The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 162 - Wades & Schemes (I): Right Of Exile

Leaving behind the bullshit of the game for the bullshit of real life...lovely. Either way my vacation should have come to an end by now, either way things don't actually seem to be getting easier, both real life and the game just seemed to keep on getting complicated with each second or each situation I seems to experience. I've already sent an email to Malia and the team of scientists working with her giving an explanation of the elf priestess current predicament. They're not just supposed to figure out how to get her out of the game, but who she was in real life and track her down.

Apart from wanting to void any sort of had publicity, I would very much like to make sure she was fine, I have no idea how long she's been stuck in the game, but it would be better if she still has a body to return to once we figure out a way to extricate her from the game. It was weird, but I believed her when she comes me she was a player, except for a lot out buŧŧon, she has everything a player would need In the game. An ability to level up, an inventory, user interface where she could allocate stat and skill points, etc.

I made my way up to my office, humming a silent tune to myself as the Elevator moved upwards. I think I noticed Nezha hanging around the bottom floor, but I couldn't be sure, for a guy with dyed bright red hair, he sure is difficult to keep track of. The elevator doors swung open with a ring, leading me onto the floor where the conference room was. Immediately it opened up I saw Kira standing in front of me.

"Thank God you're here, I was about to go get you. There's a couple of people waiting for you in the conference room, they've been here for two hours, and it seems serious." She said to me as she held her work tablet close to her ċhėst, to be honest she reminds me a bit of Dinah, excluding the scheming part that is, oh well keep your friends closer and your enemies and potential enemies closer.

I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered good morning into her ear as I made my way towards the conference room. I was actually heading there already, I had a meeting with a few construction companies today, and a small meeting with the world leaders a little later, especially now that design of most of the weapons needed has already been made, and we're about to go into production. I opened the door to the conference room and stopped in my tracks.

There was a lot of people here, apart from my so called brothers, and my so called father, my mother's murderer was here, an uncle that's the younger brother to my grandfather, a bunch of lawyers and shockingly enough Penny. I felt weird about what it was that was going on here, but Kids was right that they've been waiting a while, as the moment I came in, they all got up to their feet, except for Penny and the uncle.

Penny honestly looked like she'd rather be elsewhere than here, I reckon she's still angry at me, and the uncle was all smile. However given how pale Henry and his family looked, I reckon they know that I knew every dirty little secret between them and how they fuċkėd mine and my mother's life. So immediately I took my seat I looked to them and said.

"Do you know that I went to your house looking for all of you? I was going to cost the parents in front of their children, stripping their skin off one layer at a time, and once you're all bloody and raw I was going to feed your striped raw flesh to you boys. Then I was going slowly carve into your muscles like a butcher, taking you apart piece by piece until there's nothing left of your pathetic, greedy, conniving, lying, stealing, murdering, existence. But you towards can before I could get to you, and here you are sitting in front of me, in a silver platter, ready to be carved up. You must either be very confident or very stupid." I said as I leaned back and even placed my legs on the large conference table, meaning back on my chair as I gazed at them calmly.

"Hahahaha, you definitely have that Wade spunk in you boy! But what's wrong with you! Can't you say hello to your old uncle, we haven't seen each other since you were a child!" the old man who now that I think about it, really looked like my baba.

"Sorry Uncle Jeremey, I just got overwhelmed by the serious amount of trash that I suddenly found cluttering my conference room. How's the family doing, and Aunt Cynthia? She had the best cookies the west coast had to offer. Then you guys moved, I'm still angry about that you know." I said to my uncle with a smile, and he returned one even larger, he seems happy, which was weird considering I was a moment away from a massacre.

"Ai! We're all family here little Aaron, calm your temper ehhh, we'll talk this out. As for your Aunt she's fine and she's in town too, I was hoping we could host a family dinner this weekend, the rest of the extended family would love to see the little prince, plus isn't also about time you think of getting yourself a Queen, your old uncle has s few suggestions." He said to me whilst wiggling his eyebrows, I. Couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. I was in a good mood, as for Henry and his bitch, they're already dead in my sight, it was just a matter of time before it becomes 'Official'.

"All in good time uncle Jeremy, but I'm sure you didn't come all this way for small talk, and seeing as you have my lawyer here, and a bunch of strangers in suits, two of which I recognize as the personal lawyers of a particular pair of soon to be very dead snakes, I would say something major was up. So, talk to me, what was do serious that it warranted you to come this far and wait for me for as long as you have?" I asked him with a calm look on my face.

He took a deep breath, about to speak when my eyes met Penny's. There was an awkward moment and we both had to shift our gaze the other way, honestly I don't understand what the fuċk was going on with me and her, this whole shit was getting to hard to deal with it. I shifted my gaze to my uncle as he got up with a serious look on his face.

"We're here to invoke The Right Of Exile."


Traces of green, red and blue lightning seemed to spread allover my body as my eyes took on a red bus and the very air became electrified. The hair of everyone in the room began to float up, and it would have made for a comical scene if not for the fact that I had murder in my eyes and everyone else was on their feet looking very scared as tiny barriers pooped into and out of existence behind me. I looked up at my uncle and said to him with steel in my voice.


Even though there was a look of fear and apprehension on his face, he still tried to call himself down to speak. Obviously my reputation preceded me, I wasn't someone that could be approached easily, especially when I was angry, which if I'm not wrong was probably what I was well known for.

"With all due respect family head, the Right Of Exile is an ancient Practice put in place by the very first head of the Wade family. A man who's direct descendant you and your brother actually are. The rule can not be vetoed or overruled, it just needs to be approved by the head, please I can not begin to imagine the amount of pain this child has out you through, especially his wife. The family has every intention of making atonement for his sake, so we're asking you to please temper justice with mercy, and be better than they were and not spill the blood of family." My uncle said to me.

I was angry, I knew exactly what the Right of Exile was, it was a get out of jail free card for any member of the Wade family who has committed s grave crime the family couldn't forgive, the last time it was used, was by my grandfather. His exit from the company was mainly due to sabotage from his own son's hands, but also due to exposure of something wrong he did, an it was something so wrong a tribunal of elders was called. He was the head of the family and his words were law, however some lines could never be crossed, and apparently he crossed one, and had to give up his official and public positions to protect the family's reputation.

But even with all that he still remained the head of the family, that was a position he was going to carry until death, and he did. Before it feel to me. Anyway the gist was that Henry and his bitch would give up everything they have, or rather everything they have gained from the Wade family, and then leave. They could either leave the country to somewhere else and start over as ordinary people, or even worse leave the planet, getting was from my reach. And this last was an absolute, it was one of those that couldn't be broken.

"Exiles come to an end right? Uncle Jeremy?" I said to him as I rubbed my fingers together, green Sparks coming off of it.

"Indeed they do, the offenders would return of the head of the family seems their penance served." Uncle Henry explained, as I nodded my head in agreement.

"You said the family wants to compensate me for this, funny. What could possibly amount to the life of my dear mother, to missed opportunity not just me, but also my son has to face, without a chance to meet his grandmother. What could there lives possibly worth, especially since they both tried to kill me." I asked my Uncle as I got up from my seat as I filled my hands together to create a barrier in the form of a runic cube and then proceeded to play with it in front of them.

"Nothing can ever amount to what you and the little prince have lost Little Aaron, but this is just to calm your anger. First things first, they'll hand over all of their shares, and every other businesses they own, including that owned personally or bequeathed by your father. Everything will belong to you, and then some. Plus after the exile they would be far away from you and incapable of causing you problems, and fully out of the protection of the Wade family."

I raised an eyebrow, and I noticed Penny also did the same thing, looks like I'm not the only one who just noticed the loop hole within this Right Of Exile shit, because obviously such a step would only ever favor the head of the family, just like my father, however if it was someone else who has committed a grave sin within the family, the right of Exile was just a way for them to buy time so that they could run or disappear. But the thing is, as soon as they go into exile they're out of the family's umbrella, they wouldn't be considered family anymore, which means it's open season on their ȧss.

My uncle didn't bring them here to plead leniency in their behalf, he came here to hand them over to me on a platter of gold. Henry had no value to the Wade family again, not after what I've achieved in the short time I've been here and the massive deals I'm about to close, the Wade family would be more powerful than any single nation in the world or even off it. Henry and his wife was a peace offering, a proof of allegiance and servitude. Damn! Politics at this level scared this shit out of me, they did not hesitate to throw members of their own family to the wolves, as long as it furthers their goals. And the fools had no idea that they were being led here like lambs to a slaughter, and should anything happen the Wade family can claim Innocence. We already granted them the Right Of Exile, took everything the owner and kicked them out, it's not our fault if the world ate them up and nothing more was heard from them again.

Henry was smarter than this, so I'm sure he would have a plan B should be get an inkling that the Wade family would betray him, however I'm not so sure. While this might seem like it was favoring me, this could all still be within the ploy of the Wade family, I shook my head and smiled, then I turned to Kira and then to Penny then I inclined my head telling them to come with me.

"Uncle please give me a moment to confer with my errr....emmm...…council."

"By all means little Aaron, this is a big decision after all."

I gave him a smile as I made my way out of the room, Penny and Kira following behind me until we got to my office. Considering how awkward tings were with Penny and me and a little bit weird with Kira and me, I didn't expect for this to be a smooth conversation, but it seems the women were slot more focused than I was.

"It's a fuċkɨnġ trap!" Penny said as she sat on my desk and louder herself a glass of bourbon.

"She's right you know, they'll still protecting him, he's hanging an obvious bait in front of you, I'll say it's a test, but I can't be sure what's going on through that old fogeys head. Yes gaining all the shares they have would make you the absolute word of authority within the company, and the possibility of getting rid of both of them later after you've gained their wealth is also very tempting. But neither Henry or his evil bitch of a wife is stupid, they have a plan. They're working an angle, what it is I'm not really sure. But I think the only way to truly beat them is to do something unexpected, however do take everything they have, it makes you and Ron much more secure." Kira said as she went over and took another glass from Penny who was happily offering it out to her.

I can't help but feel like these two are little bit closer than normal, like too close. I ignored it, I had too many things to worry about than to focus on the nature of Kira's and Penny's relationship. However she asked me to do something unexpected...…. I've got an idea.

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