The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 154 - The Ocean City Of Atlantis (V): Missing Prisoner


Fuck! I ducked under a table as a clustered cloud of purple beams flew over my head. So this was the fourth floor, and even if so far our advancement up has been really and easy, seeing as we had to deal with only three Sentinels on the second, and right on the third floor. But here we are on the fourth and there were no less than 30 of them, along with a mini boss or rather a main boss that has just been hanging suck and letting his lackeys pelt us full of holes. Those purple beams of theirs packed a punch, just enough that just give seconds of being under it would turn me into motes of light and send me back to the Acheron for a respawn.

Persephone huddle close to me underneath the table as she gave me a look as if to say do something, which brought me to the second highlight of this fuċkɨnġ Dungeon run. This girl was no different from a bloody brat, it was as if she expected everything to be handed over to her in a silver platter, and it was so damn annoying. Sure she couldn't cause any damage with her limited arsenal of skills, but she has been treating me like a glorified shield that it was taking all of my willpower to not turn and bring my knuckles down on her tiny head, she was acting as if she was some twelve year old.

I've not had a chance to make a move since we stepped up in this floor, and something I noticed about this floor was that the water level had actually dropped. We were still under water, but if we moved up a bit we would definitely come out of the water, with just a little space to spare. Me then suddenly the shots from the Sentinel's ceased. I didn't waste time, experience and told me that they didn't take long to recharge anyway, before coming right back at me with a full tank of super powered spells.


The blast of silver light and flames seemed to consume everything in it's path, all the floors were the same, looking very much like a hall were a church service or something of the sort would be carried out. If it wasn't for the fact that a lot of things were different, I would have suspected that we were going round in circles and still coming back to the same first floor. Either way there was difference and this floor was experiencing the power of the (STELLAR FLARE) Skill.

The silver flames spread out with me in the epicenter, even if we were underwater it didn't seem like the flames were hundreds by it. The water around me seemed to boil as bubbles came to life, the massive clams that seems to serve as pews or chairs turned to dust, and tapestries burnt into a cloud silver Ash that was slowly turning the water murky and dark. And as for the Sentinels, they were obviously very susceptible to attribute less magic, but it seemed as if stellar flare was their kryptonite. The moment the silvery flames came in contact with their bodies, I watched as they all turned to dust and faded away, leaving behind good coins and equipment and pieces of smiles disks that more than fulfilled the requirements needed to complete the skill fragments in my hand, and then some.

However even with the power of the stellar flare, the boss was still standing tall, but it was obviously on it's last leg with only a sliver of HP remaining. Everything else around it had turned to Ash, and it was just the sole line creature, standing in the middle of a hall, completely defenseless or maybe not. Ignoring the deaths of it's comrades and the ruins in it's surroundings, the Sentinel boss opened it's hooded mouth and began to gather a purple bolt of magic, this was much bigger than what the other sentinels have been throwing our way, and given that the boss was larger and had a crown of thorns on it's head, I would say any hit from that monster would be enough to put and exclamation mark on this fight.


Unfortunately for it, I had a skill made to counter any and all sort of skills, ad even though it's duration doesn't last long, it was more than enough for me to out an end to the boss. I shifted Sky into her helmet form and placed it on my head, then I pulled out the Kusanagi and swam towards the Sentinel boss with as much speed as I could muster. Ignoring the fact that the duration of the (AREA OF SILENCE) skill was just 5 seconds, so a long range confrontation would have been better.

I reached it with just a second to spare and always upwards through it's billowing robes, and as the Katana made it's crescent arc upwards, it's blade lit up with blue and white electric arcs (LIGHTNING BLADE), a skill that was made from a combination of both attribute less magic in the form of Mana blade and a lightning skill. Which was why it's electrical arcs were blue and white.

The robes parted and the Sentinel released an ungodly screech as it's deal form was exposed, it was just a mass of purple shadow with desiccated arms, and a throat without a neck and two floating eyeballs connected to the mass of shadows with a long fleshy tube. Safe to say it was quite ugly, but I didn't let that stop me as I kept up with my ȧssault, swimming around the boss monster and giving it really deep and nasty cuts. Much to mine and Persephone's surprise, it didn't fight back, the pain it was feeling was just so much it just stood there and let me chip away at it's health, until finally it just collapsed on the ground and died.

{You have slain Ocean Sentinel Mini Boss/Boss level 60. You have received 78% exp progression, the skill disks (ARCANE BARRIER)(GHOST BOLT)(PSYCHIC SCREAM), 300 HUNDRED GOLD DOLLARS, 5 SKILL COMBINING GEMS, AND ONE DARK SENTINEL ASSASIN ARMOR SET}


I've leveled up a few times already, and with the new exp progression, I was almost at the cusp of leveling up again, which was really nice, it was behind ridiculously hard to level up in this game, but this bloody dungeon's monsters gave out a heap load of Exp, and so far of all the monsters we've killed, I was able to get no less than seven levels. While it would be nice to check my stats and skills, we were in a hurry, so the only thing I could pay attention to was the Katana.

{Kusanagi No Tsurugi/Grade: Legendary: Hidden Grade: Growth/ Level: 10/ Requirements: Acknowledgement Of Susanoo No Mikoto, God Of The Sea And Storms.} (Bound To Captain Aá Seven Of The Acheron's Glory)

[Attack: 65~85/ Attack Speed: 5MPS/ +10% to all sword related skills, +10% to all water and wind skills.] [Most skills locked until appropriate level is reached.]

[Skill 1: Divine Wind Draw: Draw your sword and strike your enemy at 30MPs with the power of the divine wind. +60% to damage and movement speed/ cost 100 MP]

For a growth weapon that was just level 10, it's expenditure of Mana was ridiculously too much, however there wasn't anything that could be done about it. The Katana had a skill now, however it was a one strike on hit kill move, if I'm using it would be either to end a fight before it starts, or put an end to one that's been going on for too long. The sword itself seemed to really like the idea of placing emphasis on speed, that skill made the sword move as 30 meters a second, and that was fast, like bullet or Superman kind of fast. And that's not factoring all the other bonus I've gotten from titles, skills, masteries or even under the buffing effect of other skills.

I sheathed the Katana as I looked up at Persephone, I placed the rest of the loots into my inventory, we would have enough time to talk about who gets what, but for now we had to move forward with the mission. We swam our way towards the next floor, I changed Sky back into her staff form, while I'm hoping what we've just dealt with as the last of this Sentinels, in a dungeons you couldn't exactly be sure.

The stairs leading up to the fifth floor became devoid of water after the fifteenth or so step, which meant there was no more need to swim. That was favorable for me, I was almost out of time anyway. We walked up for another hundred or so steps, and I. The process of doing so the smoothly built brick walls of the dungeon turned into the uneven rock walls of a tunnel or cave. And true to my suspicion, at the very end of the road we and up into a large cave that was heavily covered in dust.

There was a bed of straw placed on one side, there were a pair of golden manacles and chains bolted to the wall, but they were open, and whomever or whatever it once held was long gone. The chains were long enough that whoever was locked up in them would have been able to move around and even step outside a bit.

Apart from the chains, there was a table with clay bowls, and cups, and then was a thick diary who's pages had yellowed with age and almost seemed as if it was about to turn to dust amongst with everything else In the room. Obviously this place has not been used in a while, and quite frankly I was relieved; at he very least I didn't have to fight any other boss. This seems to be the so called prison of Calypso, but the damn sea goddess's was long gone by now, which means our works should be done. I went over the bed and grabbed the diary, and as a second thought also tried putting those chains on the wall into my inventory, they happily went in, much to my surprise.

{You Have Gained The Diary of Calypso, Titan Of The Sea: Create A Temple So That Your Guild Members Or Subjects Would Now Have Access To Water Based Skills And If They're Worthy, Water Based Classes.}

{ GOLDEN VULCAN GOD CHAINS/ Grade: DIVINE/: Hidden Grade: CURSED/ Requirements: ????????}

[INFO: ???????]

[SKILLS: ??????]

{System Alert: Skill: Purify has leveled up 2 times}

To say I was shocked was a fuċkɨnġ understatement! This was not just some powerful legendary grade weapon, heck even the Trident, a weapon used by God's could only bag a legendary grade, but this was a divine weapon through and through, something that was well and fully into the realm of the gods, and just two seconds of touching it had leveled up my purify skill twice! I guess the course grade was not placed there for show. But it was such a shame I couldn't use it, but even then with the so called curse on it, I doubt any player who touches it would be able to use it. I shifted my eyes to my HP and I almost screamed out in shock at what I was seeing.

Two seconds of touching that bloody thing, and all that was left of my health points was 10! Just ten points! It was scary and quite frankly I'm never bringing out of my inventory, not for any reason whatsoever. My health points started regenerating, as I turned to look around the room, there was nothing else within the cave except for an empty wicker basket. Persephone and I made our way towards the entrance of the cave, we didn't even get a system Alert that we've completed the dungeon the moment we came out of it. We looked at each other in surprise, but I guess that's because the target character of the dungeon had already slipped her bonds and found her way free. Oh well, less work for us...…


A Loud explosion resounded in the distance, Persephone and I could see some sort of temple on a hill that had caught on fire. But it as not just the temple being on fire that caught my attention, it was the fact that it was Zareth in his dragon form raining down fire and death on what looks like a bunch of players. It was at that moment that my community beeped really loudly, and a stream of messages from Raven Song and Mack was seen, and by the time I was done reading them all, I couldn't help but look at the sky, as if I could see the hands of destiny or whatever virtual Supreme power that thought it was a good idea to always put me up against people I'm not supposed to mess with for the moment.

"Seriously?" but as usual there was no answer, oh well, I guess it's time to go hunt some demon worshipping cult.

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