The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 153 - The Ocean City Of Atlantis (IV): Dungeons & Brothels

A golden barrier had sprung up right behind us, obviously we couldn't go back from whence we came, so the only other option was to fight our way up. I've been in quite a few dungeons already, but this was the first time I've had tonight underwater, so it would be quite the experience if I do say so myself. We were within a grand hall of some sort, this place really did look like a church, there were clam shells arrange to form pews, and most of them were already in huge a sorry and dilapidated state, very much like the building we were currently in.


The infernal screeching of the monsters in front of us almost made my ears bleed, heading it alone was quite disconcerting and it made me feel a little woozy and unsteady on my feet.

(You Have Heard The Wail Of An Ocean Dark Sentinel, You Have Acquired The Dazed Debuff)

Thankfully the debuff didn't last that long as Persephone streaked forward in he water, her from leaving behind tiny ice crystals and bubbles. Her daggers flashed as she cut it towards what looked like a floating cloak with transparent purple arms and yellow eyes that could be seen from within the confines of it's hood. But apart from that there was nothing else to show that this monster had a complete body, it was just like some ghost of wraith.

{Ocean Sentinel: Level 60/ Grade: Earth/ Hidden Grade: Ghost/ HP: 50/50}

Well that was quite weird, how can a level 60 monster, which if you ask me was just too strong for us to face have just 50 HP. Excluding the fact that said monster was about ten levels of more higher than me, it was just so ridiculous that it had such small HP. It just didn't make sense, a level 60 being such a glass Canon. I looked up just in time to see Persephone slash both her ice daggers on the sentinel's body.

(-1HP) (-1HP)

If my jaw could go any lower I would be picking it up from the ground, that amount of damage was abysmal, and I don't think those daggers she was using were anything ordinary, but yet it was as if the bloody thing was completely negating the damage being done to it, and only taking the hardest minimum as damage. No wonder a level 60 monster would have only 50HP.


I pointed Sky's staff form at the Sentinel, sending four magical arrows of piercing silver blue that slammed into the Sentinel one after the other. The monster let out a massive screech of pain as it floated backwards towards a set of stairs that would probably lead to the next floor. S it stepped back unraised my eyes up to see the damage values that was floating over it's head. (-3HP, -2HP, -2HP, -5Hp). All four strokes had delivered a 12 point damage, plus Persephone's previous 2 and that made for fourteen damage, which meant we still had 46 to get rid of.

The Sentinel was trying to escape, much to our surprise, but Persephone went around the monster, sheathing her daggers behind her as she pointed her hands towards the monster and sent a bolt of ice at the monster. It seemed as if it was more susceptible to magical damage than physical damage, so it would be better for Persephone to switch to mainly magical offense. However (-1HP), but by then it was too late to even be surprised.


Two bolts of shimmering purple and black energy flew out of the Sentinel's hood and see into my ċhėst one after the other. The first picked me off the ground and whilst I was airborne in a surprising show of skill, the other slammed into my ċhėst, sending me flying back until my back smacked into the golden barrier that was over the entrance of the dungeon. I saw starts for a moment, loosing my clarity and also 10% of my HP, with each bolt taking 5% each. I felt a certain burn in my ċhėst, but ignored it and rolled Way just in time to dodged the glimmering purple class that was coming down to take my head off.

I got out of my roll and raised Sky up, and without standing on ceremony released four more arrows, and this time since we were quite close, the impacts seemed to be a whole lot more as the Sentinel was pushed back across the open hall, going threw the clam pews before coming a stop releasing an ungodly screech of pain. On of the hits from the (mana arrow) was a critical hit, which took of 12HP from it, and the remaining three took out a collective 7HP. It now had 26 HP left.

"Elemental magic or physical attacks have no effect on it, you need to use none attribute magic, kind of like those arrows of yours. I don't have any skill like that, so I would only be able to provide support. You have to take point." Persephone said to me as she moved back, leaving me right in front of the Sentinel's path.

(Mana Arrow) *Boom!, Boom! Boom! Boom!*

(You have slain Ocean Dark Sentinel level 60. +7% exp advancement, you have gained one Skill disk fragment.)

Well that was surprising, it was as if as soon as the Sentinel's HP got below 30, it's damage reduction ability was completely negated, and it left it susceptible to the full brunt of all my attacks. But none the less this was over and done with, and since I was the one at the from I was able to pick up the loots, of such there was only just one, a piece of metal the size of a rice grain, I wouldn't have even been able to notice it if it wasn't for the fact that it was glowing.


I and no idea what skill was locked within it, but from the look of things I needed to kill a hundred of this Ocean Sentinels to be able to fully form the whole disk. I turned to look at Persephone and pointed towards the stairs that led to the next floor.

"Shall we?" she gave me a shrug as an answer and we made our way towards the back of the hall and up the set of stairs that was placed there. Onwards and upwards Captain Seven



They were on a very time sėnsɨtɨvė mission, which was why Raven song could not fathom how Zareth could go into a brothel and began banging the three moon elves that were the main attraction of the entire brothel. And it would be worth for Raven son to say that he was not sorely tempted about letting loose a bit and enjoying himself with one of the really beautiful displays of the carnal arts that quite a few people within the brothel seemed to be enjoying. But Raven song was and is for all intents and purposes a prude, the idea of sėx outside of the confines of his and his wife's bedroom did not really sit well with him, not even if it was within a game.

He felt like he would be cheating on his wife, and he lo ex her very much. Even though they were both quite old fashioned in their devotion to each other, Raven Song knew they were both happy and satisfied with each other. At the very least that's what he thought, and he was sure he was very right.

So there he was sitting on a velvet couch that had to heavy a scent for him to be comfortable about, it was like someone was obsessed with rose and strawberries and decided to indulge his or her obsession by sprinkling and ungodly amount of those scents on the couch. Raven Song wrinkled his nose ignoring the urge to sneeze when Zareth walked right back in to the waiting area, his hairy ċhėst bȧrė, and it's well built and precisely chiseled form happily exposed.

Raven song wrinkled his nose again, this time in annoyance. It was not as if he didn't have muscles and a well chiseled form, the game made sure everyone's body was perfect in whatever form they chose, except for their looks. It's a little bit readjusted to a degree of 20 to 35% by the system. So how you look is totally up to your real life face, however all those was besides the point, as being a dark elf, Raven song was lanky and thin, and he was quite jealous of Zareth's stocky body builder form.

Zareth didn't say anything to Raven Song and just have him a simple head tilt, telling him to follow behind. Raven song was more than happy remaining right where he was, but obviously the fuċkɨnġ dwarf didn't give a shit what he wanted, he just marched forward to the room he just finished and expected the dark elf to follow, which just as he expected he did, not like Raven song had any other choice anyway.

Once they got into the room, Raven song as ȧssaulted by a very familiar scent, sėx was obviously in the air, and three nȧkėd blue skinned moon elves sprawled over the massive king sized bed covered with purple satin sheets more than proved that The dwarf could handle more than just his Lance and shoot flames from it...wait isn't that just another way to say that Zareth could really have sėx.

Raven Song felt sick, there was an image in his head that he would rather die than to have running around the confines of his skull, but it was stuck there, vividly. Raven Song walked around the room a bit looking for place to sit, but it was as if anywhere he looked at, it as covered with traces of Zareth's carnal activities. And while that wasn't true, it was obvious the dwarf had gotten into his head. But in the end his simpering display was begin to upset the dwarf, in Zareth's opinion Raven song was acting like he was not even a man.

"Would ye just find a fuċkɨnġ place te stand if ye don't want te fuċkɨnġ sit ye bloody drow! We're strapped for time ye fool!" the dwarf angrily snapped at Raven Song. But Raven song was already being stretched to far past his limits 8th every second he had spent in this brothel that he snapped back.

"Don't you dare talk to me about time you hairy goat! The first thing you did when we got here was to go sniffing for an ȧss or rather three ȧsses, and you tell me we're strapped for time! You're fuċkɨnġ hypocrite! You goat!" Zareth turned his head to the side and sniffed. It wasn't as if Raven song was wrong, but he wasn't going to concede that easily, he was not going to lose to some ball less dark elf. But they could pick this up later.

"I was fishing for information, not that I expect ye to understand as it seems you've lost ye balls, or maybe ye never had in the first place ya?" Raven Song looked at Zareth with a valid look on his face and asked.

"You were fishing for information, in a woman's vȧġɨnȧ? Interesting, so what breed of information came gushing out of your fishing hole." Raven Song replied with sarcasm heavily dripping from his words. Zareth ignored it and just decided to be a bigger man and move on, after all he was a 100% sure that he was the 'bigger man's.

"You! Samantha is it, please tell him what you told me." Zareth spoke to one of the moon elves, but Raven Song wasn't exactly sure who he was talking to.

"My name's not Samantha, it's Samira." The elf he was apparently talking to replied back with a frown on her face.

"Oh sorry, my apologies lassie, then who's Samantha?" Zareth asked with an innocent look on his face.

"There's no one name Samantha here you ȧss!" another one of the moon elves spoke up, insulting Zareth and embarrassing him in turn. The red on his face was like Christmas came early for Raven Song. The moon elves shook their head as the one named Samira spoke up.

"About three weeks ago, give or take a few days a guild came over to the Ocean City of Atlantis. I don't how they did it, but they were able to get he entire of the city's authority working for them. Both the upper and lower city are completely in their control.

We've heard whispers from some of the guild members who come here, apparently they have a moon elf, a royal at that in captivity. They plan to use as a catalyst for a sacrifice that's meant to open some sort of gate, and this sacrifice is actually going down at midnight today. However they need to defeat a keeper of some sort before they can carry out the sacrificial ceremony. It's going down at the temple that's on the hill that overlooks the city. They've not really done anything to put the citizens in danger and are trying to keep a low profile. However they ruthlessly killed anyone who's pried in their business, which makes me think that they're up to something bad and terrible."

Raven song looked at Zareth just as the dwarf looked right back at him, looks like they were up against another guild. However Raven Song was hoping it was not the 'guild' he was thinking about, because quite honestly he didn't think they should be crossing paths with the dragon god guild again. So he had to ask.

"What's the name of this guild?" the moon elf name Samira answered back.

"The Cross Of Nine Circles." The only thing Raven Song could say at that moment was.

"Fuck! Zareth we have to go and get the captain! This guy's aren't as powerful or influential as the dragon god guild, but if they're really opening a freaking gate, then we'll all be dead ten times over with bit load of deaths to spare. Not even he would be able to stop this!"

For once Zareth didn't say anything and just nodded his head much to the relief of Raven Song. Zareth got his clothes and armor and they both made their way towards the entrance of the room, only for another one of the moon elves to call out to them, it was the one that had been silent so far.

"Wait! Samira you have to tell them what the sacrifice is! Please sister maybe they can do something."

Obviously Samira didn't want to say anything, but with her sister pleading she had to give in. She looked up and spoke the four words that more than sealed and entwined the fates of captain seven and his crew, with the crows of nine circles guild.

"It's a Wind dragon!"

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