(Compiling files....buffering....opening files...)

Good God! What sort of a programmer was my mother, I think the best thing to have called her was hacker. There were hundreds if not thousands of files on the three flash drives, my mom had built an algorithm into the drives to disable their security once they were not only inserted into a secure port at the same time, but had biometric confirmation that I was the one looking at the information. And there was a lot of it, secrets of not just the nations of earth, even more secrets than I already knew, but also of the colony on the moon, Mars, and the three space stations.

This wasn't going to give me power over the entire galaxy, should anyone find out I have the bloody thing, then the everyone would be gunning for my head, I'll be dead in days if not hours, with Ron following me behind not too long after. But in the end all these secrets were not the cream of the crop, it was the virus, the biological weapon that my grandfather, AKA my mother's father was creating and my mother completed.

A biological virus capable of digital properties and full mental ȧssimilation and override of any biological brain. When it was first created, the virus turned people to zombies, literally! One scratch or bite would transfer the virus, and in minutes the person would be taken over, becoming a mindless drone enslaved to hunger and a need to spread.

The first batch of the virus was destroyed and a small sample was kept for further experimentation. And that's when my mother came in, she was able to rapidly evolve the virus by introducing it to the very same extraterrestrial substance that was no responsible for my abilities and the evolutions of quite a few people bringing about the birth of super human abilities.

The virus was stronger now, and with the proper code it could be programmed and controlled. However the virus got loose during administration of the kill code or in this case a powerful antivirus that could neutralize it. The virus patched onto a host, took over her mind and was actually about to upload itself into the Internet. If it had done so then it would have fully escaped and she would not have been able to destroy it. So she made a tough choice.

She sent the virus into Lost Descendants Online, trapping it there and uploading the anti-virus into the main frame, placed somewhere within the game as probably a game item that could control the virus and contain it. As long as the virus remained within the game, it would be subjected to the natural laws of LDO and wouldn't be able to do as it pleases. She was in the process of creating codes to a more powerful antivirus that acted much in the same manner as the virus, and would completely put a stop to the virus; when she was killed. The information seemed to have been filed after she was dead, but even I didn't understand how this was possible.

She had gave these drives out a week before she died, the autopsy said she dies of natural causes. But now there were a bunch of recorded conversations, each dated and accounted for at least every single day for a week till the day she died. I took a seat back and began listening to each and every single one of it, until I came to the last one, and this was just ten minutes before my mom passed away.

"How does it feel to know that your life is at an end, there are consequences for certain actions, and even if your that old man's sėx toy, it wouldn't stop me from destroying you, you should never have messed with my daughter, she's just 10!"

"I understand how you're feeling, but she's okay. The anti-virus won't cause any sort of adverse effect, she had genes and a mental capacity strong enough to hold it, so that when she connects with LDO, the anti-virus would be uploaded and that virus destroyed. You know we have to get rid of it, the whole world would be in danger if we don't do so. You more than anyone know that this is a full proof plan, and as a mother I understand what you're feeling, but ȧssure you, she's going to be fine."

"To a woman show know to be very smart and shrewd, you sure are quite gullible. Do you think the fact that you experimented on my daughter is the only reason why I sent someone to kill you, please! There's more to this little turn of events than you think."

"What more could there be, you're a mother, nothing should drive you more than the love you have for your children."

"Do I hear a hint of mockery in your tone Dr. Zainab! Aren't you afraid! I'm about to take your life, maybe I'll even den your mentally challenged son along for the ride."

"Listen here bitch, let me make things straight to you, since it seems you don't know what's going on here. You and that snake husband of yours and trying to mess with m family, even though we have this secret game going on, it doesn't give you the right to think me weak or pathetic. Quite frankly the reason why your daughter is about to die is because you fuċkėd with me, and even went as far as to drug Aaron and try to kidnap him from under his own father's roof.

He wouldn't do anything to you, he won't be able to bear hurting his son given how much Henry loves you. However, you messed with my son, so I'm going to fuċkɨnġ destroy your entire family. It won't be today or tomorrow, but in a few years your daughter soul find it really hard to not log into LDO, the antivirus inside of her would come with a craving that will push her to seek the virus it as created from, to become one with it. And once that happens, your daughter will be com the guys we have to destroy, and at that time it would be left to you to pull the trigger.

I'm not afraid of death, in fact I'm quite ready to face it, however I've put so many things in place that I quite guarantee you that you will hate your life once everything comes full circle. Your ambitions for a throne you don't deserve will bring you to ultimate ruin, you won't die, but you will wish you we're. Your daughter was just the first of your children to suffer for your greed, your son's are next. And if anything should happen to Aaron, even if I'm dead, all your family will follow in the most painful way imaginable. You could have just been contented with what you had, the wealth, the husband who loved you and your boy's who adored their mother. You're not the only with schemes hitch, but the difference between me and you is that I look at the bigger and picture and don't scheme for my own profit, rather it's all so that my son will have a future."

"You talk a big game Zainab, but when your son finds out the sister he adores was poisoned by you and used as a pawn in your vendetta against me, he'll hate you. You'll lose everything you say you're fighting for."

"I won't, because by then Alex would know what kind of world he's living in, and what kind of life he has and the choices he has to make to keep his family safe. And for the record you bloody bitch, keep my middle name out of your filthy mouth."

"With pŀėȧsurė... Zainab, kill her Raul!"



Have you ever gotten to a point in your life where everything you think you know about someone just turns out to be a lie. I'm not one to dwell on technicalities, but it turns out I never knew my other as much as I said I did. Yes she loved me fiercely, just as I always excited she did, but she was no less ruthless than I was, heck she was even a shop lot more vindictive than me. But after listening to his bloody recording, a lot of things seemed to have fallen into place for me.

My mother never died of natural causes, she was murdered. But even then she wasn't afraid to die, she was quite happy and quite ready to meet her end with her arms open wide, absolutely sure of the act that one day I'm going to make our enemies pay for messing with our family. There was no need to talk too much, I'm going to put an end to Henry and his wife, and if his son's get in the way, I'm going to put an end to them too.

It might actually seem like history was repeating himself, my mother in he quest for recent against my step mother, decided to take out her anger on an innocent girl that had absolutely nothing to do with all of the plots and schemes. Obviously she did it to send a message, by someone innocent suffered for it, and in he end it doesn't look like my step mother cared. And now k realize what my sister had so much hate in her eyes when I met her, shy she asked if I had no ides what my mother had done.

I'm no saint, which is why I'm in no. Position to judge my mother. But the truth is, if I was in her shoes, and my stepmother messed with my son, then she wouldn't have any family left, there would be no uncles or aunties or cousins and parents, there'll be no sons, daughters or husbands. I'll kill them all, and that's just how much I love my son, enough to ruin the lives of the innocent just so that he can have a safer and much better future.

Though in all honesty there was a part of me that didn't agree with such extreme and antagonistic methods. But I love my son, and I'm sure my mother loved me too, and she did so in such a way that nothing else in this world can compare to that love. It's the same thing I have for Ron, and if I should have another kid again, I'll love him or her just as much. So much so that I would give up my very humanity for them to be safe...….it felt strange loving someone so damn much, but nothing has ever felt more right to me.

I got up and left my room, safe to say my head's been filled with a little too much information than it can bear to handle, but at the moment I had to deal with the info dump by taking a series of actions that would leave me prepared and henry ad his wife, very dead at the bottom of a ditch, no matter how painful my heart felt about it.

Everyone in the house were all moving about their duties in full swing, Ron was with Penny, apparently she was having a lunch date with the kid, something about bribing him into loving het and making sure she's his favorite aunt or something like that. I walked into the garden and eventually found my way to my grandfather's grave, or as it stands, my father.

This particular area of the garden wasn't recently made, but it was fairly new being only a few years old as opposed to the other areas that were at least a hundred years old, existing for just as long as the Wade family has.

Either way there were no flowers here, only trees. My father was buried here, but to was my mother. As opposed to the traditions of her people, especially when you consider the fact that my mother was born a Muslim, the had her body cremated and spread allover this particular part of the garden, and then my Baba asked to be buried here, just so he could be closer to her.

I don't really understand their story, I'm sure there's more about the both of them that I have to realize and understand, but the most obviously thing is that they loved each other. Ignoring the fact that my mom had a kid for her father's best friend and a man equally old enough to be her father, I'm sure they must have cared greatly for each other. Even if the world had changed and people have evolved to leave begin stereotypes, it would still turn some heads when a woman marries someone her father's age, and it would be even more so when said person was her late father's best friend.

The scandal that they would have had to deal with alone would have been ridiculous and would definitely leave a stain on her image, and it wasn't because the world would point fingers, but rather it was because her family back in Africa, her traditions and culture would.

Plus it would make life too complicated for both of them, which was why someone else had to parade as my dad, and my real father; my grandfather. There should be more to it, by that's all I can come up with for now. Either way...…I have things to take care of.

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