet seemed to have gotten broken, there were videos circling the Internet of both first and second fight with Hell Rain, courtesy of his very chronic addiction to streaming his gameplay.

But aside from that somehow the fight between Io Reyes, me and Zareth was also shown, though much of the battle was cut short as whoever was shooting it actually died four times during the course of our battle. Never the less the outcome of all those fights, was the fault that there was now another major player within the game, and everyone really wanted to know who he was.

Well be that as it may, I couldn't help but agree with my mother on this one. The world can not know that Aá seven and Aaron Wade were the same person, that might cause way too much damage to the company's credibility as there would definitely be someone who wanted point hands and say that Aaron Wade was cheating. And when asked how, the answer would not be anything more simple than his company made the game, and his family created it. That's enough to sink quite a lot of our revenue for quite a while, but either way that won't happen, because just Like Io Reyes, Aá Seven would remain a just a player within the game, and not a personality in the real world.

*Knock Knock!*

"Come in." I called out as my door was swung open and Penny of all people marched into my room with Ron in tow dragging a blue blanket and leaving his wet nȧkėd body exposed to the whole world.

Penny was wearing casual clothes today as opposed the business wise attire she had on the last time I saw her. Tight jeans, ankle long combat boots, a white crop top and black leather jacket. Her black hair was shaved at the side and she had some shades on top of her head. The sleeves of the Jacket wad folded up a bit, and her hands were wet.

"ummm? I'm not going to ask what your doing in my house so early on this god awful morning, but why the fuċk is my kid nȧkėd and following you around." I asked her as I picked Ron up and wrapped him in his towel.

Penny ignored me at first as she went and opened the curtains to my room, letting the morning sun stream into it as I involuntarily winced. I've kept a let night and right now my eyes were quite sėnsɨtɨvė to the light. Penny hunched over and much to my surprise started picking up my clothes which I had discarded on the floor yesterday. Her jeans stretched over her very bountiful behind and drew my eyes to it, just as someone other part of my body stood at attention.

"I know your eyes are on my ȧss Aaron, take them off or your kid would be subjected to the horror of watching me dig out his father's eyes."

"Why are you here Penny? It's too damn early for you to come cause trouble, plus it's fuċkɨnġ Monday, we hate Mondays." I complained to her as I went to my walk in closet, motion sensors bringing the lights within on as I looked for clothes for Ron.

The closet had two distinct division, on one side were all the clothes I wore, and on the other was a blue themed wonderland of kids clothes and Mickey mice motifs. Since He tends to sneak into my room almost everyday to sleep, even when I'm not around, I had most of his things moved from his room to mine. If my son wanted to be close to me, then who am I to deny him such love.

Penny came and took the young man from my arms, he was more the happy to let her carry him as she went about trying to get him ready, navigating the closet as if she lived here, or had been here before, but that's impossible right?

"When Kira and me went to war on those real estate guys, which thanks for by the way I was really bored out of my mind. Anyway when we went there we sort of hit it off, and by hit it off we actually got to third base, and then a fourth and fifth if such a thing exists. It was really nice sėx and you're such an Ass! For keeping her to yourself. Oops cover your ears baby you don't need to hear this." She whispered softly to Ron, who in turn happily plugged his fingers into his small ears as I tried to gather my jaw from the ground.

"Either way she told me he wasn't going to school, and there was a possibility you have no plans of letting him go to one and would prefer to have him homeschooled. I'm here to put a stop to that, I know he has special circumstances, but there are also special schools for kids like him, a place where he would be taken well care off."


"Don't interrupt me Aaron let me finish. I know you're now the big boss of the criminal underworld, but you can't deny Little Aaron a chance at life, just because he has your name doesn't mean he has to live like you and be a turtle scared that someone was after him, besides I'm sure you won't let that happen…"


"Damn it Aaron I said don't interrupt, you have to make sure that he enjoys everything you never did, let him go to school, make friends have a normal and very happy childhood and...…..what the fuċk is that!"

Since she didn't want to keep quite, I had to show her something that would, and also the prime reason why I couldn't let Ron go to school. Electricity sizzle in my hands as I made a transparent blue and white ring that spinned over my open palm. My bodies translation of Anton's barrier power was to actually let me be capable of making small shapes and being able to move them. I spent the hour long flight back home from San-Francisco experimenting, and even though I couldn't make shapes more than three inches in diameter and one dimensional, I knew it would get stronger In the future, a lot stronger.

"There's a 99.9% chance that he's just like me, and an even bigger chance that his abilities would manifest a lot more earlier than mine since his genes and the strain responsible for the cellar mutations which give powers would be more settled and intertwined with him. It could be an hour from now, tomorrow, three years, five years ten! All I know is he wouldn't reach twenty before he becomes capable of throwing fireballs out of his hands or call lightning from the sky. I rather not have him an environment where he would hurt other people by accident, or even worse hurt himself."

Penny looked at me with silence for a while, she sighed as she picked Ron up and came out of the closet with a pair of his shoes in her hand. Then she dragged me along and sat me on the bed before taking a comb out from god knows where and started combing Ron's hair.

"To be honest I have no idea what to say, never realized you were dealing with so much. There were whispers that you survived an ȧssassination attempt, which was why I thought that you might have been spooked into locking Ron in here, in your castle of secrets and guns. Who knew you had super powers, so what do I call you now, Electric man, Electro man, Sparky Mcfingers?"

"One more word from you and you'll have to worry about more than just my fingers. I think you'll find that other parts of my body can easily make sparks young woman."

"Flirting with me is taking a short cut to an early grave young man, you already have his smoking hot adopted mother or whatever hanging around you, and I know you've tapped that ȧss, so don't get greedy kid, you're going to get burned. Besides I have a fiancé." And the she raised her hand and showed me the sparkling diamond ring on her finger.

There wasn't really anything going on between me and Penny, but seeing that ring made me feel as if someone had punched me in the gut. I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat and then smiled at her before getting up and walking over to the table I was sitting on when she walked in. There was a cup of coffee there, which was partly responsible for my all night surfing of the web. I downed the entire mug seriously wished I had something stronger.

"Well I wish you all the best on that endeavor Penny, but as you can see; fear of Ron manifesting his abilities at an early age and causing no small amounts of destruction and danger to other kids has made me reconsider sending him to any sort of school. Not unless a school specifically catered to teaching super powered kids popped up in the upcoming months, Ron would have to spend most of his childhood homeschooled, at least until he's old enough to be more conscious of the things around him." I answered Penny with a weird croak in my voice.

"While that was a rapid change of topic, I sort of understand why and I'm not going to pry. I just hope you can be happy for me and come talk to me when you're ready.

But in regards to his schooling, what's stopping the all powerful Aaron Wade from building one for his son, given that you have so much information about your abilities and the emergence of his own, I suspect that you guys are not the only people in the world with manifested abilities or with a probability of activating one. So gather those people and make a school for your kid, at least he'll get a sense of normalcy out of his life." Penny said to me.

"Do you have any idea what it takes to open a school! I mean how...…..???? ???? it's not exactly impossible for me you know. I mean just like you just said, I am all powerful and should be able to get such a school running, heck it would be a whole lot more easier than I thought it would be, considering everything I have planned. Well that's a good idea, thanks for that Penny."

"Don't mention it twerp, what are friends for." She replied as she leaned back on the bed.

"I haven't heard that name in a while, I hated it when you called me that....come to think of it I still do." I said to her as I made to drink more coffee only to discover that it was empty.

"I know you hate it, which is why I'm going to keep on using it." She answered me as a wild grin split her beautiful face.

"You know for someone who just found out about superhuman abilities, you're quite calm." I said to her after making an astute observation.

"What can I say, I'm a hard core lawyer, it would take a whole lot more than a guy with sparkly fingers to rile me up, I'm the stuff lionesses are made of."

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