The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 155 - The Ocean City Of Atlantis (VI): The Defender


Zareth was on a rampage, the moment they had found out that the sacrificial lamb was a wind dragon, the dwarf had gone ballistic and shifted into his dragon form, so there was no need to sneak out of the city anymore, they just busy through amidst a shower of dragon fire and bellows of dragon roars.

Then they had a made a beeline for he temple at the top of the hill, they needed up encountering quite a lot of players and AIs who were a part of the Crows guild. There's was a small Outpost built at the bottom of the hill, that didn't last as Zareth left it smoking, and a little ways up the hill they discovered a small encourage leading two sealed boxes up.

One of them was ridiculously large, and the other quite small, but both of them were the perfect size to hold either a moon elf, or a freaking dragon. Zareth went on ahead to cause chaos in the fight that was currently taking place at the top of the hill, his mind completely clouded with rage and anger. This left Raven song alone and with no other choice than to face this entourage of evil cult guild members. Hopefully the others show up before this turns into a shit show, none of the people in the crow's guild could be considered normal, and right now Raven Song had to face them all by himself.


A golden his showed up over his body as his speed increased, most of the members of the Crows were already caught off guard by Zareth's appearance, which created just the opening that Zareth needed to cause a huge amount of damage. There were no less than thirty members of the Crows escorting the sacrifice and it's catalyst to the top of the hill, Raven Song's charge smacked more than half of them away, even going as far as throwing some off the side of the steel incline they were just on.

Raven slammed his ankles on the ground, completely bifurcating one of the players from the waist down and turning him into more of dust. There were still people hanging around the boxes, and Raven needed them to move away from them, so that he could have the high ground. He moved his tower shield to the left, impressively using one hand to hold it as he pulled out his one handed hammer and raised it up into the air, golden energy seemingly building around it, as he brought it down on the ground, hard.


This was a control skill, and since Raven still had a bit of the element of surprise, he was quite capable of catching them off guard. Cracks appeared on the hill as a small earthquake seemed to form, those of the crow guild members still standing close to the edge of the Hill's incline fell down below, maybe some of them won't die since the height wasn't that much, but they would sustain some broken bones, and more so for the AIs than the players who only had one life in this game. Should they survive, it would take them quite a bit of time for them to heal themselves and come back running up the incline.

The fissure skill had left them unstable and left only two people protecting the dragon and the elf, and since they were pretty much still unstable on their feet, Raven lowered his center of gravity, hung his hammer on his belt and used both hands to hold his shield over his shoulder. (SHIELD CHARGE), The two guards left were smashed back into the dragon's metal cage, the form of the prison bending and contorting from the force of Raven's charge. One of the player's directly burst into a shower of blood, splattering all over the side of the box, before turning into motes of light. Partner was still alive, but he was looking bloody and probably had quite a few broken bones debuff, Raven brought out his hammer and brought it down it down on the player's head, cracking it open like a water melon.

Then he turned to face the rest of the players who had gotten back control and were ready to rain all the rage and anger they were currently feeling on Raven. Raven son turned his head, and was startled to see the green eyes of the dragon and silver blue of the moon elf staring at him from a hole through their boxes, he felt really self conscious at that moment, but yet he gave them a smile and reaffirmed his conviction.

Before joining the crew of the Acheron, which for all intents and purposes was a rabble of weird yet quite powerful people, or rather it could be said he had watched with his own eyes as they had grown strong, strong enough to actually be capable of contending with the top guilds of the game. Raven used to be a guild member and a somewhat pro player. To the his child he was quite lazy, and prone to random actions depending on whatever caught his fancy, to them he was chaotic, nothing at all like the Paladin/Guardian hybrid class he held, the Holy Defender. It found himself in quit a few jams with his former guild, but they still kept him on because of how good a player and fighter he was.

But everything was just a game, It was just official and monotonous and drab. His life in the game was never enjoyable, here was no adventure, only dungeon diving, guild wars, and power leveling new guild recruits or rich ȧss holes who pay the guild for such services. Some times he's put at the fore front of most competitions representing his guild, but in the end it meant nothing to him.

However ever since he joined this weird and twisted version of a crew, he's learnt what it means to really be alive. Sure there was some weird shit happening around the captain, and he was quite an enigma and mystery to all of them, it didn't change the fact that he very much cared about every single member of his crew, so far he hadn't just shown great concern, but great love, and is always willing to pay any price to make sure they're safe. And it's not as if following him is a walk in the park, they've now pissed off two very powerful guilds, an ocean Nation who's airship they blew up, and now they're about to fuċk with the elves, Patmos has already been fuċkėd with and definitely Seven was going to fuċk with them so more, the church of Adonai also falls under that category as the moon elf was a priestess of their church. And as for that ȧssassin organization...…Raven was sure they'll get to them eventually, The crew of the Acheron won't be who they are or who they're becoming if they don't step on a few more toes. Outcasts, but righteous and honest ones. It was why Raven could happily give both the dragon and the moon elf a bright smile and say to them.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you both. The crew of the Acheron will not let anything happen to you, you have mine and my Captain's word." And then Raven turned and slammed his shield into the destroyed green earth on the hill.


While shield wall was not even half as powerful as mountain Bastion, it was enough to keep these people behind, plus it also had a secondary effect of pushing people back. Not to mention Mountain Bastion was an ultimate skill with a sustained effect, for as long as it was active it drew Mana from Raven Song, and the amount of Mana needed to keep that skill active was fuċkɨnġ colossal. Raven Song was hoping to draw out the fight, long enough for Zareth to calm down so that hey can make their stance here, but it seems he was occupied with the players within the temple. So Raven knew he had to hold this line, long enough for his captain to get here and raise hell as he usually does, after all the dude was also a wind dragon.

*Boom!* *Boom*

Four melee players slammed into the walls with a vengeance, causing cracks to appear all-over the illusory grey brick wall. Raven Song dug his heels in as the four melee players u leashed on the wall, however he wasn't really aiming for them, he could see more players coming up from the bottom of the hill, he just wanted to draw the spell casters a little bit closer so that he could cause more damage at once.

However with those guys hurrying here to join this fight things might get a little bit too hard to handle. He had to do something, Raven song looked around thinking about the skills he had in his repertoire when a startling realization about his captain hit him. Seven had gotten so ingrained into the game that when he fights, it's not just his class skills or equipment that mattered in the fight, it was the way he used his surroundings.


More cracks appeared on the shield wall before it blasted outwards, illusory bricks and energy hitting the players with full force, pushing them back and leaving some of them Injured. Even though the spell casters were still a bit farther off, they were also affected by the shockwave and pushed back a bit, but they were not Raven's Target. He shifted to the side quickly hanging his shield on his back as he brought out his hammer, and right on the head of a player, he brought it down with full strength. (FISSURE)

The head exploded like a watermelon, and deep cracks appeared from where he was standing, spreading to the edge of the Hill's incline. A blast of energy hit him at he side and threw him on the ground, but Raven ignored the sting of pain he was currently feeling and faced the other direction before bringing his one handed hammer down again.


The fissure skill was lineal, it cracks the earth and cause damage in a straight line, which means whoever was in the way of the skill's crack would receive the most damage. But the skill was a control skill as it had a quaking effect that threw enemies within a certain distance of the fissure backwards. But that was besides the point, right now Raven Song had a deep fissure running from one edge of the Hill's incline to the other, and the players running up knew exactly what he was aiming for.

A dagger came out of nowhere and sliced at Raven's neck, he moved back causing only the tip of the blade to Nick his neck while the rest of it's body scratched across his armor. Raven was wearing heavy armor, so his speed definitely suffered a massive reduction, but he was an elf, speed and dexterity where what they thrived on, and since he couldn't be as fast as he wanted to, he could be quite dexterous and flexible.

Raven song turned his back towards the ȧssassin player, which normally would be a mistake if Raven Song did not have a plan. (BLOCK) *Ding!* The sound of a dagger bouncing off a shield resounded into the air as Raven Song turned with a flourish and swung his hammer upwards, catching the lightly armored Assassin class player under the jaw. The player made two full rotations in the air before landing right in the middle of the fissure, looking very dazed.

Raven Song turned to the other players rapidly approaching and gave them a smile as he raised his hammer up, and lightning clouds quickly gathered and shot down a bolt of massive golden lightning that hung around Raven's hammer, then he jumped into the air, raised the hammer high into the air and brought it down on the body of the helpless player.



The entire cliff side began to rumble, the fissure spread going from not just the edge, but down the side of the entire Hill's Incline. It was then that Raven realized that he might not have fully thought this through, he box holding both the dragon and moon elf was too close to the rapidly separating hill. And many of the players were running towards him, hoping to jump over and get to over to the other side before it completely goes down.

He could turn around, grab the boxes and try moving them away from the danger, but that would leave his back exposed to this players, and they would probably send him to respawn, and then this whole thing would have been for nothing. However it was at that moment Raven Song heard a clap of wings and The Captain of the Acheron himself landed beside him.

"Get them away from the edge, and hurry up, the entire incline is going to call, not just the half you made. Persephone will lend you we help, leave this players to me."

As soon as he finished speaking Raven song turned around, and started pushing the carts up the hill with all his strength, the sound of a bow string being pulled, the only warning of the Carnage that was to come. Raven Song couldn't help himself, he smiled.

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