The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 161 - Plans, Jack's Return

I'm, or In the case Penny didn't take our entire disagreement too far, just as the massive Yacht had approached us, it turned around and left. Though the dwarf did come back out to deliver a message, Io was going to come looking for me again some time soon, and when she does that, she would be expecting a full explanation of what had gone down in the ocean City Of Atlantis. I'm pretty sure a whole lot of people wanted details, but there was already a World announcement, so I don't get what else they want to find out. Either way the moment the Acheron was done with her Partial Restoration, under the amazed gazes of everyone else, we dove into the sea and resumed sailing, looking for a safe place to hold up whilst the ship completed her repairs.

But here we all are gathered in the common area for an emergency crew meeting, Persephone was very much missing as she had logged out, but at this point I wasn't going to beat myself up about it, that girl was just a guest for the mean time, and from the looks of things she wasn't really a team player, and I'd rather avoid keeping people around me that I can't trust. Of all the things we've experienced Raven Song has gotten the biggest gains, but none the less the whole crew has grown in one way or another, and once the dragon and priestess woke up, we could deal with other problems. But right now, we needed a way off the planet, and place where we can hide for as long we can and grow stronger.

"There's a lot of things we have to deal with, with a couple of agendas in front of us, so I'm going to lay it out in front of you guys and listen to what you have to say. First of all I'm going to use the guild creation order and make us and official guild, I hear there's a couple of perks that we could receive from that. However I don't plan to make some large guild, I'm hoping we can recruit really powerful people to make a small yet very elite force of fighters that any other force would think twice about messing with. That way as a guild we're not really stuck to one place and can move should the need arises, or until we truly get a place we can call home and no one can mess with us.

Next we need to get off this planet, and it has to be on a very massive cargo ship because unless we plan on leaving the Acheron behind, we need it. But not just getting off this planet we also need to find a place to lay low for a while and improve on our strength. I believe Jack's health would be easily taken care of, so we shouldn't have any loose ends to tie on new Gaia.

So any suggestions or what do you guys think we should do other than that." I said to them as we all stood around a holographic map of New Gaia.

"If you need a place to lay low, we all can go back to my home, the dwarf king would be happy to offer us shelter until we're ready to move on, plus I also need to deliver that which I was sent here for. However the issue of moving the Acheron would be very hard, it would be almost impossible for us to leave the planet on our own, but to do so with a ship that's a recognizable and famous as the Acheron would be unthinkable. Unless we're able to procure a massive cargo starship for ourselves, we would have to leave the ship behind, at least until we can come back and get it."

Zareth said as he stroked his red beard

Loathe as I was to admit it, Zareth was right, neither one of us was rich enough to procure a normal starship off the planet, not to mention a cargo ship. Not unless we plan to leave it behind and come back for it later, and to be quite honest that doesn't sit well with me, this ship has become a part of me, a part of all of us.

"Creation of the guild should also wait until we've successfully escaped the planet and reached Zareth's location. We can first register ourselves as a mercenary group and carry out some missions whilst looking for people to recruit and a permanent base, or at the very least see if the Acheron can become more than what she is now." Qitar said as she added her own opinions.

"Well you're both right, and the mercenary angle works because quite frankly we need lots of money, we've burned through our reserves, and we need more. Which is why I'm confident even if we leave the ship behind , we can't buy passage of this planet with the measly amount of change we have, we need to steal a cargo airship, disable it's tracking system, at least for a while, then go to another more populated planet, dump it, steal another one, and repeat said action for like three more times before heading to Zareth's location. That was the ship's are not tracked." Dinah said as she called away on her tablet.

"Well the ships might not be tracked, but who's today the thefts can't, especially if it's reported. Sure they steal airships everyday, but an airship with the specs of being a cargo ship, which can transport a medium size pirate warship, disappearing from a planet where another the of said ship was found abandoned would be all to easy to track down. It's an obvious trail of bread crumbs, with enough time, whoever is tracking us will find us, maybe even sooner than we expected." Mack explained as he pointed out holes within Dinah's plan.

"All you need are cargo ship's not registered to anyone, you have to steal from the smugglers themselves, sure they might be able to track it down, but they're a bunch of people that won't be missed and can easily be taken care of." A new voice said from behind us.

"Jack!" Zack shouted as he threw every form of decorum aside and jumped on his brother's pale medical town covered form. He was still wet from being in that preservation pod, and he looked a lot trailer and weaker than anyone of us remembered, however that was Jack standing in front of us, and right behind him was the moon elf priestess.

Everyone, with the exception of me and Zareth, and a very happy Sky who proceeded to bowl everyone over with her massive form, hugged Jack. So far everything we've done was just to save his life, and her he was, standing in front of us alive and very much awake. I was tempted to join that pile of bodies, one that even Qitar was quite happy about being a part of, but as the captain I had to maintain a modicum of dignity.

I looked at the Moon elf priestess who looked so out of place and alone and walked towards her. Seeing my approach she looked very nervous and began to pull at the hem of her shirt, her eyes darting every which way as if to look for an escape route. When I got close there fear in her eyes seemed even more prevalent, after all I dwarfed her tiny and diminutive from. She was just about 5 feet tall, and I was a little ways above six, it was like looking up at a giant.

"Are you okay?" I asked her with a soft voice, her eyes widened, as if she never expected that I would speak to her, before she answered back.

"I'm fine." Her voice sounded quite small, but there was a steel to it that I didn't expect.

"In here everyone knows me as Aá Seven of the Acheron, however out there, in the world you an I belong to, they know me as Aaron Wade, chairman to imperium industries. If you're stuck here as you say, I promise I'm going to get you out. You have my word." As soon as I finished saying that, tears came to her eyes as she lunged forward and caught me in a hug that I honestly didn't expect. I looked at the others, especially Raven Song who had eyes the size of saucers looking at me. I trusted him, this might be a game, but I believe the bonds I've made in here are not any less real than the real world, he's family.

I turned to Jack and smiled at him and said. "Nice to have you back old boy, no one makes a second in manner as good as you, Qitar, Zareth and Mack tried their best, but they're not you. How do you feel?" I asked him as I held the moon elf who was sniffing and covering my ċhėst with slobber and snot.

"It's good to be back Captain, and just so you know I've been somewhat conscious the entire time, so I more or less know what's been happening. I'm feeling a life weak, but nothing a few days of intense exercise can't fix, and I'll be ready to fight by your side once more."

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" The moon elf screamed out, shocking everyone, including herself. She shrunk a bit right back into my ċhėst, but she seemed to look up at me, before summoning courage to speak.

"Your muscles might not be atrophied, you've still been in a coma for weeks. I need to run some tests and make sure that all of your motor functions are okay, if you can't move properly, forget about even fighting you would not be able to live right. I've had to realign most of your nervous system as the your nerves were a jumbled mess and your spine was healed that way.

I need to make sure that when you tell your leg to move, your hand doesn't throw a punch. You're walking now because you're still subsisting on the high caused by the light, holy and moon magic I used during your surgery. You would much more weak in about an hour or so, In which case I expect you to hurry up with your meeting and get some much needed bed rest, please excuse me." And then she ran out, heading for the elevator with a massive red blush on her face.

Everyone of us looked at the other with a very shocked look on our face, she performed a surgery on him! How long did she take to do so? And not just any normal surgery, she was busy untangling his nervous system and she did it in what? Like an hour? How in the absolute fuċk is that possible.

"Either way, I think she's right, let's be done with this meeting and let Jack get some rest. So Jack what were you saying about smugglers?" I spoke up trying to get the conversation going.

"There are smugglers all over the vastness of space as a whole, finding them and stealing their ships from them won't raise any sort of alarms with any authorities. Their ships can't be tracked, because more often than not, their ships are built from scratch without any sort of manufacturer chip to track or register it into any sort of database. This keeps them off any sort of radar and let's them carry out their criminal activities without hassle. If you want to get off the planet or move something without anyone of them finding out, you find them.

However most of them don't have a single good or honest bone in their body, things like slave trade and inter-planetary poaching is a thing for them, and they're very much wanted. They're the perfect targets, we should be able to get a ship with the only danger being possible future retaliation, that's if we decided not to kill anyone. But getting either one of those ship's would take care of us getting off this planet and heading to Zareth's without the need to change ships or the danger of being followed."

"All right, that seems like a good idea. Where do we go to find these smugglers and their ships?" I asked Jack, only it was Qitar who answered me.

"That's easy, we're going to New York."

"Wait what?"

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